Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1527: Let everyone wait a long time, mainly because the bride is too warm

Chapter 1527 Keeping You Waiting, Mainly The Bride Is Too Warm

Little Apple, Yan Yan, and Yan Jin, when they were really excited, covered their eyes directly with adults.

"I want to see what I want to see," Little Apple protested, twisting her ass.

"Look at you," Nian Junting slaps his **** directly on his butt, turning his head to express his regrets to his wife, "I found that when we got married, the time was really short."

Lausanne looked embarrassingly at the two people on the stage. Yan Su was struggling. Moluci was unwilling to give up, but she secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, her marriage was relatively short.

Yan Jin complained, "Mom, how long will they be, my eyes are covered by your pain."

"How do I know," Jiang Peiying was ashamed, his son-in-law was a bit out of control.

Mo Jin took a look at the time. It was originally Molouxi's frustration that delayed Joshi, and she could not eat at all. She could not bear to throw an apple at her son again. "Hurry up and finish the ceremony for me. Don't forget that Yan Su is still a patient. "

Molucy was trembling on the back and he let go of Yan Su.

The following are all laughter, Yan Su felt that he really didn't want to see anyone, and drew his head into his chest.

Moluci's hooked lips were satisfactory, and he turned back to the guests and said, "I'm sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time, mainly because the bride is too warm."

Yan Su, who had pierced his arms, couldn't believe what he was talking about, who was enthusiastic, and it was him.

The guests below looked at Molouxi on the stage and suddenly laughed.

Yan Jin laughed loudly, covering her stomach.

Little Apple smiled and drilled into Lausanne's arms.

Tingjun shook his head, this guy is so cruel and looks funny.

"What are you laughing at?" Moriusi was inexplicable until Yan Su raised his head in doubt and saw his look, his brain was hot, and he quickly took a paper towel to help him clean his lips.

Moluci then knew what was going on, and was a little embarrassed, and said to the emcee, "I can't hurry up to the next process, slow."

The emcee is about to collapse, and he also wants to be okay, you have been dragging.

Then he quickly invited the parents of both parties to come to power. After the ceremony ended, it was basically a little bit.

Morusi hugged Yan Su to change clothes in the room.

At the wine table, everyone scrambled to say goodbye to Mo Jin and Jiang Peiying.

Xiao rushed slowly to his bridesmaid Ji Nuanyi, "Wan Nuan, when will you marry me, even the hairy kid like Moluci will be married, and if he doesn't marry me, I will really become Old man. "

Ji Nuanyi glanced at him gently, "You always think that I am ambiguous with other men, how can I marry you."

"I don't always have it," Xiao said quickly, "Last time you Cheng Sheng, we had a conflict for months, didn't it make our relationship better, and we almost I broke up, and then I knew that I cared more about you than I thought. I love you, please marry me, please. "

He kept banging her with arms and shoulders, just like a puppy, "Warm and warm, you see I don't go out and play very much now, and I'm so good at my work."

Fifth more. Continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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