Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1614: Who is Sister Xi? Can you be three years older than me?

Chapter 1614 Who is Sister Xi? Who, are you three years older than me?

"Why can't I eat?" Nian Xi carefully observed the photos while eating chicken wings.

Jiang Yongning: "..."

Do you still need to ask why? It's disgusting and terrifying, OK?

Fang Qi patted her shoulder. "Be accustomed to it, just look at some things twice."

Jiang Yanning frowned deeply. "Then why do you avoid it?"

"Not everyone is as powerful as Sister Xi," Fang Qixi smiled. "So I am now her follower. Don't believe it. When you first started this kind of criminal case, you also vomited once. Later, It's numb if you vomit too much, especially when sister Xi often goes to the forensic room. When it's really not safe, she will go in person, because sometimes the forensic doctor is not as keen as our police. "

Jiang Yanning listened to his heart, his wife was really strong, but the stronger he was, the more distressed he was.

"Who is called Sister Xi, would you be three years older than me?" Nian Xi looked up at him and rolled her eyes. "Chen Lian, take a photo to see and tell me what's wrong tomorrow morning."

Chen Lian, who was biting pork belly, burst into tears. "Captain ..."

"Don't rely on me for anything, you just don't have enough confidence, so I'm not there, and the case hasn't progressed," Nian Xi said ruefully. "I will take time off to travel in a few days, but this case has to be left to you."

"Travel?" Chen Lianzhuo lived, but after seeing Jiang Yanning's happy look, he immediately understood, "Are you going out for a honeymoon trip? Very good. Captain, you have been straining tightly. It is time to relax and rest assured. Well, this case will definitely be broken when you come back. "

"Hope," Nian Xidandan said, "You don't need to promise me that the person who died is not who I am, but to be worthy of the salary you get, worthy of the uniform on your body, worthy of having us. Family members of the dead of faith. "

Chen Lian was suddenly calm, Fang Qi also admired for a while, maybe this is why Nian Xi was rising faster than himself, and Jiang Yanning on the side was surging.

"Okay, it's too late today, let's go back," Nian Xi took the bag and stood up.

"Wife, let me help you," Jiang Yanning quickly helped her to pack.

Nian Xi locked the office door and walked downstairs, Jiang Yining said sincerely, "Xi Xi, I found that you are really great. I want to learn from you, and I have to be worthy of my profession."

"Our profession is different," Nian Xishun held his hand, and at night, his hand was slightly colder. "You are a scientist, you are an exploration and understanding of the unknown, and we are maintaining order. Only we maintain order. Only then can you take us further with science. "

Jiang Yaning listened to the scorn, carefully pondered Nian Xi's words, and suddenly felt extremely reasonable.

"Xi Xi, I will work hard," Jiang Yanning said seriously, "I will develop many scientific research projects that are beneficial to humanity."

Nian Xi smiled and nodded, "I am proud of you."

Suddenly, Jiang Yanning became shy. He rubbed his ears with his right hand. He originally held Nian Xi's hand and held her waist instead.

Just when someone came over, the other side kept staring at them. Jiang Yanning said immediately, "I'm her husband."

The other party was inexplicable, and quickly took a few steps towards the two. Nian Xi wondered, "Do you know him?"

"I do not recognize."

"Then why do you talk to others."

"He kept looking at us, I thought it was your colleague," Jiang Mining looked blank.

Fourth more. Tomorrow continues. . It ’s true that Xixifan is going to write a little sweeter. I decided to finish writing Xi'an's Fanwai after writing Xixi. I can continue to watch what I want to see. Of course, Anlan's Fanwai will continue to jump as a friend.

(End of this chapter)

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