Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1605: Can you still bring your marriage certificate with you?

Chapter 1605: Can You Take The Marriage Certificate With You

Nian Xi nodded in agreement, and when he was about to kiss, she stopped him suddenly, "Wait."

In Jiang Mining's confused eyes, she opened all the windows on both sides.

"Xi Xi, what are you doing?"

At the gate of the police station, people were coming and going. Jiang Yanning was not embarrassed. "People outside will see it."

"When you see it, we don't care about other people's eyes," Nian Xi hooked his neck with his hands. "I'm afraid I will be too hot when I kiss him later, so I will lack oxygen, so I open the window to ventilate."

Jiang Yaning suddenly realized, "Xi Xi, I will control myself, you need not worry."

"I know," Nian Xi nodded, "I'm afraid I can't control myself."

Jiang Yongning: "..."

His heart was inexplicably hot, and before he started, his body was trembling slightly, like two planets colliding against each other, and the "bang" Mars was splashing.

But it didn't take long for Nian Xi to push him away. "Oh, my husband, I'm going to work. You can go to the supermarket and buy more fruits later, I love to eat."

When she had finished speaking, she pushed the door and left.

Jiang Yanning looked at her obsessively, her tide is still as charming as before, she really likes it.


Today's police station, Nian Xi walked in as usual, but it was a little different.

But this time the people behind her seemed more excited and gossip.

"Did I just startled and saw the captain kissing a man in the car?"

"You are dazzled and I see it."

"The man looks handsome and young from the side."

"Yeah, don't mention how strong the nose is, that person will not be Professor Jiang Yanning Jiang."

"I don't know, but it should be."


Nian Xi went upstairs in a good mood and just entered the area of ​​his detachment. Cheng Jing was joking: "Wow, just now someone in our group saw your car parked downstairs for a long time. You and Professor KISS It's lingering enough, and the windows are wide open. Officer Nian, you are really arrogant. "

Nian Xi raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Why am I so arrogant, can I not even KISS."

"No, but you still have the window open. It was intentional," Fang Qi showed a look of "we understand you".

"I did it on purpose," Nian Xi said angrily. "Who makes those people like gossip that I'm not married yet, I tell you, I'm a married person."

After she had said it, she took out her marriage certificate and threw it on the table. "Look at it, it's real, I'm married."

"No," colleagues quickly rushed over to stare at her wedding.

Some colleagues haven't seen Jiang Yanning, and they are so handsome when they see the photo. "Captain, I finally understand why you haven't changed your heart for so many years. Whoever has such a handsome man can still look at it, just look at this value, it's almost It ’s like holding in your arms and caring hard. "

Said this is Cheng Zhenzhen, a girl under Nian Xi's hand. Although she is in her thirties, she is still a pretty dog. Her idol is the only fresh meat in the entertainment industry today.

Nian Xi throws her a "you know me" look.

Cheng Jing poked at the marriage book silently, "But can you still bring your marriage certificate with you? Did you show it off intentionally?"

Colleagues gave her a "hello brave" look, everyone understands the truth, but sister Cheng Jing, you dare to speak out in front of your boss also admire you.

Third more.

(End of this chapter)

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