Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 984: She must also treat Lucy as a brother

Chapter 984: She Will Definitely Become Brother Brother

Yan Su was a little bit confused, she thought that Moluci would not participate, after all, he was not the kind of person who would be patient.

"What are you going to do," Mo Jin said politely, "you just say you haven't recovered from your injury."

"That wouldn't work," Moliusi said, "rarely able to cooperate with Li Dao. I hope we can make a perfect match with two swords."

Li Dao said silently in his heart.

Isn't it because Yan Su won't leave, nor will he leave.

Lausanne nodded. "That's true, indeed, there are very few directors as well-known and capable as Li Dao in China. You have to learn more from him. As for the combination of two swords, don't exaggerate so much. It's your senior after all. "

Her heart was really speechless. Her husband narcissistically looked at the sky with his eyes all day, so was his brother.


The Lausanne family left with Yan Su, who was already in the parking lot.

On the way to the parking lot, Mo Jin took Yan Su's hand and said, "Su Su, please take care of us Lucy. Although he has a sharp mouth, he is cold outside and hot inside, and his heart is still very thin. The main thing is It is kind-hearted and not afraid of power. You can see that he protects you today, usually you are either stubborn or high-cold, but when it ’s critical, it ’s very reliable. I often think that his character should not be his wife in the future. People can bully. "

Xu Zheng added silently, "But he might be bullied ..."

"What nonsense," Mo Jin stared at him fiercely and continued to Yan Su with a smile, "Even if bullying, it's the kind of small fight between husband and wife, the kind that gets louder and sweeter, I'm him Isn't it clear to me, mom, and he is handsome and in good shape ... "

Yan Su became more and more embarrassed, and even Lausanne heard something wrong. It wasn't like trustee care. It was clear that she was selling her son. "Mom, Yan Su will take care of her when she has time. She has a good personality and Lucy is me. Brother, she will certainly treat Lucy as her brother. "

Yan Su was so ashamed that she couldn't wait to get in.

It turned out that Lausanne thought her so well, but she slept with her brother for the first time.

"Auntie, don't worry, don't say that I and Lausanne are good friends. Lucy saved me this time, so I will take care of him anyway. My car is there. Do n’t send it out. Go back, I will go too. Here, "Yan Su quickly slipped into her nanny car.

She's going crazy after talking like this.

Seeing Yan Su's car leave, Lausanne was not very angry and said, "Mom, what did you tell Yan Su about, you might want to match them."

"Why not match," Mo Jin blinked. "Your brother has been fighting for a woman for the first time in twenty years. Is it easy? I must shape his image in Yan Su's heart. Maybe your brother will still have a woman in the future. need."

Lausanne: "..."

Xu Zhenghuo couldn't help but said, "Isn't Lucie good? He is not mature enough now, and you see Junting and his grandmother want to introduce us to Lucie all day long. You are afraid he won't find his wife. "

"Yes," Lausanne quickly agreed.

Mo Jin Hehe, "That's because you don't get along with him under one roof every day. Really, with his personality, any woman can't stand being with him for a long time."

Lausanne said cautiously, "Mum, are you particularly difficult to get along with ..."

Mo Jin: "..."

Before I knew it, I couldn't get along with this daughter.

First more. . Second afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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