Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 979: Protecting calves is a must

Chapter 979: Protecting Calves Is A Must

"Sorry, it's all because of me," Yan Su felt guilty.

I had known that she would not respect that glass of wine.

Molucy glanced down at her deeply, "If the woman you like is bullied and has no courage to stand up and protect him, what kind of man am I?"

Yan Su froze.

I would think of the way she was in pain before the eyes of the general public, and suddenly a deep emotion filled her heart.

I was studying alone for four years outside, and I did n’t stand up for myself every time I was bullied.

This is the first time a man has protected himself so desperately.

Although it can be said that he was young and vigorous, he was brave.

Yan Su looked up, he was looking down at her, his dark eyes were like stars, and she could even clearly reflect her figure inside.

Her heart trembled fiercely.

Suddenly remembered the timeliness.

Like Molucy said, she is the person he likes, but Shi Xu also said that she likes her and asked for recombination a few hours ago.

But in that scenario, Ji Nuyi, who had only had a few relationships with her, came out, but Shi Xu was not visible.

If it was before, Shi Xuxue was busy with various activities, busy with development, and no longer around him, but today, he is clearly a few tables away from himself, and he does not believe he has not seen himself insulted.

She scratched her eyes at herself.

Is this what she likes before?

Fortunately ... I did not accept reunion with him this afternoon.

Moluci did not let go of every inch of light in her eyes, and a flash of joy flashed in her heart. He just said it on purpose, which impressed her secondly, and most importantly, made her look like a coward when compared with herself.

He pretended not to know what she was thinking and continued to quietly added, "But what surprised me was Sister Yi, she would stand up and talk to you at the risk of offending General Jia, no wonder she would help my sister again and again, Her character is really nothing to say. "

So Shi Xu's character need not say more.

"Yeah," Yan Suzheng said.

Shi Xu is probably afraid of offending President Jia.

In the afternoon, he also said that he worked so hard to earn money and wanted to be popular in order to take him back and be seen by her family.

The original purpose of all this was for her.

But it still seemed too simple to her.

Compared with Jia, he chose the latter.

Explain that in his heart money, fame and fortune are more important.

And she may just be an excuse for his efforts to climb up.

Yan Su suddenly thought through.

There is nothing to regret for that relationship.

Regardless of whether his father has come forward to look out of date, the final result is probably this.

"You guys ..." Li Da looked at them in a stunned look, "Good boy, you already know each other, no wonder when I chose a singer ..."

Yan Su was anxious as soon as she heard it, lest she thought that she had gone through the back door.

But I have n’t explained yet. Moluci has already said, “I said something when I was a singer. Did n’t I also choose Ye Yunyang, or do you think that Su Su's strength is not as good as Ye Yunyang, I ca n’t help you to say that. All I can say is that you have no taste for music. "


Lidao was blocked with itchy teeth.

"Don't I say nothing, don't you hit me so much?"

Molucy said indifferently: "Protect the calf is necessary, and do you think I am the kind of person who would hold her up hard without her strength?"

Second, and then write the third

(End of this chapter)

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