Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 688: The little woman in her arms is soft like a cat

Chapter 688: The Little Woman In Her Arms Is Soft As A Cat

Lu Kang bowed his head.

Leng Shuangwei was also unlucky, gave birth to such a mother, "Jiang Qifei did not notify Miss Leng after going to the hospital, only called Liao Qiulong to pass."

"I think she still has a little bit of shame, afraid that her daughter knows all this," Nian Junting showed disgustingly, "the next thing is to see what Liao Qiulong intends to do. If he doesn't look at him, don't blame me. "

Lu Kang laughed: "I have bought all those who Jiang Qifei sent to follow Miss Xu, and she can't suspect Miss Xu."

"Just in case, keep your eyes open. After all, Lolo is pregnant now. Pay attention. I have to rescue my dad as soon as possible, and try to get married this year." Keep an eye on so you don't see moths again.


Five days passed.

When Lausanne and Nian Junting ate at the riverside restaurant, they were bored with Weibo, and the latest news came out. Liao Qiulong, Qifeng Holdings, wanted to divorce his wife.

"Did you say that Jiang Qifei was Liao Qiulong's lover last time?" Lausanne showed his news on the cellphone to the average annual Ting. "She's going to be on top?"

Junting Ting looked at him and tasted a bit of cod, saying gently, "Liao Qiulong is getting older and more confused."

"No way, men are lascivious," Lausanne glanced at him deliberately. "Maybe you're old, and you'll be fascinated by any woman."

Nian Junting put down his chopsticks and raised his lips. "Will I be fascinated by other women, I don't know, but other women will surely be upset by my fascination. This is inevitable."

Lausanne rolled his eyes at him. "If you dare to be ambiguous with other women, I will be like your mother to find you a second spring."

Young Jun Ting couldn't help but think of Young Qingyun.

Grandpa also called and told himself yesterday that Qingyun Yun had recently raised his blood pressure and plans to retire early.

Probably enraged.

"You said that there was a way to deal with Jiang Qifei, what would she do if she was in the top position," Lausanne became more distressed.

"Liao Qiulong went public, and I play finance. Do you think he can play with me?" Tingjun Nian smiled indifferently.

Lausanne looked at his unfathomable smile.

Suddenly speechless.

This guy does have a set of finances. Liao Qiulong is an industrialist. It is probably not his opponent to play.

"Follow me to Yunnan the day after tomorrow," Nian Junting watched as she drank the juice and refilled her. "Yi's Movie Holiday Villas will hold a shareholder meeting over there. I have to go."

Lausanne was distressed. "I have to go to class."

"It doesn't matter if you don't go to Beijing in the middle of the month, please two days," reminded Nian Junting. "Aren't you trying to convince Zenghuai?"

It was an opportunity when Lausanne's eyes brightened.

"Catch it," Ning Junting clipped a shrimp to her.

It happened that the service industry brought a bowl of shiitake mushroom and chicken soup. Lausanne smelled the smell and suddenly felt a nausea coming from his throat.

In a hurry, she quickly dragged a garbage can beside her and spit out everything she had just eaten.

Nian Junting quickly got up and patted her on the back.

After she vomited for the first time, she just breathed, and then vomited for the second time. She even vomited yellow bile, and her mouth was bitter.

After spitting, I wiped my mouth and raised my head. He was weak on the thighs of Jun Ting, and said weakly, "I can't smell the mushroom, it's uncomfortable."

"Hurry up and take the chicken soup away," Nian Junting waved to the waiter, looking down at the little woman in her arms as soft as a cat, her heart tightening.

Fifth more. Continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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