Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1610: Police officer likes this kind of fragile man

Chapter 1610 The Police Officer Likes Such A Weak-looking Man

Nian Xi then looked at Jiang Yongning, and saw him looking at An Lan silently, anxiously looking unwelcome and waiting.

"Xi Xi, I haven't met her," Jiang Yanning said to himself, "Are you familiar with her?"

If he knew him, he would remember her, and he would greet and nod.

"My brother friend, she is a lawyer, and occasionally has a little contact," Nian Xi looked down at the time, "I have to go to the technical department, can you go upstairs to my office and wait for me, Chen Lian, you take him Go up and come to me right away. "

Jiang Yanning just saw them go out and guessed something was happening. He didn't say much and nodded.

"You can eat supper when I come back," Nian Xi greeted with a smile before leaving.

After Nian Xi left, Jiang Yongning followed Chen Lian's office last year.

Chen Lian opened the door with a key and explained, "There is some confidential information in the captain's office, so you have to lock the door at any time, and you stay there for a while. If someone comes in, don't let anyone flip it around, but nobody should dare do."

Jiang Yanning nodded.

After Chen Lian left, Jiang Yining sat alone at Nian Xi's desk. Every time he came to the police station before, he waited like this, except that Nian Xi's desk was really small at that time, and the environment was not as good as this. The change is still chaotic as always.

But he didn't clean it up. Nian Xi didn't like others to help her clean up the table, because some of the materials were arranged by her, don't look messy, but she remembered the location clearly, and it was hard to find the mess.

After sitting for a long time, a woman in her forties came to knock on the door, but the other party had not seen Jiang Yongning, hesitantly asked, "Is this what you ...?"

"I'm her husband," Jiang Yongning said quickly.

"Oh," he said for a moment, passing the weird face, "What about the captain?"

"She went to the technical room."

"It may take a while to come back. I have to get off work. Please give her this photo. I got it from the forensic department," the woman handed him the photo.

Jiang Yanning gave a casual look, and after looking at it, his face turned pale instantly, then he bent down and looked for the trash can and spit it out.

The middle-aged woman's mouth twitched, "I also want to remind you not to look if you are timid."

"I'm not guilty," Jiang Yanning whispered. A pair of eyes suddenly became watery. I really felt pity. "It's just a photo ... a little disgusting."

The middle-aged woman muttered quietly, and the powerful young police officer liked such a weak-looking man.

"Can it be disgusting, rotten for so long ..." The middle-aged woman shrugged and turned away.

Jiang Yanning quickly crammed the photo into the drawer, and never dared to look at it again.

After another ten minutes, someone came in again, "I said, Nian Xi, do you want to work so hard, you won't get off work so late, it's useless in the case of your fire a few years ago ..."

This time he came in as the captain of the tour. He was very upset when he saw Nian Xi recently, especially after being praised by the director. He was even more upset when he caught the opportunity and wanted to run on her. Sven Man, "You ..."

"Nianxi husband," Jiang Yongning quickly straightened his back, as if carrying a huge glory behind his back.

The captain of the tour was stunned, and he was still in a trance a few days ago, and Nian Xi wasn't married. How come her husband came out a few days ago, "You are Professor Jiang, you have heard of him for a long time."

Fourth more.

(End of this chapter)

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