Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 602: Year, let me chase you down

Chapter 602 President Zong, I'll chase you back

There was an uproar in the classroom.

Everyone put their envious eyes on Lausanne.

A few days ago, she and Ning Ting's scandal were full of excitement. Who doesn't know that Ning Ting started his own business and became a listed company owner. The most important thing is that he is tall and handsome. .

And a few days ago, he often came to school to meet Lausanne. Many of his classmates in the department had seen it. Such a fine-looking man could hardly pick one on campus.

Now she is still reading the poems in public.

It's totally not about finding a boyfriend.

Lausanne stumbled.

The urgent news that disturbs classmates is a recitation of love poems, which is too speechless.

What's even more speechless is Professor Li's smile. "Everyone, be quiet, let's listen to this love poem. Boys can listen, learn, and see how they chase their girlfriends."

Professor Li spoke, and the students calmed down immediately.

The average dull and low-pitched voice of Jun Ting came out through the radio and was more magnetic: "Lolo, please allow me to call you like this, although you have already broken up with me, but I think you are unilateral, I Did not agree. "

The audience laughed.

Lausanne covered his face and wished to get under the table.

This shameless one has already gone to the school.

On the radio, Jun Ting went on to say, "It ’s not long since we met. I have n’t told you a lot. I do n’t remember when I fell in love with you. I just remember the night we met in the clubhouse. , Your bright and watery eyes, pink lips like cherries and long curly hair, and the scent of light flowing from your hair, At that moment I heard a murmur of my heart,

My heart was fascinating, the moment when I met you was beautiful, and I will never forget in my life. You have to break up with me, maybe I am not good enough, not careful enough, not gentle, not considerate, but from now on I am willing to serve you Change, I can send you flowers every day, I can blow hair for you every day, I can cook for you, I can peel your favorite fruits, I can peel shrimp and crab, I can strip everything I can peel, I can put my salary card With all the deposits in your hands, I can love you forever, Lolo, would you like to return to me. "

"I'm willing, I'm willing, Mr. President, I'll chase you down."

In the classroom, I don't know which bold girl took the lead to scream, and then other girls also called.

Lausanne froze, covering his face with his hands, only feeling that something was coming out of his eyes.

She realized afterwards that it was tears.

Annual average, you big fool.

Didn't he always say that he was deliberately chasing him.

Then came out to confess and love poems, haven't you always followed the cold and proud route.

How does this make her go on.

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but smile sweetly.

The magnetic voice on the radio continues: "If you don't want to, I'll look at you behind and wait for you to turn back."

"Ah, ah, the voice of the general manager is so good," said a female classmate excitedly. "Luo Sang, you promise, compound, don't hesitate anymore, you hesitate, we're going to chase the general manager. . "

Lausanne: "..."

Professor Li coughed on the podium, "It's really touching, Lausanne, or you promise to regroup."

Mid-year: how my love poems are written.

(End of this chapter)

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