GT Angel, Cultivate God of Destruction At The Start

Chapter 149 Super Saiyan God Should Be Stronger


Son Goku cast Instant Transmission and disappeared without a trace in a flash.

Majin Buu looked around, left and right, where can I find Son Goku?

"Gone! Where's the man? Where did that guy go?" Buffydy was also looking around for Son Goku.

How to find it?

Buffydi became angry at the time and took out his anger on Majin Buu.

"Hey, that guy ran away! Didn't you see it? What are you still yelling at here? Why don't you find it for me! Buffy Di shouted loudly.

Majin Buu's good mood was completely gone.

Fighting Son Goku was fun.

As a result, it disappeared.

I don't even know where he went.

Then, the guy was still yelling at the side.

"Did you hear me? You pig, I'm talking to you!" Buffy shouted.

Majin Buu's face became more and more gloomy.

"Right, Lord Buffy." Majin Buu looked back at Buffy with a smile on his face.

"What's the matter?" Buffy said angrily.

"I remembered an interesting thing. As Buu said, Ling Xiao slowly walked over.

"What? Can you do anything interesting? Let's hurry up and find someone." Buffydi was stunned, and replied in a very unhappy manner.

"I'm telling you..." Buu leaned into Buffy Di's ear and whispered.

"Get that guy back quickly!" Buffydi got a little impatient.


Majin Buu took the opportunity to squeeze Buffy Di's neck.

Buffydi was shocked and frightened at the time, and his face changed again and again.

"You can't call it out now?" Buu looked at Buffydi with a smile, "I can't say the spell that seals me, right?"

Buffydi's face was pale, and his pupils were covered with bright red blood.

"You taught me a lot of things, but I don't need you anymore. A killing intent appeared on Buu's face.

Buffy was terrified and struggled desperately in the air.

However, no matter how hard Buffy tries, he can't break free from Buu's control.

"Prepare to die!" Buuhao clenched his fists and aimed at Buffy Di's head.

Despair was written all over Buffy's face.


Buu blows Buffy Di's head with a punch.

Immediately afterwards, Majin Buu held up Buffy Di's headless body and laughed happily.



Buu casually threw Buffy Di's body into the air, and a Ki Blast hit him.

66 Boom!

Buffy Di's body turned into scum at that time, shattered to pieces.

The demon "Human Buuqu is happy to hang!" danced and even danced in the air.

Son Goku also just returned to the shrine with Instant Transmission.

"Goku, are you back?" Piccolo greeted.

"Majin Buu has killed Buffidi," Son Goku said.

"What~?" Bi Yi was stunned, "Well, it's true that Buffy Di's anger has disappeared. 99

"I felt he was going to strike, but I didn't expect him to be so quick." Son Goku lamented.

"So, it's not too late to give orders, will Majin Buu also be honest?" Piccolo asked.

"It would be nice if that was the case." Son Goku nodded.


Just as Son Goku's voice fell, Majin Buu blew a gust of wind towards the metropolis below.

The gust of wind swept across most of the city at once, making the city smoky.

Residents in the city screeched and fled one after another.


Majin Buu fell from the sky and landed on the bustling highway of the city.

"Ready! Run!"

Buu ran wildly in the city, regardless of the buildings in front of him, and directly penetrated all obstacles with his own body.

For a time, the entire West was facing a crisis.

Majin Buu ran for a while, then hugged his big belly and laughed.

so fun.


Majin Buu looked down and saw a beautiful woman hiding under the corner of the wall.

This beautiful woman also saw Majin Buu, and her face was pale with fright, and her delicate body kept trembling.

"Ya ya ya... Please don't kill me..." The beauty was really frightened.

Why did I just drop the emblem like this, just happened to meet Majin Buu...

"Hey, am I handsome? Buu pointed to his face.


"He looks handsome! Very handsome! The beauty nodded vigorously.


"Then let me kiss," Buu said, opening his mouth.

The beautiful woman waved her hands in fright.

you monster!

I won't let you kiss.

"You're lying!" Buu was displeased, looked down and saw a magazine appeared in the beauty's small bag.

Buu picked up the magazine and looked at it.

There is a handsome guy in the magazine.

"Really? It turns out that women on Earth like this look." Buu suddenly realized.

Immediately afterwards, Buu rubbed and rubbed his face.

Suddenly, Buu's face became handsome.

"How's it going? This time it should be okay?" Buu said, extending his mouth again.

"Wow... I won't let you kiss me even if I die!" The beauty is still very principled.

I'd rather let listen to kiss than let you kiss!

you monster.

"Woman full of nonsense!" Buu was a little annoyed, "I'm going to turn you into milk candy.


A purple-white lightning flashed from the tentacles on Buu's head.

Suddenly, the little beauty turned into a milk candy.

Majin Buu took the milk candy in his mouth.

Mmmm, it tastes good.

"It's really boring before the awesome guys come here... I'd better destroy this city!" Buu said, his energy surged frantically, and directly turned the whole city into a flat ground.

"Hmph, I'm too naive." Biya.

"Yeah, Majin Buu's sabotage seems to be just for fun..." Son Goku sighed.

"It is entirely possible for that guy to destroy the entire earth in an instant. Bi said with some concern.

"I don't think he's going to do that, he also wants to fight someone stronger than me." Son Goku guessed, "At least we have two more days... The earth should be fine, just pity the innocent earth. people. 99

"You're right." Piccolo nodded.

"You have to teach them the fusion technique quickly, I only have more than an hour left... Son Goku replied.

"What did you say? Impossible, you should have more time to continue right!" Bi exclaimed.

"The transformation of Super Saiyan 3 just around, using it in a different world will cause a big problem... Using it in this world will consume time and energy. Son Goku replied.

"Hurry up and let Dende restore your energy. Than suggested.

"It's useless, I have to go to another world to recover this energy." Son Goku shook his head.


Just as she was talking, Granny Crystal appeared beside Son Goku in a crystal ball.

"Goku, ready to go back... Only 30 minutes left." Granny Crystal replied.

"What? Only 30 minutes left, so little time?" Son Goku was stunned.

"Yes, it's a pity." Granny Crystal nodded.

66 "Oops..." Son Goku was distressed, "Why hasn't Trance come yet?"

"Goku, I want to ask you something." Piccolo said.

"What?" Son Goku asked.

"The newly sewn Super Saiyan III should be able to beat Majin Buu." Piccolo asked.

"I don't know... Majin Buu's strength is unimaginable." Son Goku smiled, "I don't know if I can win.

"Why don't you fight to the end?" Bi asked Zhao again, "Is it because of the relationship between energy and time?

"I'm already a dead man, this kind of thing should not be done by me, but by young people to solve this problem." Son Goku replied, "Although it is a gamble, but seeing those two The rhythm performance of this little guy, I can't help but try my luck.


"There's a good chance they'll beat Buu." Son Goku smiled.

"Okay..." It's better than not knowing what to say.

A brief silence.

"I don't know who your Super Saiyan III is stronger than Vegeta's shadowless Super Saiyan God." Piccolo asked.

"I don't know, after all, I haven't seen what Super Saiyan God looks like." Son Goku shook his head, "But according to my speculation, I'm afraid his Super Saiyan God should be more powerful.

"What? You mean... Has Vegeta overtaken you?" Bi was stunned.

"Maybe." Son Goku nodded.

"Forget it, let's not talk about that." Piccolo sighed.

What does it look like for no (obscure) people to see Super Saiyan God?

It's a bit early to say that.

"It's just... It's a pity for Gohan. After going to another world, say hello to him on my behalf. 99 Picod.

"Well, I think the biggest regret is...he didn't see you when he was dying." Son Goku sighed.


At this time, Trance finally returned to the temple with the Dragon Ball Radar.

"I got it, this is Dragon Ball Radar." Trans said.

"Okay!" Son Goku nodded, "There's only a little time left, you two have to work harder to get around, okay?"


"Yes! 99

Son Goten and Trance responded immediately.

"Being so serious..." Son Goku felt a little uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, maybe Super Saiyan III played a role in this." Bi smiled.

"Okay, then let's start. Son Goku took a deep breath." First of all, after the two people's qi is completely level one, then we start to practice the basic movements... The back is the real difficulty. 33

Son Goten nodded right.

Trance also looked solemn.

Although I feel that Uncle Goku's Super Saiyan III may not be as powerful as Dad's Super Saiyan God.

But Uncle Goku's ability to achieve this level is also very remarkable.

worthy of my respect,

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