Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 1854: We only look at money and don't care about reputation

Chapter 1854 We Only Look At Money Without Regarding Reputation

At this point, the Zhao family is not a fool. Zhao Gui clenched his fists. "Last name, you are honest, did you deliberately target us? I remember that our Zhao family has never had a festival with you before."

Zhu Wentao coughed with a fist and nodded. "Attorney An, you know the Zhao family very well. I think we can still be frank."

An Lan smiled slightly and tapped his finger on the desktop. "Recently, not only did I owe money to me, but I was also sued for other reasons. Don't say, maybe your Zhao family has done too many ethics, except Your son, Zhao Ping, has a lot of old things. How can you say that it is true that you have a father and a son? "

Zhao Gui's face changed, and he slammed the table. The coffee on the table spilled out. "I warn you, speak politely and force me to do everything."

"Don't be frightened," An Lan twitched his fingers towards the security guard, and the security guard stepped forward. Zhao Gui felt ashamed that such a person has always been debilitated.

"Mr. Zhao, I am not dealing with people like you on the first day, nor is it the last day."

An Lan's expression was calm and indifferent. "I talk to you seriously, but you want to do something with me. It seems that you really don't want to talk anymore, then I have to take all the lawsuits, don't think of threatening me, you Look at the people around me, have you ever fought, but as long as you do it, I will make you regret it. Maybe you do n’t understand that lawyers are more difficult than judges because we only look at money and do n’t care about reputation. . "

Zhao Gui's complexion changed.

An Lan stood up. "Your family is making a lot of noise in the court, and I have heard it. You can try it, can you get out of your body?"

Zhu Wentao quickly stood up, "Zhao Gui, if you really do it, then I can't help you anymore. At that time, the money will be repaid, and the house will have to be repaid, and you will go to jail."

"Mr. Zhu, where are you standing?" Yu Fang was anxious.

Zhu Wentao said angrily: "I'm talking on your behalf, not to threaten you at every turn. This is not your village, it's a place where you speak about the rule of law."

Brother Zhao Gui stepped up quickly, "Mr. An, you are deliberately targeting the Zhao family for a reason. Since you are willing to talk, it means there is room for discussion."

"There are still smart people in your family," An Lan smiled. "Then I will open the skylight to speak brightly. In the court, Zhao Gui, you will go to the building and be encouraged, a lawyer named He Mingqian."

Zhao Gui froze, Yu Fang stunned, "I know, are you somebody from the judge who deliberately retaliated against us?"

"Shh," An Lan said with his index finger. "Don't let Judge Xu think so badly, I'm here, just because you and one of the most hated people in my life."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Zhao Gui said annoyed, "we haven't seen any He Mingqian at all."

"The person who called you away at the court door is He Mingqian's assistant," An Lan said with a narrow look, "Zhao Gui, don't play tricks with me. When I talk to you, I have patience. When I don't want to talk to you At that time, you have no way back. Do n’t carry a debt for the rest of your life for an irrelevant person. You do n’t even have a place to stay. You do n’t have a son.

Third more

(End of this chapter)

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