Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1710: An Lan, I think ... I kind of like you

Chapter 1710 An Lan, I Think ... I'm A Little Like You


Xu Bohan's eyes darkened and he frowned.

He hadn't thought about this problem before, but later realized the reality, is it that things like love are reliable?

I just do n’t know why when looking at the woman in front of him and saying these words, he just felt that if she was a book, then unknowingly, he seemed to have opened a wonderful chapter again, and this chapter let him Ripples splashed into the heart like standing water.

He has never seen such a woman. She loves money and likes to make money. Even if someone scratches her car, she has to pay huge compensations. She loves money, but she knows how to help those in need. She loves money. And because there is no shortage of money, we have the confidence to wait.

"An Lan, I think ... I kind of like you," he pursed his dry lips, and suddenly spoke low.

An Lan missed half a beat in his heart, mainly because his voice was too nice and his face was too aggressive. It is impossible to be calm and calm if he tells you that he likes you.

But after all, she is not a little girl, and she has experienced a lot of things, but she calmed down quickly and smiled, "Judge Xu, you really spared no effort to persuade me to be with you, even using this method of deception. come out."

Xu Bohan was a little hesitant, why did he deceive her? He hadn't thought about it at first, but just now, his heart was so disturbed.

"Just a few minutes ago I asked you whether you like me or not, you are silent, and you will like me in a few minutes?" An Lan asked with a wry smile.


Xu Bohan was in a mixed mood. She had this ability. What could he do?

"An Lan, you have a good idea, but what about your parents," he reminded. Although he had only seen it in a mental hospital once, he also knew that her parents could not stand An Lan's thoughts.

"They are naturally not supportive."

When mentioning his parents, An Lan flashed his eyes hurt. "But what about it, it was me who got married and me for the rest of my life, so it was up to me to decide. When I studied abroad in the past, what I appreciated more was Their view of marriage will not be because they will be together, the other party does not love themselves and do not force them to tie each other. A few days ago, I went to Paris alone and saw others in pairs, I also felt very lonely , Also envious, so I promised my aunt to go on a blind date,

But then it dawned on me that I would not be lonely when we got married. Then why do so many female parties come to me with melancholy, loneliness and resentment when they come to me, can they go to see the world in pairs? If the three perspectives are inconsistent and the concepts are inconsistent, will it be a pleasure to see the world. "

Xu Bohan fell into a long silence. He never thought about these issues. He only knew that he would get married. It could be a plain marriage, having a child, and living a life of firewood.

It may be that he lives in the unit. Many elders of his uncles and aunts always tell him that it is enough to find a marriage partner. Don't be too beautiful, and have stable work.

He also thought that he would live such a step by step.

But suddenly found that the appearance of An Lan was like a thunder that appeared out of thin air, splitting his world and letting his world penetrate into the shining light.

"An Lan, maybe you are an accident in my peaceful life," a long time later, when An Lan asked to leave by car, he dumbly opened his eyes, his eyes were as deep as the sea in the night.

First more. .

Am I writing a love story, hey. I want to publish An Lan ’s foreign book. I will sort it out at the end of the year. It should be the third book I published, so I will write more realistically. In addition, the captain and the deep-seated Xiao Bai and Ji Wansheng ’s foreign book. It has also been signed and published. Mr. Nian's publications have been under review and approval. Because of the recent strict policies and tight control, the approval process is more complicated than before, so it is very slow and I am very anxious, but these two months Definitely can come out.

(End of this chapter)

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