Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 752: She will also like me

Chapter 752: She Will Like Me

"It's a pity that your house was bought in vain," Jun Ting said coldly, "I'm afraid she won't live there, she will only live with me in the future."

"She will come and live, and she will like me," Molucy said after leaving confidently.

Nian Xi noticed that her brother was jumping on the temple, as if he was about to jump out, she quickly pressed his shoulder. "Brother, calm down, popular with you, my sister-in-law is pregnant, can I still run?"

The average annual Ting seated, depressed.

For many years no one dared to be so arrogant before him.

"Now the young people haven't suffered, they don't know the heights and heights of the earth, when they look at this," Nian Xi laughed.

Nian Junting took a look at the confession just recorded by Nian Xi, "Liu Xi, this is an awful name."

Nian Xi: "..."

"Not only is the name unpleasant, but the person is also ugly. He is only twenty years old, and his hair and hair have not grown up."

Nian Xi was silent, "I didn't offend you with my confession."

"What are you going to do with this case," asked Jun Ting coldly.

"Jiang Qifei's arm was injured. After the police station took her to the hospital to wrap her up, she would be sent to the custody later," Nian Xi said in silence. "I notified her husband and didn't want to come. I had to call and tell With Shuangwei, she should be on her way. "

The average annual Ting's face suddenly sank.

Leng Shuang gave a hand, "This matter needs to be resolved, and thoroughly resolved. The thing of interest is an example. Do you want the old thing to repeat itself?"

"It's none of my business, it's the fault of Yi Jingxi," Nian Junting responded to the incident.

"In the end, it's not your fault and Lausanne's head," Nian Xi frowned. "The police closed Jiang Qifei for a few months at most. It was good to reflect on her honesty in the jail. If not, it would hate you and you even more. Lausanne, you ca n’t kill her. Even if she hates it, no matter how bad you are, you have to follow the law, but this is the kind of person you ca n’t defend against, you ’re all right, but Sansang, you will have children in the future, You cannot send people to protect them all the time. "

Nian Junting said faintly: "Then send her to a mental hospital, there is no cure for someone like her."

"The problem is that she is not mentally ill, and Leng Shuangwei is not a fool," Nian Xi whitened her eyes. "Although Shuang Wei is as blind and narcissistic and confident as you, after all, she is from a military background. Messing and falsifying the evidence. Are you a display at the Armed Police Force when she is in the Armed Police Force?

Junting Ting looked for a moment, and then looked coldly, "Who do you say is blind, confident and narcissistic?"

Nian Xi was speechless.

Revenge is something he knows better than anyone.

"Nian Xi, Jiang Qifei was delivered from the hospital," the office door knocked, and a colleague came in to remind him, "Sent to the interrogation room."

"Go with me," Nian Xi stood up.

When they reached the door of the interrogation room, they heard Jiang Qifei scolding: "... I have a sore hand and my throat is smoking. You'd better pour me a glass of water immediately. Do you know who I am? My wife is Qi Feng Holding Liao Qiulong. He has money and can save me at any time. "

"Sorry, Aunt Liao, we have informed your husband, but he said that he is out on business and has no time to come," Nian Xi pushed in.

Jiang Qifei's aggressive look suddenly stunned after seeing the average young man behind her, replaced by a trace of fear and a trace of hatred.

Second more

(End of this chapter)

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