Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1615: I heard doubts and distrust from me in your words

Chapter 1615: Hearing Questions And Distrust From Me

Nian Xi was silent, "He is not my colleague, I don't even know."

Jiang Yongning: "..."

Nian Xi couldn't help sighing, "It's not practical to tell people everywhere that you are my husband, and I have no intention of hiding it, everyone should know that I am married."

Being pierced by such a straight go and thinking carefully, Jiang Yanning flushed and looked at her blankly.

Nian Xi took out her marriage certificate from the bag. "I brought the police station to show you today."

Jiang Yanning froze for a while, suddenly understood, smiled sweetly.

His Xixi is awesome, and he also knows to carry a marriage certificate with him, "Xixi, I'd better leave it at home tomorrow, don't drop it."


Unconsciously, the two walked out of the police station, and Nian Xi asked, "Where does the car stop?"

"I walked over, let's walk back," Jiang Yanning said with a smile, "It's not too far home."

Nian Xi exhaled, and shook her arms lazily, frankly, after working for a day, now she wants to go home to take a hot bath and play with her mobile phone to sleep.

However, looking at Jiang Yanning's expectation, he still bowed his head.

The two walked side by side in the streets of early summer. The nightlife began. There was a flash of lights on the street. Nian Xi suddenly felt that the whole person was very quiet. I do n’t remember how long I did n’t relax so quietly and my beloved walk. It's also wonderful.

"By the way, Xixi, you just said you were going on vacation and travelling with me. Have you thought about where to go," Jiang Yongning asked expectantly.

"How to go to Tibet?" Nian Xi looked back at him, "Can you afford it?"

"Of course I can't eat it," Jiang Yanning was very pleased to hear. "Don't believe it. I used to go to Gang Rinpo with my mother to watch the stars."

"Really," Nian Xi was surprised, she remembered the high altitude over there, "is that good, how long ago?"

"It's been seven or eight years."


Nian Xi looked up and down suspiciously, "So long, are you sure you can still carry it, after all, you are now a Bensi man."

Jiang Yanning was upset immediately when he heard, "Xi Xi, what do you mean, how did I hear from you what is questioning and distrusting me, yes, although I am Bensi, but I am still far from forty Far away, if you are really not at ease, I will exercise more recently. "

"Okay, then you can exercise more," Nian Xi didn't believe him, but he never really saw him exercise. "Go to the gym and give me an hour of fitness for a while before I go."

"I don't want to go to the gym," Jiang Yongning frowned. "There are a lot of people there, and the air is not good. I just want to run in the park."

"You must run, and you must go to the gym to be professionally instructed by a coach." Nian Xi suddenly approached him mysteriously. "It is difficult to get to the honeymoon. Do n’t hinder me, and we are not just going for a swim. You have to play in the mountains and water at night ... what the hell, when you say that your old man is panting in a high-altitude bed, I am not happy. "

Jiang Yanning's heart was so hot that he had never thought of such a thing, but when he was mentioned by Nian Xi, his body was as hot as being thrown into boiling water.

"Yeah, you're right, Xixi, I'll sign up for fitness tomorrow."


Nian Xi's opinion was really motivating. When Uncle Han heard that Jiang Yan heard he was going to the gym, he was taken aback.

Before, he didn't persuade Jiang Yongning to go to the gym to exercise. After all, staying in the laboratory every day is not an issue, but Mr. just doesn't listen.

First more

(End of this chapter)

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