Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1692: I want to get me by single

Chapter 1692: Wanting To Solve Me By Being Single, I Really Have Ideas

"I don't think she can do that," Li Shuang said dryly.

Facing this indifferent handsome face, Li Shuang suddenly understood a little why An Lan could not feel the other person liked him.

She also began to doubt herself now, maybe it was ... she thought too much.

An Lan: "..."

Cool, you didn't say that when you ate barbecue the other day.

Xu Bohan didn't look at Li Shuang, as if he didn't hear what Li Shuang said, but stared at An Lan without blinking. "I can't be an outstanding person in the academy, but I really want to get me by single. It is worthy of lawyer An. "

An Lan was really speechless. This was clearly not what she said. Why did you put this hat on her head? "Judge Xu, you have misunderstood. What I said just now was not what I said, but what my friend said, she was too frivolous, I do n’t understand that flowers like Kao Xu are not profane or plucked. ”

Xu Bohan stared at her deeply for a few seconds without saying a word.

Mr. Huang coughed round the field. "Don't mind, the two students are joking, Bo Han, this time is rare to come over. I heard the principal said that you didn't refuse it, I thought you wouldn't come."

"Thinking carefully, this is the 30th anniversary, after all, not the same as in previous years," Xu Bohan said aside and faintly explained, "I am a student here after all, thanks to the hard teaching of teachers and professors, I can have today.

"Good boy, can you think so I think it's worthwhile to be a teacher in this life," Mr. Huang laughed. "Yes, Bo Han, have you got married, you are in your early thirties."

"not yet."

Teacher Huang laughed, "So to say, a lot of alumni have come tonight, and they must not have been married. By then, you can understand and maybe solve the problem of your girlfriend."

Teacher Cai also hurriedly said to An Lan, "You also work hard to solve the single problem."

An Lan: "..."

Teacher Cai, how do you agree with Mr. Huang's remarks in this way, is it true that you want to get Xu Bohan?

Xu Bohan looked at An Lan calmly, his eyes lightened. "Attorney An, it looks like we are working hard together."


Who wants to work hard with you, An Lan doesn't want to think about her male students in that period, it seems that they are all crooked.

When An Lan was particularly speechless, Li Shuang suddenly groaned down the stairs and said hello: "Jiang Ke, you are here too."

An Lan looked at him. The men ’s jeans and navy blue corduroy jacket were very smartly dressed. The other party ’s facial features were still Zhou Zheng, but there was always a greasy feeling, especially with a Porsche on the waist. The car key, as if lest others not know he drove a Porsche.

Jiang Ke saw An Lan at a glance. After smiling, Mr. Chao Lishuang said hello to Teacher Cai, and then smiled and looked at An Lan. No boyfriend. "

An Lan instantly remembered who this person was. When he was in college, there was always a guy with a very greasy appearance entangled himself, but he was still entangled in rejection. At that time, he felt annoyed. Now, this Shen Ke is still as greasy as ever.

Xu Bohan on the one side gave the man a quiet glance, and it really smelled like a copper smell.

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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