Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 990: So take me back to see your parents this new year

Chapter 990: Take Me Back To See Your Parents During Chinese New Year

Yan Su trembled her eyelashes, shook her head, and the corners of her mouth were a bit bitter. "They must hate me so much that they grew up with painstaking efforts, but I abandoned them and went away. I am now red, but ... they I never thought of coming to me ... "

"I wouldn't come to you if your parents," Molucy interrupted her without hesitation. "You also know that it's not easy for your parents to raise you, it's not just as simple as giving you birth, it's a little bit It pulled you big, and as a result you left them for a man, and anger was second, and more importantly, sad. "

Yan Su was complacent, and his eyes were a little pantothenic. "I don't know why it was like that ..."

"If I were that boy ...," Molucy stood across the kitchen counter, staring at her eyes. "Even if your parents object, I will promise you that I will come back to you when my career is successful. Will not let you betray your own family. "

Yan Su stayed blank and stared at him.

Mingming is only 20 years old, and even the facial features are still full of youthful breath, but his eyes are so mature, "Morius, how old are you today?"

"I'm twenty," Molucy put aside his face. "But I'm not the same as you. Your family should have been good since childhood. Your parents didn't let you suffer. You won't understand that kind of thing. Dinner, your parents will fool you to eat her hungry first. "

"You mean Aunt Mo ..."

"Well," Molucy nodded. "In this world, it's your parents who won't betray or abandon, especially you, a woman who ran away with a man and was bullied by someone outside to help you. "

"You're right," Yan Su nodded and smiled slightly. "If only I could have been as sensible as you before."

"Why don't you say it, if only a man like me had liked it before," Molucy calmly walked behind her, his chest pressed vaguely against her back.

Yan Su looked back and saw his brilliant eyebrows and hot eyes.

She blushed and glared at him, "Can you stay away from me so close, you know this behavior belongs to the hooligan?"

Moluci did not answer her, but went on to say, "Susu, I'm just jealous of the obsolete love you used to be desperate."

Yan Su shook his hand holding the kitchen knife.

"What's so jealous ..." she murmured, although you couldn't participate in the past, but didn't you strongly say you would participate in her future.

"Just jealous," Molucy turned her body, "so take me back to see your parents this New Year."


This rhythm jumps a bit fast.

Yan Su was dumbfounded, "Why should I take you back."

"Respect filial piety instead of you," Molucy smiled.

Yan Su: "..."

"You're only twenty now," she could not help reminding, "I didn't finish the book. I took a schoolmate back. My parents would not only forgive me, but they would also kill me. What would you think of me?" It ’s not easy to do everything. I just want to fall in love. I used to love it before, but now I seduce younger than me. ”

Molucy frowned. "It makes sense, then wait two years."

Yan Su's head seemed to fly over a row of crows. "That ... we don't seem to be in love yet."

There were two changes in the morning. Third afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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