Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1714: You keep alone

Chapter 1714 You Still Keep Alone

"Do you know how difficult it is to find a suitable and suitable object that you like," Xu Bohan glanced back at her, "It's difficult to see if you haven't found it yet. Maybe you can't find it in a lifetime. , But you have brainwashed me, so you have to take responsibility for me. "

He repeated it again.

An Lan was stunned. She had seen shameless, but never seen such shameless.

Do it.

"This is not a question of irresponsibility, is it like ..."

"I like you," Xu Bohan smiled, holding the steering wheel in his hand and looking forward.

An Lan's words were stuck in his throat.

Why didn't she believe it or not? She had no sincerity at all.

"I take back what I said before," An Lan said, two heads. "Actually, it's good to find a suitable person to live in. It's not reliable to love this kind of thing. Two people will become family sooner or later. Yes, it doesn't make sense ... "

"That being the case, the two of us should be together more."

Xu Bohan bowed his head, "So whether you like me or not is not that important. It ’s just fine. Although I do n’t have a Ferrari, I can give you Ferrari plus gasoline every day. Although I ca n’t earn as much money as your lawyer, after all It ’s an iron rice bowl. I ’m hungry and I ’m hungry. I can guarantee you have nothing to worry about. I have a strong heart. I definitely wo n’t accept it because a woman can earn more money than me. My best place is good health, soldier. I have never had a minor illness once a year. Fighting is okay, but I do n’t like fighting. I prefer to talk about the law. I ca n’t do it anymore. I ’m not lazy. The family is organized and the cooking skills are pretty good. There is no bad hobby, neither smoking nor drinking nor gambling. "

An Lan: "..."

"Oh, by the way, you have absolutely no problem with your mother-in-law with me. Because my parents and I are not in a relationship, you do n’t have to deal with them at all. You do n’t need to please them. The aunt in the distance, who is honest and reliable, has brought four children, is very experienced, and I can ask her to take care of our children. "


An Lan was all safe, was this a blind date in the car at more than one in the morning?

However, he was quite capable, and he could say so much about his unfavorable conditions so well-founded that she couldn't refute it, and it seemed to be quite reasonable.

"The most important thing is ... one judge and one lawyer," Xu Bohan smiled confidently. "Who dares to offend us from now on."

An Lan nodded involuntarily, and yes, the cooperation between the two of them was very remarkable these two times. She felt that those classmates were now a little scared to see both of them.

Xiao Qian also said two people, that is, the Smiths in the legal world.

"Do you think so?" Knowing that she was driving seriously, Xu Hanhan nodded slightly.

An Lan suddenly woke up and stared at him, "I don't think so, but Chief Justice Xu, you shouldn't just hold that idea, so I think I'm right for you."

Xu Boquan clenched his thin lips in silence.

An Lan smiled softly, "You just keep alone."

Xu Bohan: "..."

"Don't tell me, drive carefully. I need to rest. I drink a lot and get dizzy," An Lan leaned over, facing the window.

Originally, I wanted to avoid him to continue to encourage himself to stay together, but did not expect to really fall asleep.

First more.

(End of this chapter)

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