Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1657: There was a slight flash of mistake on Xu Qinghan's cold face

Chapter 1657 Xu Bohan's icy face flashed a little bit wrong

In case of marriage, the two have to avoid some topics.

After all, one is for the country, and the other is for the parties.

What is more difficult is that if the two who understand the law are divorced or something in the future, they will definitely have to fight for you.

So I didn't have any hope for this blind date An Lan at the same time, but at the same time I couldn't get rid of each other. It would be best if I could finally become a friend or the like.

The blind date is a vegetarian restaurant.

The other party probably got An Lan's phone from Ji Jia, and sent a WeChat to An Lan at 12 o'clock: I'm here, table 12.

An Lan pondered the phone, but she was unfamiliar with it. It stands to reason that many prosecutors in the procuratorate have numbers, after all, the Xiacheng circle is very big, but the small legal and political circles are really small.

An Lan previously studied at Xiacheng University of Political Science and Law for two years, and later studied overseas. Many of her friends who did not study abroad after studying at Xiacheng University, some went to the local procuratorate or court, and others worked as lawyers and returned to China. At a party, a group of people of similar age often take this friend with me. I take that friend with me, and I'm basically familiar with it.

It's just that she has never seen this number.

Parked the car, An Lan went straight in, and the environment was pretty good.

The waiter told her the location of table 12. An Lan saw from a distance that a man had sat with her back to her. The other man was wearing a white shirt and a gray suit on the chair, but Looking at the man's broad shoulders, you can feel the other person's pride and noble temperament. The sun bathing him, not looking at his face, gives people a sparkling illusion.

An Lan narrowed her eyes and passed by the waitress who kept peeking at him, knowing that the subject's facial features introduced by her aunt really should be good.

The perennial and young Jun Xiao and Xiao wantonly deal with themselves, basically immune to good-looking men, but at this moment have to admit that the back is moving.

But when did the procuratorate have such a number, she didn't even know it, could it be a new transfer?

Inexplicably, I have some interest in today's blind date.

She raised her heels and walked over.

"DaDa" heel hit on the ground, very aura.

The other party seemed to hear it. Looking back, Xu Bohan's cold face flashed a little bit wrongly.

An Lan was shocked by the high heels, and slammed into a waiter passing by the juice, and then half a glass of orange juice splashed onto the sleeves of her dress.

It's ... makes people cry.

She bought the skirt not long before in France.

And still in this embarrassing situation, the last time I met Xu Bohan in the toilet because the lipstick bar had made her lose her face, and now she was ashamed again.

"I'm sorry," the waiter quickly apologized, took a tissue from the table next to her, and handed it to her.

"It's okay, I bumped into you without stability," An Lan took the tissue wipe, but the sky blue sleeves couldn't wipe the orange stain.

"This is my orange juice," Xu Bohan suddenly stood up, frowning.

The waiter looked at An Lan and then Xu Bohan, and finally bit his lip in a difficult position. An Lan said, "How much is the orange juice, I will pay."

"Okay," said the waiter with a sigh of relief, "beauty, may I ask which table you sit at, I will keep my account."

An Lan glanced at Xu Bohan's seat number, and she really cursed her aunt.

Fourth more. . Continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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