Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 603: Do n’t allow Yan Su to eat

Chapter 603: Don't Allow Yan Su To Eat

Lausanne: "..."

She didn't know if she should cry or laugh.

But I just want to break up and get the evidence from Jiang Qifei first.

How to make the whole school know.

She should have thought about the underestimation of the average annual thunder, then it can not be inferred from the thinking of normal men, this guy has never walked the ordinary road.

On the one side, Chi Shengxu quietly took the book to cover his face, and was very emotional. "What to do, I haven't been touched by Mr. Nian."

Really, he originally felt that he was much younger than the average youngster. He didn't understand why Lausanne had to choose a six- or seven-year-old. He had been so silent and forbearing. He felt that he was great. It's really like pediatrics.


Lausanne stood up suddenly, closed the book and rushed straight out.

She rushed all the way to President He's office.

"Lausanne, why don't you come here to run in class," President He said with a smile.

Lausanne gasped and pointed outside. "Principal, when we are in class, we always read love letters like this ... Not so good, it affects everyone in class, you don't care."

"You child, have no conscience," said Principal He. "The annual confession is very touching. In order for your lovers to become dependents, I have approved how Mr. Any will do in school. If you get married, remember to send me Invitation. "

Lausanne's mouth twitched.

She has forgotten that the principal has become his dog leg after He Jun tuned to the principal last year.

"Come out, I still have something to do," Principal He waved.

Out of the principal's office, the bell for the class has sounded.

Yan Su called and contacted her. The two made an appointment to meet at the cafeteria door and had lunch together.

As soon as they met, Yan Su frowned and learned to mimic the low voice of the average young man: "Your bright and watery eyes, long curly hair, small cherry-like mouth, oh, I snorted in my heart ..."

Lausanne Red's anxiety burrowed into the seam. "Don't add fuel and vinegar, people don't seem to say anything about it."

"The year is never there, but my little heart is so sloppy," Yan Su said with a smile, "It's so sweet to my heart, alas, Nian is really good and has nothing to say. Yesterday you said him like that, he I was not angry, and I chased you upside down. You used to say that you were always careful. Hey, I think you are careful. "

"You're willing to live your home," Lausanne said angrily.

"If Nian chases me, I don't want to be trendy, after all, he is not as good as Nian," Yan Su's lips curled up.

The two talked and went to cook. When they arrived at the window, the auntie glanced at Lausanne and suddenly took out a delicate dark food container. "Girl, this is the meal you always prepare for you."

Lausanne froze and opened the lunch box.

The rice inside was decorated with carrots to form a pig's head, with chicken wings, peeled shrimp, spare ribs, and cauliflower on the side.

"Wow, so pretty," Yan Su marveled.

Lausanne remembered the words of Junting Tsing: You are a happy little pig in my heart.

Alas, what's going on with this explosive EQ?

She was about to fall apart.

"This will not be done by Mr. Nian himself," Yan Su said.

"Probably not, he can't do it," Lausanne conjectured. "This should be done by Sister Lan."

"Hurry up, sit down and let me taste it too," Yan Su pushed her to sit.

Lausanne took out the chopsticks, and suddenly found that there was still a piece of paper on the plate under the dish. She took it out and read a few words of perseverance: Don't allow Yan Su to eat.

Yan Su: Mr. Nian, I won't talk to you any more.

(End of this chapter)

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