Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1853: Turned out to be such a beautiful young woman

Chapter 1853: Such A Beautiful Young Woman

Entering the box, Zhao Gui and his wife came, as well as Zhao Gui's two elder brothers, as well as Zhao Gui's lawyer Zhu Wentao.

This Zhu Wentao is actually a very unknown lawyer in the industry. He usually receives small trivial lawsuits, but the prices are low. After the son ’s lawsuit, the Zhao family was too destructive. Now they can only afford such a lawyer. .

An Lan and he are not at the same level at all. Usually, the wind and the waves are common. Zhu Wentao subconsciously saw her gas field weakened.

Zhao Gui's family was also a little embarrassed. I did not expect that the so-called lawyer turned out to be such a young and beautiful woman, but when I glanced at it, it looked like a knife.

However, Zhao Gui quickly returned to God. After all, he has been rogue for a long time, and he has retreated in court. He is afraid of a woman. "You are a lawyer named An, I advise you, Acropolis This is the end of the case, otherwise don't blame us.

Zhao Gui's wife Yu Fang stood up and pointed at An Lan's nose and cursed: "The gang of people in the Acropolis said that my son owed them money and said it was true with an IOU. Who knows whether they are frauds or not, anyway Now, there is no proof of death. What is the difference between you and stealing money, anyway, we will not have a dime, we have to pay back the money and take our lives. "

An Lan didn't speak, but sat indifferently with a face to an empty chair next to him. "Zhao, are you in peace talks today, or are you threatening? If it is a threat, can I report it?"

Brother Zhao Gui sneered: "You reported, we didn't even touch your hair, we threatened it, and the police wouldn't take me for it."

An Lan smiled quietly.

Zhu Wentao was panicked. The police would n’t do well, nor would the Zhao family. But as a lawyer involved threatening the other party, the problem would be serious for him. “Attorney An, this is a misunderstanding, they do n’t understand the law. Didn't read any books. "

After speaking, I warned the Zhao family: "If you look like this, I won't take your case."

"Don't be so nervous," An Lan raised his hand. "Since we are going to talk, then we will be friendly, and I hope not to go to court, after all, this is just a small lawsuit."

"Yes," Zhu Wentao nodded again and again, "Attorney An, there is no such thing as a debtor paying back in law ..."

"I didn't say let his father return it, just let his son's inheritance return," An Lan smiled. "The house where you live in the village now writes Zhao Ping's name. After Zhao Ping's death, the house hasn't Let's transfer, and even if we transfer, the father has inherited his son's inheritance, and he has the responsibility to bear the debts of his son. There is no reason to clear the debt. You can sell the house and pay it back. "

Zhao Guiqi patted the table and stood up. "Although the money in that house was in my son's name, we paid for it and you let us sell it. Where do we live? I have never seen you Such a lawyer without conscience. "

An Lan smiled, "Then tell me about this house. As far as I know, after the house was built, you still owe 90,000 contractors to the neighboring villages. So far, you haven't paid back because of the lack of money. You once said that you had no money to pay back with death threats. Now that it has been five years, the other party also came to me and wanted to consult this lawsuit to see if I could be a free agent. "

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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