Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1691: Let An Lan bring Xu Bohan to you

Chapter 1691 Let An Lan Bring Xu Bohan In Front Of You

Xu Bohan's photo appeared on one of the propaganda pictures, which showed his outstanding achievements, the youngest presiding judge after law school graduation.

Inside he was wearing a black bachelor suit and a bachelor hat. This was still Xu Bohan when he was studying. At that time, his features were sharp, with a clean smile, a little sharper, a little more sunshine. His eyes were not so unfathomable, but he had to say that Xu Bohan had been handsome since college.

The current Xu Bohan is more like a sword that has been tempered after it came out of the sheath, not so shining, but more restrained and determined.

I don't know what he experienced after graduation that changed him so much.

"Well, this is what Xu Bohan looked like when he was young. He looks so handsome," Li Shuang looked at the green face and praised him. "If I was with him at that time, I would definitely chase him back."

"Come on," An Lan laughed. "Maybe someone had a girlfriend at the university, and it's your turn."

"That's not necessarily, I think that such a person as Chief Justice Xu only knew the people who had died in the textbooks when they saw the university."

An Lan thought about Xu Bohan's image, but even Li Lishuang didn't make sense.

Walking out of the stadium, An Lan saw Mr. Cai, who had taught himself before, standing outside and joking with another teacher.

"Miss Cai, I haven't seen you for a long time," An Lan hurriedly greeted him, "Are you okay?"

"I plan to retire next year, and my health is not as good as before," Teacher Cai shook hands with her with a smile. "An Lan, you have been quite famous recently. Well, my daughter showed me your video last time, but don't be discouraged When a lawyer is right and wrong, the teacher believes that you will be back soon. "

"Teacher, don't worry, I'm fine," An Lan smiled and looked at another teacher next to Mr. Cai, feeling a little familiar.

"I don't remember, he is Teacher Huang from the next class," said Teacher Cai enviously. "You Teacher Huang is still very good. He has taught for so many years. He has taught several outstanding students in the 30 years of Fazheng University."

An Lan was curious, "Really, what are there? I studied abroad early, but I'm not sure."

"One of you is very clear. You often run to the court. Xu Bohan should know that he used to be his student," Teacher Cai said with an envious face. "Why haven't I met such an outstanding student like Xu Bohan?" , The thirty-year-old presiding judge, rare. "

An Lan stumbled, An An vomited, and she wondered who had taught such a monster. It turned out to be Teacher Huang.

"Teacher, don't say that," Li Shuang said with a smile, "Although An Lan is not as powerful as Xu Bohan, she is a woman. Maybe you can turn Xu Bohan into your hands, and then let An Lan take Xu Bo Han brought you in front of you, obediently called you a teacher, it seems that you have more skills. "

Mr. Cai did not speak, but looked at Mr. Zhao with a strange look behind them.

An Lan was about to shake Li Shuang with a big white eye, and then suddenly a familiar low man voice came out, "Are you sure she has this ability?"

This familiar voice ...

An Lan's body was stiff, she slowly turned her head back, and saw Xu Bohan's face paralyzed, and she suddenly had the urge to choke on her heart.

She really regrets calling her.

Li Shuang pushed out a stiff smile, "Judge Xu ..."

Second more.

(End of this chapter)

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