Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1701: An Lan almost wanted to laugh

Chapter 1701: An Lan Wants To Die With A Smile

Cao Meng coughed slightly, and smiled instead of smiling. "You still agree before talking."

An Lansheng stared at Xu Bohan with ridiculous regrets, but unfortunately the other side was driving all the time, and did not look at him at all, but answered, "I have no problem lying."

An Lan: "..."

You said so what else she could say.

However, An Lan thought about the Chen Ke at night and shut up.


After arriving at KTv, the four women got out of the car first, and Xu Bohan went to find a parking space.

As he walked in, Cao Meng patted An Lan's shoulder. "Judge Xu is good, take it easy."

Liu Qinmin also encouraged, "I dare to block fifty cents. Xu Xuechang is definitely interesting to you."


You're ashamed to block fifty cents.

But An Lan was at a loss, did Xu Bohan really like himself?

Why did she feel like being stared at by the wolf.

After going upstairs, Zheng Jun and others have arrived and ordered a few cases of beer and wine.

An Lan has a headache. Is it true that she is drunk tonight? Fortunately, she has exercised a lot in alcohol after so many years of entertainment.

It didn't take long for Xu Bohan to come in. An Lan had sat with two women beside him, and he had to sit at a distance of three or four meters from her.

After the people arrived, several alumni who were going to be hot started to raise glasses and started toasting. Of course, there were also Maiba when Maiba, playing games, playing games, chatting and chatting.

In order to avoid losing the game, An Lan was punished with alcohol, and began to hold the microphone as Mai Ba.

Just sing and sing a little bit changed.

Because Chen Ke's unscrupulous man seized another microphone, he wouldn't even sing, but if he didn't sing well, he would have to hold the microphone and roar hard, thinking that the roar can sing high notes.

An Lan's voice was completely covered by him, she simply put down the microphone and let him sing.

Chen Ke also came up cheekily and said, "An Lan, let's love the next song when we sing together."

An Lan twitched at the corner of her mouth. "No, you sing so nicely, I don't feel good enough to sing with you."

Chen Ke couldn't hear her irony at all. Haha laughed: "It's okay, I know that song is difficult to sing, but I will take you."

An Lan ignored him at all, but when she finished singing the song "Love to Die", suddenly the song was temporarily changed to "Ugly Eight Monsters".

Those who followed this lively conversation were stunned, especially An Lan and Chen Ke.

"Sorry, my song, the microphone is for me, ugly and weird," Xu Bohan's tall figure appeared in front of the two. He was a head taller than Chen Ke, almost looking down at him, and his eyes were cold like an abyss.

An Lan's mouth twitched fiercely and almost laughed, which was really bad.

"Who are you talking about?" Chen Ke's eyes couldn't wait to burn him to death.

Xu Bohan heard that he looked at him with a look of "Is your brain sick?" "I'm talking about my song name, but I'm not talking about you, are you too sensitive?"

"You ..." Chen Ke glared at him, and he was definitely on purpose. "Why do you change my song?"

"Purify the air," Xu Bohan smiled suddenly.

Chen Ke stunned, inexplicably, "Are you sick, do you need air purification?"

"I'm talking about what you just sang ... It's too noisy, I'll change the quiet song to keep everyone quiet," Xu Bohan stared straight at him calmly.

An Lan almost wanted to laugh to death. She believed that the place where he had just paused was definitely trying to say that Chen Ke sang too badly, and even if he didn't say it too directly, he would definitely fight.

Fourth, continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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