Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 985: Injured except for my brother-in-law who was in the hospital

Chapter 985: Injured except for my brother-in-law in the hospital, no one else

Xu Zhengxian quickly glanced at Lausanne, "How could it be that your brother is difficult to get along with, your mother is very nice and has no temper at all."

Lausanne was speechless, and his dad had no principle at all.


In the car where Yan Su went back, Jiaojiao's excited eyes glowed, "Su Su, stay with Mr. Mo."

Yan Su was taken aback by her.

"Really, it's so handsome. After this evening, I've become his fan girl," Jiaojiao said. "If you miss a man who can even block a bottle to protect you, you will regret it forever."

Yan Su remembered the scene at that moment, and her heart throbbed.

I don't know since when she found out that Molucy's appearance could be so clear in her mind.

It only takes a second to fully recreate his expression.

Jiaojiao shook his fist. "Instead, I pay attention to being outdated. When you are being bullied, he stands up, but sits down very quickly. He has no intention of coming forward. I ca n’t believe it. Anyway, I ’ll go up and discourage it Thanks, I used to think she was handsome ... "

After she finished speaking, she saw that Yan Su's face was very uncomfortable, and she quickly said, "I'm sorry ..."

"It doesn't matter," Yan Su shook her head.

"Susu, keep away from this person in the future," Jiaojiao said. "People like him, they say they like you, and really wait for some day. If you affect his interests, he will definitely give up on you, woman. Do you have to choose someone who can protect you? It doesn't mean that you have to protect men, but if men don't protect women in danger, what else can they do? "

"Well, I want to understand too," Yan Su nodded.

Maybe she should find time to go back to see her parents and apologize to them.

When I was young, they thought they were unreasonable, they thought they were poor and love the rich, but in fact, they just experienced more than seeing people better than themselves, and knew that the door was not right.


Eleven in the evening.

Before the drip was finished, Molucy frowned and kept looking up at the bottle, and the average young man said lazily, "Is it urgent, there is no wife in your family waiting for you, and it doesn't matter if you hit it at random."

Molucy glanced at him lightly. "I look at you as if you want to rush back."

"That's true," Jun Ting nodded, "you may not understand the mood of having a wife like me waiting for me at home."


Isn't that just a wife? Is it always necessary to show off?

"Thank you so much for staying here with me so late," Molucy said, lipping slightly.

"No way, who wants you to be Sang Sang's younger brother? This is all I should do," Nian Junting said, looking down at his mobile phone and starting to see his wife's photos. I really miss her. I miss her.

"Excuse me, can you peel me an orange," Molucy said, "I have a dry mouth."

Junting Ting opened a bottle of mineral water and handed it to him, "Have no other hand left, drink it by yourself."

Morusi was speechless. "I said I would eat oranges."

"No, I will only strip your sister," Nian Junting shook his head, "you can only drink water, or you can only die of thirst."


Nian Junting went on to say: "Also, the next fight is not to lose. I got hurt. Except for my brother-in-law who is in the hospital to accompany me, I really have no one and take good care of myself."


Moriusi took a sip of water and closed his eyes. Fortunately, he was not going to be hospitalized, otherwise he would be mad at the hospital.

Third change later

(End of this chapter)

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