Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1811: Could there be signs of early love when Junting was in junior high school?

Chapter 1811 Does Mo Jun Ting have the signs of early love in junior high school?

Little Apple hugged Lausanne's neck vigorously and said rightly, "Human rights is my right to have a mother."

Nian Junting stared at his son for a while and looked at Xu Bohan and An Lan, "When it comes to human rights, you have to be involved in the law. The two seem to know human rights here best. Did you just meet Little Apple? . "

"We haven't met," An Lan smiled stiffly, no matter how young Jun Ting was also her boss.

Junting Nian looked at Yan Yan, "Yan Yan, you and your elder brother have stayed together before. You talk to your uncle. Did you meet these two uncles and aunts just now?"

Yan Yan, who looked down to eat, became stiff, and the whole person became overwhelmed, his cheeks became red, and he stammered when he answered the question, "No ... no."

"Yan Yan, lying children will become ugly," Ning Junting squinted.

Yan Yan murmured, turned his head to Yan Su's arms, and sobbed, "We promised my uncle not to say."

Little Apple glared at her with hate.

Junjun Ting looked at Xu Bohan and An Lan with a smile. "An Lan, the company recently had a case in the Northwest. Please accompany General Manager Liu to find out in the past. After all, some aspects of the law still require your advice."

An Lan's scalp was numb. In the early years Xiao Xiao went to the Northwest and stayed for a few months. She didn't know what it was like, a man could come back in disgrace, let alone a woman.

Lausanne remembered it, frowning, "Is Xiao Xiao only the place to eat meat?"

"You have a good memory," Jun Ting smiled. "There are so many delicious specialties in meatloaf. I heard I opened a shop in the United States a few days ago, and it is very popular among Americans."

Lausanne is full of black lines. Even if it ’s delicious, you ca n’t carry it every day. As a boss, you cannot understand more. "

"I understand that sometimes distance makes love more beautiful, An Lan, don't you say it?" Nian Junting put his eyes on An Lan.

An Lan wants to cry without tears. You two big men fall in love and kill each other. Why is she tortured? What did she do wrong?

A big hand held her with warm temperature, Xu Bohan calmly leaned his body into the back chair. "You made so much sense. I remember you said such a thing when you were in junior high school. At the time ... .... "

Nian Junting's face changed slightly, and he subconsciously interrupted him. "I think about it carefully, and forget it, after all, you and An Lan are not young anymore, it is not easy to talk about love, in case it really breaks the scorer temporarily , That's troublesome, just falling in love can't stand the test. "

Xu Bohan smiled and smiled, "Thank you for your understanding, it is indeed my old classmate."

"No way, who let us know for many years," Nian Junting turned to touch his son's hair, "I can ask your uncle Xu for more human rights when I have time."

The little apple frowned.

Lausanne's brow raised slightly, meaningfully, "Judge Xu, what did you want to say just now, what happened at the beginning, did Mo Junting have a sign of early love?"

The average annual tingling of the scalp is tingling. Should a woman be so keen, in fact, it is not an early love, even then he and Leng Shuangwei walked very close.

"No," Xu Bohan smiled indifferently. "In junior high school, he just often told me that there are any women in the world who can be so perfect. Even if he wants to find a wife in the future, he can only leave it. "

Fourth more.

(End of this chapter)

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