Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1656: Blind date

Chapter 1656: Blind Date

An Lan didn't even know that two men were worried about trying to introduce her to her.

After she returned, she applied for a visa to France and stayed there for half a month.

It can't be overstated to use "really boring".

Over the years, she has been busy working and working. In the past two years, she also had a relationship or two in her spare time, but after a short period of dating, she found out that she was either incompatible in personality or incompatible with one another.

Suddenly she was free now, and suddenly found that she had a really cold life without a job, and her friends had been married and married, and had children, and everyone had their own families.

Sometimes sitting by the Seine at night gives a feeling of loneliness.

I once sent a photo to the circle of friends, but accidentally got caught by his own aunt Ji Jia. Ji Jia called directly and said, "Why did you go to France, alone?"

"Well," An Lan laughed. "Aunt, is there something I want to take?"

Ji Jia sighed, "What belt to bring, I'm going to be mad at you. You have had such a big incident recently. Your parents don't care about it at all. This year is 29 years old. I am still alone outside and will come back immediately to arrange for you. Blind date. "

An Lan had a headache, so she should send a circle of friends to shield her relatives. "Auntie, I ..."

"Shut up," Ji Jia interrupted directly. "This time, you can't refuse anymore. An Lan, my aunt knows you are capable. Those nasty words that are cursed outside are people who don't understand you, but this time you were a woman who encountered this for nothing. This kind of thing, I do n’t even have a person to rely on. I ca n’t do this anymore. You have repeatedly rejected me before, but this time you have to agree, otherwise I wo n’t recognize you as a niece. ”

An Lan's eyes were slightly warm, and she felt a strong affection from her aunt. She bit her lip and did not speak.

"Come back within three days. Don't worry, I'll definitely find you a good target. Don't let the crooked and cracked jujube grow and look handsome."

An Lan couldn't help crying. "Actually, I'm not so pretty ..."

"Okay, you won't be able to hold your face until now, but anyway, it won't work for nothing. You have to find a handsome and capable person."


In short, after the threat and persuasion of his aunt, An Lan finally agreed to return to the country for a blind date.

In fact, she still believes in Ji Jia's taste, which is one of the reasons why she will reluctantly agree.

The night before she went, Ji Jia specially called her again, "This blind date is indeed a best-of-breed, at least looks, although the money is not as good as yours, it is not bad."

An Lan was curious. "Aunty, I have a particularly bad personality recently. Are you sure the other person will not turn his face after seeing me?"

"Rest assured, absolutely not," Ji Jia said. "He is also a legal worker and knows the industry very well, and especially understands your sadness."

An Lan twitched. "Tell me to tell him where he works. I've never seen it before."

"... Procuratorate."

"Then I've probably seen it ..." An Lan suddenly regretted and agreed to the blind date.

"Go, you must give it to me. I made it specially for you. You don't let me lose my face," Ji Jia shouted directly.

An Lan could only drive daringly. On the way, she thought about the handsome man in the prosecutor's office who was not married yet. She was in a quandary. Shouldn't Ji Jia find her a younger one?

She doesn't have any interest in siblings, and she doesn't want to find a legal profession. You must know that they often fight with prosecutors in court as blushing necks.

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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