Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1771: Do you like to eat trotters?

Chapter 1771 Do You Like To Eat Trotters?

"If you don't use it, you probably won't use it in this life," Xu Bohan interrupted her lightly. "I'm a good citizen who abides by the law. Where do I usually need such a lawyer, let alone he is more than sixty people. If there is a misfortune, who knows how long it can go. "


An Lan silently looked at Song Ruixue's face on the opposite side, and sure enough, the other side stared angrily.

"You bunny, dare to curse me," Song Rui said discouragedly, "I tell you, I'm not a problem if I live to be a hundred years old."

Xu Bohan nodded calmly. "But you can't go to court even if you are too old. You don't seem to have other strengths except to go to court, so use it in advance, so you don't need it when you want to use it."

Song Ruixue took a deep breath and drank water to lower the fire.

An Lan glanced at Xu Bohan and admired him, dare to talk to his idol like this.

"Teacher Song, ignore him," An Lan quickly advised, "Sometimes his mouth is so mean, but he is cold and warm."

Xu Bohan's lips were bent. An Lan thought so.

Song Ruixue said badly: "If I didn't understand his temperament, I would have kicked him out, but little girl, you know her quite well."

An Lan was a little embarrassed, yeah, she didn't know Xu Bohan for a long time, she really seemed to know him quite well.

Xu Bohan calmly pulled her to sit down, "She doesn't know me, who knows, if two people don't know each other, how to get together."

Song Ruixue looked at him in surprise, this guy will also know how to find a girlfriend to get to know each other. It seems that he really likes this time, no wonder so true.

"Let's eat before discussing the case," Madam Song said.

"Is Hitomi coming back for dinner," Song Xuerui asked.

"She has something to do at school and come back after eating," said Mrs. Song.

Song Xuerui shook his head in dissatisfaction, "It's a rare cold to come, no matter how big it is, I don't know how to push it."

"Bao Han suddenly decided to come in the afternoon, and Yi Tong has had a lot of school lately," Mrs. Song went to the restaurant with a smile.

An Lan asked in confusion: "Ms. Song and her daughter are studying."

She only remembered that Song Ruixue had a son and a well-known lawyer, but did not work in Xiacheng.

"No, she is an associate professor in the Department of Law of Xiacheng University," Mrs. Song explained with a smile.

An Lan suddenly said, "You can become an associate professor at a young age, and it must be very powerful."

"It's not clear how terrible, anyway, she and Bo Han were in the same class," Mrs. Song said.

When An Lan heard his words, he looked at Xu Bohan meaningfully. This is really a deep fate. Shouldn't the female classmate and Xu Bohan have any history.

Xu Bohan didn't notice her gaze, but just opened the chair and let her sit down. Yu Guang glanced at the vegetables on the table with a warm face.

"I heard that you are coming. I have prepared a few side dishes that you like," Mrs. Song smiled sweetly. "Unfortunately, it was too sudden. I did n’t have time to go to the vegetable market. Otherwise, I ’d like to buy pork trotters. Remember that you used to eat . "

An Lan pumped at the corner of her mouth and looked at the man next to him, "Do you like to eat pig's trotters?"

Xu Bohan Qingjun's face became unnaturally red. "Is there a problem?"

"Er ... no problem," An Lan shook her head, but she could not help but want to laugh as Xu Bohan had the perfect face in her head.

Xu Bohan quietly approached her and said lowly, "If you don't like me, I will quit."

Third more. . Have you seen a male protagonist who loves trotters, ha ha ha ha

(End of this chapter)

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