Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1658: Chief Justice Xu shouldn't want the blind date to be me

Chapter 1658: The Chief Justice Xu Doesn't Want The Blind Date To Be Me

What prosecutor's office is clearly the court, or Xu Bohan, the court's most ruthless and cold-blooded.

Can my aunt know the partner's unit before introducing the subject?

And she and Xu Bohan are now having a grudge.

However, she absolutely cannot admit that she is here for a blind date.

Just wanting to speak, before the waiter who asked for the seat number, An Lan suddenly came over and said, "This beauty is going to table 12 ..."

Xu Bohan frowned instantly and could pinch a fly, "You are the niece of her friend introduced by Director Chen ..."

What ghost director Chen.

An Lan hurriedly denied: "It turned out that the presiding judge Xu came here to go on a blind date, but I think you are mistaken. I just invited a friend to eat here."

"But you said the twelfth ..."

"Then I must be wrong," An Lan now just wants to find a chance to buy this glass of juice and slip away.

"Really," Xu Bohan's darkened pupils became meaningful, apparently somewhat skeptical, his eyes could not help falling on An Lan's clothes, and she had a neat professional suit in the past few short meetings. , But today is wearing a light blue dress, the beauty and sexy, sharp in the past seems to converge, but with a little dignified taste.

An Lan saw his skeptical look, his heart beating, but after all he had experienced in court, his face still looked calm and calm.

She looked at Xu Bohan's eyes and suddenly smiled, "Why, Chief Xu shouldn't want the blind date to be me. At present, there are many boys and girls in this society. Do people like me need to come out for a blind date? . "

Xu Bohan frowned instantly. It was the second time he had confronted her. This woman did not know where this self-confidence came. Could it be that she had been a friend for a long time and became infected?

"Don't think too much," Xu Bohan retreated indifferently.

"Just don't think much," An Lan breathed a big sigh of relief, took out her cell phone, and pretended to say, "I called my friend and asked what table she was at, and wait for your glass of orange juice later I will pay. "

She had just finished speaking, and suddenly came the voice of her aunt, "Ah, An Lan, you and Mr. Xu met. It's good. I'm afraid you can't find a place, come here on purpose."

An Lan's body suddenly beat eggplant like frost.

Her head was rumbling, she must have not slept well last night and had hallucinations.

Xu Bohan looked back. The person who came was about forty years old, and he was quite fashionable. Of course, he had met, was a friend of Director Chen, and was also the aunt of this blind date. Director Chen also deliberately I took her to see myself. In fact, he didn't like this very much, but most of the middle-aged aunt's mood was so, so he opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

It's just that the other party seems to know An Lan.

His gaze fell on An Lan in front of himself again, and she did not know when she blushed like an apple.

Instantly in my heart.

He has always been indifferent at the moment and can't help but evoke a smile of laughter, "Oh, haven't you met a friend, when will I have such a friend with you."

An Lan: "..."

It seems that Ji Jia is still undecided. She came over with a smile, and really looked at Xu Bohan's face. The more she looked, the more satisfied she was. It was absolutely natural. Mr. Xu is the one you introduced by Aunt Chen. The procuratorate works. Mr. Xu, my niece is a lawyer. "

First more.

(End of this chapter)

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