Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1528: Brother Si was so fierce that the proposal didn't even cost him money

Chapter 1528 Brother Brother is too fierce, proposal to save even spend money

Ji Nuanyi was eating dessert, and the delicious snacks that he gnawed were a little nauseous in his mouth.

Li Li, who was on the side, couldn't help reminding, "General Xiao, you have to squeeze the warmth onto the grass again."

Xiao Qiang looked at it, only to find that because he was too hard, he pushed his warm buttocks out of the chair.

He hurriedly pulled her over to straighten out, this time tapping, "If you are still not satisfied with me, can I change it, except to change like I can't do it, you can do everything else."

Ji Nuanyi couldn't help but be embarrassed, but his love words became more and more smooth, but he said, "You are not so good. At other people's weddings, you have nothing, and you told me about marriage."

"Why aren't I?" Xiao stood up abruptly, suddenly walked to the decorative table next to him, and pulled out several bouquets of flowers directly from several vases, including pink, champagne, and blue.

Ji Nuanyi saw that her scalp was a little numb, and she wanted to sneak away, because it was too shameful to steal the flower proposal at the wedding ceremony.

But before taking a few steps, Xiao was dragged directly into his skirt. He knelt down holding the bouquet directly, and holding a large diamond ring in his other hand, he said aloud, "Ji Yuanyi, please marry me." Two years ago, we formally established a relationship at another's wedding. Two years later, I wanted to end a long-distance race with you at another's wedding and enter the palace of marriage. "

His voice was so loud that he overwhelmed the sound of music, and it caught everyone's attention.

Fortunately, there is no media mixed in the infield, otherwise it will definitely be uproar. After all, Ji Nuanyi is now a front-line actress, so he was proposed, and it will definitely cause a sensation.

Sitting next to a table, Lausanne was stunned. "The brother is too fierce, and the marriage proposal saves even money."

The average annual stroke amount, "I'm ashamed. If Ji Nuanyi would absolutely take the flower and throw it directly on his face, would it be dead to buy a bunch of flowers myself?"

Lausanne smiled. "You're not warm. How do you know what the parties are thinking? I still look a little touching. Do you want to get married if you want a passion?"

She first stood up and raised her hand. "Brother, come on."

She took the lead, seeing the liveliness also boiled up. This wedding is already enough for today, who knows there is a more alternative proposal.

"Promise him, promise him," the melon-eating crowd roared.

Ji Nuyi was flushed with embarrassment. She really wanted to kick Xiao Xiao in front of her. Who does n’t have a longing for romantic marriage proposal, especially for public artists like her, they usually have to plan carefully. Okay, for example, several layers of cakes, ingenious ways to send rings, and then invite a few photographers to the scene, he'd better, just pick other people's flowers at the wedding of other people to propose, how are you?

Anyway, she is also a big star.

Xiao's tense hair was hot. "Warm and warm, I was going to propose to you these days, and I'm trying to propose a ceremony. But today when I saw someone getting married, I couldn't control myself with envy, you see. Although this flower was used by someone else's wedding, it was also air transported by Molucy from the Netherlands. It is definitely more expensive and fresh and beautiful than this city. I think I can save a little money, and I will save all this money. Here you are. "

Ji Nuanyi couldn't help crying and laughing, but also knew that he was serious, "Xiao, do you really think about it, I'm not as good as you think ..."

First more

(End of this chapter)

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