Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1702: Because i am the king of k song

Chapter 1702 Because I Am The King Of K Songs

But Chen Ke was so stupid that he couldn't hear it now.

"KTV singing is always noisy, uncle, if you are too noisy, go back early," Chen Ke said, annoyingly, and shouted, "This is not for you."

Xu Bohan looked at An Lan lightly: "He called my uncle, what do you think?"

An Lan blinked and looked at the two men in front of him. Chen Ke was shorter than Xu Bohan. In fact, Chen Ke looked fairly straightforward, but standing with the well-defined Xu Bohan, there was no contrast at all. Even though Xu Bohan was a few years old, Chen Ke looked like a clown.

She coughed softly and knew that Xu Bohan was helping herself, so she said rudely: "Chen Ke, don't make trouble, Judge Xu is just a little bit longer than you, and ... you still have a little maintenance Come on, really. "

Chen Ke's face couldn't hang for a moment, and he threw the microphone angrily on the sofa. The microphone "squeaked" and made a rough noise, which made the lively box quiet for a while, and everyone looked at them.

An Lan embarrassedly handed the microphone to Xu Bohan. I wondered if it was an illusion. She felt that Xu Bohan's thin lips were bent in the dark, but disappeared quickly.

"I didn't expect you to sing Xue Zhiqian's song," An Lan joked casually, not that he was not suitable to listen to his age, it was because his temperament did not seem to listen to such songs.

"Oh, I accidentally made a mistake just now, and I can't sing," Xu Bohan suddenly leaned towards her, and slowly the male scent fluttered towards him with the smell of wine in the box.

An Lan collapsed subconsciously on the back sofa.

He stared down at her with calm black eyes, "What do you hide, I just change the song."

After speaking, he pressed the switch screen on the wall behind her.

An Lan: "..."

A few seconds later, she sat up straight, her pretty face slightly awkward.

"Ugly Eight Monsters" suddenly switched to "K Song King".

Xun Yuan smiled and came over and smiled, "Bao Han, you should sing" K Song King ", this song seems to be quite long."

"Well, because I am the king of K song, and by the way teach some people what a real treble is," Xu Bohan glanced at Chen Ke and An Lan, took the microphone and walked to the right singing table, there There are high stools and small screens.

An Lan was inexplicable. He didn't even look at Chen Ke. What he did, she knew what high pitch was.

On the stage, Xu Bohan sat on the high stool, one long leg bent under the chair, and the other long leg stepped on the ground at will. He held the microphone and sang in Cantonese low.

I don't know if it has been destroyed by Chen Ke's magic sound for too long just now, An Lan suddenly felt that his voice was like the sound of natural sound. Not only was the tone accurate, but even the Cantonese spoken roundly without any typos.

Of course, his voice is also very good, and the singing of goose bumps seems to be crisp, even if the treble is no difficulty.

Looking at him again, a dark blue light on his head fell on his face, his eyebrows were protruding, his sword eyebrows were stern, and his eyes were as cold as stars. This beauty is simply a mess and blasphemy.

Is this still a serious judge in court wearing a black robe.

Many alumni who played games and drank in the box stopped, and the female compatriots were even more impressed. Cao Meng directly sighed, "It's a pity that this face value and this voice don't debut."

On the side of the source of punishment rolled his eyes, no wonder people say that every man with a spring heart is hiding a sullen spirit, and Xu Bohan is no exception.

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(End of this chapter)

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