Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1810: Human rights for a baby

Chapter 1810 Human Rights Of A Baby

"You're right, gentlemen take revenge, it's not too late in ten years," Xu Bohan answered extremely frankly.

An Lan's chills, are you a gentleman? How can a gentleman like you, "I have a crush on myself, it's a matter of others."

Xu Bohan smiled slightly. "He is unlucky."

An Lan: "..."

At eleven thirty, everyone sat one after another.

An Lan and Nian Junting and Yan Su sat on a seat. Mo Lu Xi was not here today because of something. Yan Su was a little confused with his daughter. An Lan simply sat next to Yan Yan and occasionally could help.

Yan Yan is quieter than a small apple. He clings slowly to a piece of chocolate, and the corners of his mouth are black.

An Lan funnyly wiped her with a tissue.

Yan Yan shook his calf nicely. "Thank you Auntie."

"You're welcome," An Lan looked soft in her heart.

Xu Bohan also noticed that his eyes were soft and he whispered to An Lan: "Don't envy others, we will have such a cute and lovely little daughter in the future."

An Lan blushed, stepped under him under the table, and smiled and put it in his ear, saying with a gritted tooth: "Who wants to have a daughter with you, I just heard that your ex had an abortion for you. . "

Xu Bohan watched her silently for a while, then suddenly smiled and said lowly, "No explanation is useless, and one day you will know how jerky I am."

An Lan looked at the mature and handsome face in front of her, and couldn't help twitching the corner of her mouth and said, "Please, when you say such things, look at yourself in the mirror. Are you a young guy?"

Xu Bohan showed helplessness. "It seems you don't believe me at all. In order to prove that what I said is true, do you want to try it tonight?"

An Lan: "..."

Is this a threat?

The two were deadlocked, but still uploading a low-temperature voice from Jun Ting, "Shit, you got me off your mother's thigh. How old are you, and they are always sticking to your mother? No one likes you . "

"Don't," Little Apple said, and kissed Lausanne.

It's been a long time since I enjoyed his son's enthusiastic treatment. Lausanne hugged the little apple tenderly, and even pressed his forehead against his forehead.

Jun Ting was somber about to lift the table, "Apple, have you forgotten what I said to you before, do you take my word for it?"

"Dad, I'm just exercising my rights," Little Apple said with confidence. "This is human rights, a baby's human rights. You can't deprive me of my rights because I am young."

Yan Suting was stunned. "Little Apple, you are so good, you can understand human rights at such a young age."

Now the children are almost perfect.

"That is necessary," Little Apple raised her head, and glanced quietly at Xu Bohan, with a cheeky face. "In the face of human rights, we are all equal."

Lausanne touched his small face. "Baby, you are awesome."

"So Mom, I want to sleep with you at night, I'm afraid," Little Apple lay on her chest, and said helplessly, "Why do people want to be separated from their mothers at such a small age, is Dad depriving me of human rights?"

Lausanne was a bit embarrassed. When his son was very young, he was often rushed to sleep with Sister Lan by the young average, and she was actually very guilty. "Okay, sleep with my mother."

Nian Junting's face was iron and blue. "Who talks with you about human rights? Do you know what human rights are?"

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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