Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1709: I never lie to marriage

Chapter 1709: I Never Lied To Marry

Xu Bohan stepped forward, her tall body approached her closer, a faint smile oozed from the unpredictable eyes, "I never lie to marriage."

The sound seems to come with a subwoofer.

An Lan skipped a half-beat in her heart, stepped back and forth a few times, and warned unnaturally, "Speak and talk, why are you so close?"

As if Xu Bohan didn't hear what she said, she stooped and said, "I guess those things you heard were spoken to me by a box tonight."

"It doesn't matter who said it," An Lan said, maintaining the character of keeping secrets. "The important thing is that you have a view on marriage."

Xu Bohan shook his head and watched her eyes getting deeper and deeper, "I said those words to other women in order to dispel their thoughts. My view of marriage is what I said to you just now."

An Lan froze, but then thought, what he said was probably true, no matter how strange the man was, he didn't make such a thought.

"I think you too," Xu Bohan suddenly raised his eyebrows. "Those marriage ideas you said also want to dispel Chen Ke, An Lan. In fact, our two styles of work are very similar. I think we are very suitable. "

If the first two people used the same method to dispel the idea of ​​the suitor, An Lan was quite surprised, but a word later made her wake up quickly, "Where do we fit in?"

"Everywhere is right," Xu Bohan said.


Why didn't she find it appropriate?

Xu Bohan saw that she would not say any more, and whispered, "So ... is our marriage concept discussed? I think we can get married this year."

An Lan froze, "Did we just talk about the concept of marriage, when did we talk about it?"

"We talked a lot just now," Xu Bohan slowly raised his eyebrows and reminded, "and don't you think we are destined."

An Lan took a deep breath and smiled bitterly. The number of times she and Xu Bohan met recently is really quite high. "But what you said makes me think that you just want to find a suitable marriage partner. I am yours. I met people you thought were rare and suitable during the year, but you are not to me. "

Xu Bohan stared at her, with a hint of discomfort in her eyes, "tell me clearly."

An Lan went on to say, "I mean, although you look good, you work well, and we all learn law, but in fact, I haven't seen any handsome men as good as you in my life. There is no choice, not because they are not good, but because of me ... I am not looking for a man who is suitable for marriage. I want a man who loves me, I love him, and we are willing to give to each other, and he deserves my trust We haven't reached a consensus on this point, so how could it be possible to marry you. "

After Xu Bohan was quiet for a few seconds, he suddenly said, "So ... are there many men like me in your life?"

An Lan is speechless, is this the focus of his attention.

"I thank you for helping me tonight," An Lan continued. In fact, she didn't have no idea what he did tonight, but An Lan was disappointed when he couldn't even answer the question whether he liked it or not. Already.

"Mr. Xu, to be honest, I have contacted too many men and women to choose a suitable marriage because they are getting married. In fact, this is also very good, but I will think, do they love each other, do they have passion, do they like it Do you like to spend every minute with each other? Maybe you think I'm almost thirty and talk about love, but I don't think so, I have money, ability, house and car, company, I Why you should do it, why you can't wait for love. "

Fourth, continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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