Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1606: Professor Jiang will be lonely and cold at home alone

Chapter 1606 Professor Jiang Will Be Alone At Home Alone

"I must dazzle," Nian Xi didn't know how to write the word "ashamed", "How have I endured the burden of being an older unmarried woman in the past three years? I am finally married now, or with a big guy and a scientist Married, I do n’t want to show off yet. ”

"Captain, you made so much sense," Fang Qi took the lead and said, "We will help you spread the news to every corner of the bureau, especially to talk to the tour captain and Captain Lu."

"You don't have to do it too deliberately," Nian Xi put away her marriage certificate. "Well, our private mode is now over. Let's start working mode now."

The atmosphere of the office changed suddenly. Who knew that Nian Xi was a workaholic when she worked, and it was not soft to train people.

Due to the recent lack of work, Nian Xi gave a hard training to those who should be trained, then instructed people to do things, and then went to see the victims' families themselves.

Busy until noon, I received a call from Jiang Yongning, "Xi Xi, are you busy?"

"Fortunately, I'm eating. Have you eaten?"

"No, I just bought you fruit in the supermarket and plan to go back, but I suddenly lost my way," Jiang Yongning said melancholy.


Well, she forgot he was a idiot.

"Where are you going to buy fruit? Isn't there a supermarket in front of it?"

"I think that supermarket is too small, and I want to go to a big supermarket to buy more," Jiang Mining said.

"Don't you know navigation, then you can go back," Nian Xi reminded, remembering that he also used navigation before.

"Well, then ... let me navigate," Jiang Yanning sighed, still thinking about asking her out for lunch at noon. Actually, getting lost or something was just a small excuse. Xixi was really not fun, but she might be really busy.

"Uh-huh, you can't navigate to your home, you should find Uncle Han."


After having dinner, Nian Xi worked overtime with his subordinates.

Fang Qi couldn't bear it, "Xi Xi, you just pulled the evidence yesterday, or you should go back early today, and leave this case to us."

"Yeah, yeah," Cheng Zhenzhen said, "Professor Jiang will be lonely and cold at home. You see that he lost his way at noon. In fact, he wants you to go to him and have lunch with him. of."

Nian Xi was embarrassed. He didn't think about it at first. So, it is indeed possible.

Okay, now she will be careful, but she does n’t want to accompany him. There is really no way. When the police are like this, do not rush to break the case, the family will be anxious, the criminal evidence will slowly disappear, and the prisoner will be more likely to escape It is also not conducive to the safety of citizens.


At half past seven.

In the villa, Jiang Yaning and Han Shu were sitting opposite each other. In front of them were two dishes and one soup. The room was quiet and quiet, only the sound of Xiao Jiang Jiang Yan's bones.

Jiang Yining suddenly sighed resentfully, "On the second day of the wedding, it was boring to be alone."

Uncle Han added two more lines on his forehead. "Sir, am I not a person."

Really just ignore him like this.

"You are human, but you are not my wife," Jiang Yanning told the truth, "you are an old man."

Uncle Han: "..."

It ’s enough to talk about the front, do n’t add the words in the back, “Sir, will I be 50 years old, and you will have an old day.”

"I will grow old with Xixi."

Uncle Han sighed, meaning he was getting old alone.

Fourth more. . Continue tomorrow. . . I wish you all a happy holiday tomorrow. .

(End of this chapter)

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