Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 989: Tell me why i like you so much

Chapter 989 Tell me why I like you so much

Yan Su felt even more guilty.

He has always been arrogant and will admit that it is really painful.

However, she got a scratch on the leg of the tree after a few hours and sewed a few stitches. At the time, she had pain in applying anesthetic, not to mention he had more than ten stitches.

"Actually you look like this ... it would be better to return to your parents for the time being," Yan Su said, "take a good rest at home. You are now alone, to be honest ..."

"Don't you understand why I don't want to go back," Morius interrupted her, his eyes deeper than the night sky.

Yan Su's heart moved fiercely.

Actually, she guessed some yesterday, but didn't think too much.

Now he stared at himself, she could not avoid it.

Molucy stretched out her arms and surrounded her in the middle of the kitchen counter, her voice was hot. "I can't see you for a few days, I will miss you, so I don't want to."

Yan Su's eyes flickered, and she stammered a bit, "I ... I ..."

"Even if you live here, you may not come or often go out, but whenever you think of me and you are separated by a wall, you will feel more comfortable," Moluci said, burying her head deeply in her neck. Wo Li, "Tell me why I like you so much, I like to feel uncomfortable without seeing you or hearing from you one day."

"Luxi ..." Yan Su's eyes started to look.

Obviously a big boy, but leaning on himself, suddenly fragile like a child, people can not bear to push away.

Her nose was pinched on the pajamas on his chest. The man's body temperature passed over, and his face gradually became hot, but his legs and body turned a little soft when he smelled the good smell on him.

"Susu, you are so fragrant," he said nostalgically in her neck.

Yan Su woke up suddenly and quickly pushed him away, annoyed and said, "Don't bother me, I'll make you a Chinese food."

"Okay," Molucy smiled.

When she was cooking lunch, he looked around and couldn't help but see her skilled look: "Have you been cooking since childhood?"

"A little bit, my mother encouraged me to make egg fried rice, noodles and the like from a very young age," Yan Su laughed. "They told me that girls must have independent thinking."

Molucy agreed, "then your parents' education is good."

Yan Su suddenly felt sad, "It's just a pity ..."

"When Chinese New Year, I will go back to see your parents with you," Moluci said suddenly. "Are you always going back? Everyone, when they are adolescents, do n’t understand their parents, you may think They opposed you and Shixu at that time, but from the perspective of their parents, they hope that their daughter can marry a little better, do not want her to fall in love early, and it is not unreasonable. "

Yan Suyi looked up and looked up. "How do you know?"

Molucy blinked, and accidentally said that he was leaking.

"Sang Sang told you," Yan Su frowned.

"She didn't, you know how keen I am. As long as she said a little bit of carelessly, I can guess, not to mention your story is very dogmatic ..." Grab a piece of garlic and throw it over his face.

Molucy quickly blocked it, and when he saw Yan Su glaring at him, he was very cute. He smiled, "But I didn't expect you to be so rebellious when you were a good boy in high school."

"Stop talking," Yan Su lowered her head and squeezed her lips to chop vegetables.

Molucy looked at her quietly for a while and said, "Susu, I think your parents must miss you very much."

First more. Second afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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