Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1611: Do you want to bully my husband while I'm not here?

Chapter 1611 Do You Want To Bully My Husband While I Am Not Bullying

The captain of the tour quickly shook hands with him. "I am a colleague from Nian Xi, the captain of another detachment."

"Hello," Jiang Yanning shook hands with him, his eyes were vigilant, "Is there anything you can do to see my wife so late?"

He especially added the word "my wife". No one can understand his mood. He managed to get married with Nian Xi. He was bored at home for the past two days. Now it's hard to come to Nian Xi's workplace. Of course, let others know. His current relationship with Nian Xi can prevent some mad bees and butterflies from approaching Nian Xi.

Although the leader of this tour team looks very old-fashioned, the old man Ye had to guard against it, and the last time he read a report, it is said that the old man is more likely to derail than the young man.

"I ... nothing, just to see the lights of Nian police officer's office light up. Come in and see, it's nine o'clock. Nian police officer is still at work, but it's really good," said the captain of the tour team with a smile on his face. "Jiang Don't you mind, sir? "

Jiang Yanning frowned. He felt that this man was talking strangely. He didn't like it, but this man came in when he saw the office lamp of Nian Xi. What does it mean, is it interesting for Nian Xi?

By the way, he also asked if he would mind, wouldn't he want to stir up his relationship with Nian Xi?

Jiang Yongning sat upright all of a sudden, and came to the spirit. Fortunately, he went undercover for three years. Not as silly as he used to be, he will analyze things now. The current rival is really invincible. "I don't mind, I think She looks very **** her work. "

"The police officer Nian worked overtime every day," the captain of the tour sighed. "And Nian Xi's temper is notoriously irritable. Generally, no man can afford it. When we heard that Professor Jiang married the police officer Nian, we really admire it. , I sincerely wish you all. "

"Thank you, because I'm not an ordinary man," Jiang Yaning became more and more unhappy. He was sure that this person was provoking alienation. "I'm the only one who knows well about Nian Xi's temper. As a colleague of Nian Xi, she seems to say so Great, let's be honest, are you interesting to our family, Xi Xi, you are jealous that I can have a beautiful and capable wife like Xi Xi, your behavior is harassing married women. "

The captain of the tour was dumbfounded and didn't know how it became like this, "No, I've been married for a long time ..."

"That's more serious, you are married but still thinking about someone else's wife," Jiang Yanning said more and more angry. "I warn you, put away those thoughts to my wife in the future, otherwise, no matter who it is, I will not be polite. "

The captain of the tour was stunned, and he didn't understand how this person felt that he liked Nianxi's yusasha.

What this person is thinking.

"You misunderstood, I really didn't ..."

Jiang Yanning said coldly, "I understand, of course you dare not admit it. Believe it or not, I'll talk to your wife."

Captain Yu: "..."

He was wrong, he shouldn't come in, he shouldn't be cheap.

This Professor Jiang is totally paranoid, and is even more terrifying than Nian Xi.

Oh my god, his wife is also a mother-in-law. If Jiang Yanning did go, he might not even go home.

"What's wrong?" At this time, Nian Xi was busy and came back with Fang Qi and others to see the dull atmosphere in the office. "Captain Yu, what are you doing here for me?"

She stared vigilantly at Captain Yu, "Do you want to bully my husband while I'm not here?"

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(End of this chapter)

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