Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 687: You should send a young cloud, let him also

Chapter 687: The Young Cloud Should Be Fated

It wasn't until the security came over to see her look that she was taken to the hospital.

Liao Qiulong received a phone call from the police, hurried to the hospital, and was shocked when he saw Jiang Qifei lying on the hospital bed.

Jiang Qifei is usually well-maintained and still beautiful in her fifties, but now she is swollen like a pig's head.

She was still wearing sick clothes, and her exposed neck and arms were all injured.

When Jiang Qifei saw him, he quickly covered his face and cried, "Qiu Long, don't look at me, I look like you'll never see you again."

"Who did this and which **** made you look like this?" Liao Qiulong was so distressed that he hurried over to hold her and coaxed, "Don't cry, don't cry."

"It's your two baby sons in your family," Jiang Qifei snuggled into his arms, crying, "They also chopped all my clothes. I didn't expect this age to be as shameful, I said it earlier I do n’t want to be with you. You said that you can handle the person in your family, why is it like this, Qiulong, I think we are still apart, I am really hard, I do n’t want to live now. "

Liao Qiulong brushed his face.

But when I saw her crying pear flower with rain, my heart twitched, "The two stinky boys, don't cry, this ..."

"They also took pictures of me naked and I don't want to live," Jiang Qifei said and slammed into the nightstand.

Liao Qiulong quickly held her and coaxed, "Don't worry, I will take the picture for you. This time, the stink girl has completely messed with me. I wanted to be a couple for decades. Now, as long as she doesn't care too much, you can rest assured that I will divorce her when I go back and leave her alone. "

"Don't, I don't want to disrupt your relationship," Jiang Qifei choked and shook his head. "Divorced, what about your two children?"

"They've already settled down and started a business. If they still want my property, this wave won't turn up," Liao Qiulong said, comforting her.

Jiang Qifei lay in his arms, her eyes showed a strong hatred, this matter, she would not just let it go.

The mother and son, she will make them pay for their behavior today.


Sheng Ting.

Just after Ning Junting came out of the meeting, Lu Kang came quickly with a cell phone and said, "Wang Ping's cell phone was grabbed."

Annual average Ting calmly took over.

Lu Kang said unnaturally: "Jiang Qifei ... the photo is in it, I'm locked."

"Looked?" Ning Junting raised an eyebrow.

Lu Kang was frightened, "I just took a look at it. For confirmation, that figure is more than fifty, right? I can't stand it."

Nian Junting sneered lowly. "What can't stand it? It can turn over the soul that Liao Qiulong and Nian Qingyun can be fascinated. It must be very powerful. I should publish the young cloud and let him stun."

Lu Kang probably thinks of Qingyun Yun's mood, probably the same as eating a stool.

"Will you go to Jiang Qifei to get this picture?" Lu Kang said. "She was taken to the hospital and threatened her. Maybe she would give Miss Xu's evidence."

"That's not necessarily, people want faces, trees want skins, she doesn't want skins anymore, this kind of person doesn't necessarily care about my threat," Nian Junting played with his cell phone, "I asked you to rob your cell phone back, not to Going online, I just don't want to affect Leng Shuangwei and Uncle Leng, after all, she saved my grandma, and this matter has nothing to do with her. "

Fourth more

Fifth more, morning

(End of this chapter)

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