Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 980: Wash your face and bath as much as you can later.

Chapter 980 Washing Your Face And Bathing As Possible As You Can Help Him

Li Dao said nothing.

He still knows that Moluci is a person. Moluci is the kind of person who hates playing in the backstage and always playing big names.

"I understand, no wonder you will make such a big fire tonight," Li Ming sighed with sigh, "boy, you're terrific, Yan Su, make a girlfriend with such a good guy, otherwise I They regret that they don't have a girl, otherwise they really want to recruit him as son-in-law. "

"I now only agree to be the son-in-law of Yan Su's parents," said Mo Luxi, looking at Yan Su with a lip and a smile.

Yan Su was a little worried and kind. He heard his words turned red, and quickly changed the subject. He said, "You're hurt like this now, talk less."

"Yeah, I forgot to mention it. It's painful to say so. It's probably that my blood is draining and I feel powerless," Moluci said, leaning weakly on her shoulder.

His soft hair curled across her cheek, Yan Su turned his face, and saw his weak cheek, and he didn't even dare to breathe for a moment, lest he would hurt him by his large movements.

Li Ming in front glanced at the look of the two at the back, and scolded the kid that his cheeks were thick enough. At this time, he was still thinking about taking advantage of others.

However, he was relieved that with this mood, his arm should not be disabled.

Molucy leaned on her small fragrant shoulder. If she was not afraid of blood flow, she really wanted to stay that way for a lifetime.

Just then, his cell phone rang. It was Lausanne's call. As soon as he picked it up, he heard Lausanne hurriedly say, "I heard warm talk about your fight, which hospital did you go to, and we'll come over right away. "

Molucy frowned. He didn't want to let them know about it. "I'm fine, don't come here, you're pregnant with your child at night."

And your presence will prevent him and Yan Su from falling in love.

"I don't come to see for yourself," Lausanne said hurriedly. Was it easy for her to have a younger brother at the age of twenty.

Molucy had to tell them the address.


At the hospital, Yan Su immediately put on a mask to accompany Moliusi into the emergency room.

His injury was still serious, and he had to do various inspections to see if there were any injuries to the veins or blood vessels. However, it seems that there is no major bleeding along the way.

And it was troublesome for him to get the injury, and he needed to get the glass shards.

When the doctor took him in for an examination, Li Ming and Yan Su stood outside, Li Ming glanced at Yan Su, and suddenly sighed, "I hope not to hurt the veins. If I hurt it, this hand will definitely be a big problem in the future. If it does n’t work well, I can only give up filming. "

Yan Su was frightened by what he said, "Should ... not."

"It's hard to say," Li Ming shook his head with a bitter face, "He didn't think about it before he blocked the bottle for you, but fortunately he blocked it, otherwise you'll ruin your face."

Yan Su subconsciously touched his face.

The heart was shaking.

So it was more relevant to Moliusier.

After finally getting out of Molucy, she rushed forward, "Doctor, how is he?"

The doctor said, "Fortunately, I didn't hurt my veins, but I lost too much blood and needed blood transfusions. Besides, I could n’t force my arm wounds before healed, and I could n’t do housework or touch water. You ’re his girlfriend, wash your face, Help him as much as possible in the shower. "


Yan Su listened and choked, and embarrassed.

Take a bath, is there anything wrong.

Third more. . Then write the fourth

(End of this chapter)

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