Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 753: Will Young Qingyun be mad at the hospital?

Chapter 753: Will Qing Qing Yun Be Taken To The Hospital?

"How is it possible that he is still at home this morning."

Jiang Qifei muttered.

Junting Ning sat across from her and looked at the current Jiang Qifei.

From his memory, Jiang Qifei can't say how delicate it is, but every time it is Wen Wanxian's dress, I don't know when it started, she also gradually put on exquisite makeup and carried a foreign bag.

However, she now seems to be sixty years old alive, and the injuries on her face can be seen as being slapped, and there are whip marks on her arms.

He secretly sighed, Liao Qiulong was really amazing.

He hinted at how long it was last time, which tortured people like this.

Nian Xi's words reminded him that he almost developed a neurotic disease like a favorite.

"Don't you understand? He doesn't want to save you at all," said Junting Ting with his legs crossed. "I haven't seen any beauty around a man like Liao Qiulong. Young, tender, you, even if No matter how good the maintenance is, people are getting old. "

Jiang Qifei panicked on his face, "No, it's you. What ears did you chew on his side? After he gave you the evidence, he changed his attitude towards me when he came back. He took me with a whip and beat me. , No longer give me money to spend, but also fired the babysitter at home, let me both cook and hygienic, if the dishes are not good, he hit me, if the mop is not clean, he hit me, you see I have only become like this in a few days. I want to sue him, sue him for domestic violence. "

The average annual Ting was unmoved, and he had expected all of this.

"A man who can abandon his messy wife at home will have a few good men, not to mention that I just said what I should say. Your previous marriage was derailed within the marriage. Am I wrong?"

Jiang Qifei glared and raised his voice by eight degrees. "That was seduced by my dad. My marriage was good at first. Do you think I want to derail? I will become like this, all by your dad."

Nian Xi covered her face.

The average young man calmly dialed the youth cloud number under the table.

Then if you continue to say nothing to Jiang Qifei, "It's a bit boring for you to say this kind of thing now. At that time, my dad and Wang Bazi said that he was attracted by your gentle and gentle gentleman, but he didn't say he seduced you."

"It's him who seduce me."

Jiang Qifei insisted and cried. "I was so stupid and naive at the time. Your uncle Leng was a wood and he didn't know whether he was cold or hot. He sent me this and that, and he said it would be good for me. His heart is full of me, and he will marry me. I ca n’t live without me. I ca n’t stand the temptation of him for a while, and in these years, I often dream about what happened at midnight and regret it.

But there is no regret medicine in this world, my husband divorced me, my daughter is not close to me, yes, I threatened Xu Luosang, but it was because I felt that I had owed Frostwell in this life, I just wanted to make her happy I did something wrong. You have never been parents. Do you know how you feel about being a parent? "

Nian Xi felt that if she did not add any jealousness to the previous paragraph, she could still be touched by listening to the back, but now ...

She glanced at the number secretly dialed out by the young Junting, seriously doubting that Qingyun would be sent to the hospital with anger.

After all, Jiang Qifei at that time was Bai Yueguang in his heart, gentle and skilled, and refreshed his three views again and again.

Third more.

There are only three changes today. It ’s a bit overwhelming to have a meeting tonight at 10 pm. This is going to be changed soon. I have n’t saved the draft for a few days, so I had to reduce the number of updates and save more drafts. Many readers may say me, but only four or five hours of sleep per day, the body said it was really a bit overwhelming.

There are more days on the 18th and 19th, and 50,000 words are updated every day. .

(End of this chapter)

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