Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1772: When did she lose faith in men

Chapter 1772: When Did She Lose Confidence in Men

"That doesn't need to be," An Lan shook her head, whispered to his ear, and whispered, "The trotters can beautify and improve the skin."

Her soft breath sprayed on his ears, Xu Bohan stiffened.

When she remembered the ridicule in her words, the big hand squeezed gently in her palm, and her eyes flickered to the word "naughty".

An Lan's mouth was slightly raised, and her heart was inexplicably sweet.

The Song Ruixue couple saw this scene in their eyes. The couple looked at each other, and the bottom of the eyes moved with emotion.

"Let's eat," said Mrs. Song. "My plasma duck tastes good. You can eat more."

Xu Bohan bowed his head and clipped a piece to An Lan.

"Talk about the case," Song Ruixue sipped two small drinks.

Xu Bohan bowed his head, told He Mingqian what he did, and explained the relationship between He Mingqian and An Lan.

After listening to Song Ruixue for a long time, he came to understand that he finally understood why the boy was so fierce. It turned out that He Mingqian was a former boyfriend for a long time.

Although An Lan thought it was a bit overwhelming, she still insisted on saying: "He Mingqian often smeared me in the circle of lawyers after breaking up with me, saying that I only achieved my present achievements by sleeping. Although I was usually angry, he never I said it in front of me, and I didn't care too much about other people's eyes, so I opened one eye and closed one eye, but this time he was too much, and attacked me personally in front of the eyes ... "

Xu Bohan bowed his head and took her words, "She said something wrong earlier. He Mingqian was bully and weak, An Lan was weak. He Mingqian's words had a great impact on her life, not only harmed her reputation, Maliciously vilifying her image has hit her mentally. She was 29 this year. Since breaking up with He Mingqian, she has never looked for a boyfriend again. This is a traumatic trauma and she even loses confidence in men. And even more fear of marriage. "

An Lan: "..."

Well, what did she hear just now, when did she lose faith in men, and when did she become afraid of marriage.

Song Ruixue twitched his mouth, almost roaring in his heart, would losing contact with you if he lost confidence in men?

Xu Bohan continued to say faintly: "If she didn't meet me, she would never be able to get out of the shadow brought by He Mingqian, and because He Mingqian's malicious provocation had made the outside world doubt An An's ability, she Recently, fewer and fewer lawsuits have been received, which has also affected her income. In short, He Mingqian has tripled her physical, psychological and professional impact. "

An Lan drank the soup silently. She thought silently that even after breaking up with Xu Bohan, she would have to get together well, it was too dark and insidious.

Song Ruixue drank too much, and said, "Say, what is the result you want?"

"Just go to jail, it's best to sit for three years. If you don't walk to pay compensation, two million can be done," Xu Bohan said. "You also need to apologize publicly and acknowledge your actions."

Song Ruixue nodded, "I haven't hit a compensation of two million for such a long time. Since I shot, I got at least three million."

"Trouble teacher," Xu Bohan raised his tea cup.

An Lan watched as the two cups bumped against each other.

She suddenly felt that she used to make too little money as a lawyer before, and she could be more aggressive towards those who bully herself.

Fourth more.

(End of this chapter)

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