Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1715: President Xu, are you too wide?

Chapter 1715 Chief Justice Xu, are you too wide?

Xu Bohan drove the car to the area where she lived, the specific address of the community was not clear, and it was not easy to disturb her, so she simply navigated.

More than ten minutes later, the car parked at the door of a high-end residential area, with many houses inside.

He turned off, his eyes turned, and the woman on the side was on his neck, and a slick of long hair dangled from his ears. Inside the hair, ear drills were looming. This scene modified her long neck like a white swan.

He gazed for a moment, turned off the fire, closed the windows, turned on the heater in the car, took his coat from the back seat and put it on her, and then closed his eyes and fell asleep in the driver's seat.

Although I usually have to work overtime, I rarely go to bed at two in the morning. When I close it a little, I feel tired.


When An Lan woke up, people were still confused, not fully recovered.

After looking for a long time, I found that I was still in the car. The car was heated and not cold, and I was covered with a men's suit. The faint masculinity on it was mixed with the smell of wood perfume in the car.恍惚.

She wondered that she had just fallen asleep. Although she was in the car, she slept comfortably and was warm.

He turned his head and saw Xu Bohan in the driver's seat. His body was leaning on the leather seat, his head was not shifted, and he slept straightly with his eyes closed, showing that he was usually rigorous.

There was no light in the car, but it was faintly visible that the bridge of the nose drawn by the moonlight was more British.

This is a face that people and animals will be jealous and envious of.

An Lan secretly froze the suit in his hand, this sleeping person's clothes, if you want to cover him, but it's four o'clock, and the sky will be bright again.

After thinking about it, she coughed hard.

Xu Bohan was immediately awakened, opened his eyes, his eyes narrowed for only one second, and immediately woke up, "When did you wake up, why didn't you wake me up?"

An Lan was snarling in my heart to cough to wake you up, but this guy has great willpower. She just woke up a long time after waking up. She was a judge, so she can only be a lawyer, man and person. There are still differences.

"I should say this," An Lanyu said, "when you reach your destination, you should wake me up directly, it is four o'clock in the morning."

Xu Bohan looked at the time and was surprised. "I thought you would wake up soon. I didn't expect to sleep for so long."

An Lan was embarrassed and said angrily: "I was tired all day yesterday and it was early in the morning. I was too sleepy to control it."

Of course, she just added a silent sentence in her heart, who made your car so stable, not even a sudden brake.

"Fortunately, this is my car, but next time I can't sleep so late in another man's car," Xu Bohan said with deep eyes.

An Lan said politely, "Judge Xu, are you too broad?"

"Not all men are gentlemen like me," Xu Bohan glanced over her long legs in stockings.

"Look," An Lan quickly blocked his thigh with his hand.

"Is it too late to stop, if I want to see it, I watched it early when you slept," Xu Bohan thought about it, adding, "I will wait until the day you agree to let me watch."


What does this mean?

An Lan thought about what she shouldn't think, her face flushed, and she gritted her teeth and said, "There will never be that day."

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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