GT Angel, Cultivate God of Destruction At The Start

Chapter 150 Angel? The messenger of God?

"After the two of you have the same breath, then the two of you have to keep a certain distance, and then, do something like a hook... Lu Zhu moves together, and your arms are swung in opposite directions, and at the same time, the two of you keep on Approaching... At this time, move three steps! Son Goku said as he moved, "Stop! The palm turns into a fist! At this time, it is difficult to pay attention to the angle of the feet!


Immediately after, Son Goku stretched out two fingers.

"The fingers of the two people should be facing each other, and at this time, pay attention to the angle of the legs, and they should form a right angle!" Son Goku explained, "The outer leg must be straight.

Compared to: "..."

Son Goten:..."


What kind of weird move is this?

"The pose you just walked around should be symmetrical, do you understand? Do it and show me. 99 Son Goku gasped.

"What is left-right symmetry?" Transit asked.

Son Goten was even more confused.

The two little guys are just children in the second grade of elementary school.

How do you know about left-right symmetry?

"Hey? How do you explain the sewing?" Son Goku was slightly taken aback. "Well, I and I will show you guys a demonstration."

Compared to:

I make up!

The police are looking for me.

Let me do that action?

Than turn your head back and forth and look left and right.

It seems that there is no one here but me.

I feel so sad.

"In this way, like looking in a mirror, the movements of the two are completely opposite," Son Goku explained.

Than silently wipe the sweat aside.

The next moment, Bi had to grit his teeth and move together following Son Goku's movements.


Son Goku shouted.

Immediately afterwards, Son Goku and Bi stretched out their fingers at the same time and bumped them together.

Compared to:..."

Compared to even the heart of death.

200 This action is almost no one.

Look at Son Goku again, but he's like a normal person.

Son Goku didn't react at all to this indecent action.

On the contrary, Son Goku shouted when he stretched his finger.

It feels good.

than wiping sweat again.

"Okay, you two try." Son Goku greeted Son Goten and Trans.

"Ahem...that trick just around you want to get along with Vegeta?" Piccolo asked.

"Yes." Son Goku nodded.

"Even if Vegeta is still alive, I'm afraid he won't be worthy to ask you." Piccolo said.

"Eh? Why?" Son Goku was puzzled.

Compared to:

You still ask me why?

on earth.

Majin Buu is flying slowly.

Flying, Majin Buu yawned, feeling a little drowsy.

"I want to sleep." Majin Buu muttered, and it fell from the sky at that time, landing randomly in a small town below.

After seeing Majin Buu, the residents in the town were shocked.

People were running around, screaming and screaming.

"It's so noisy, please calm down for me." Buu frowned and clapped his hands lightly.

Immediately, all the creatures flew into the sky.

It even includes pet dogs, admirers, listening, cows and so on...

Neither was spared.

"Turn into clay!" Buu's tentacles flashed a purple-white lightning bolt.


The creatures all turned into clay.

Majin Buu asked lightly with both hands.

These clays are quickly gathered together.

"Clean up first." Buu said, puffing out his legs and blowing a breath, flattening all the nearby buildings.


A huge piece of clay fell from the sky and landed next to Majin Buu.

Majin Buu started building a house with this clay.

Soon, a house like a bug was built by Majin Buu.

The structure of the house is eccentric, but the interior is well-organized.

Similar to dining room, bathroom, toilet, bedroom, etc., everything is available.

Majin Buu was lying on a small bed and slept a little late.

"Hey, wake up, it's time for me to kill." After Buu got up, he flew into the sky and went to do his killing work.

above the temple.

Son Goku is still teaching the two little guys to use fusion.

"Goku, it's almost time, get ready, it's time to get up and go back to another world. Granny Crystal appeared again and said to Son Goku.

"Really? I see." Son Goku nodded, "Bi, the two of them will be handed over to you in the future, and at this speed, they will be able to master it tomorrow.

"Understood." Bi readily agreed.

Everyone alerted Goku.

"Goku, you have to take care, although it's a bit ridiculous to say that." Lin Dao.

"It took a long time to come back, and I will go back soon." Master Roshi said.

"There will be a period later, Goku. Bulma said.

Chichi sobbed aside.

We met for such a short time, nothing was done...

Then you're off.

"Chichi, dream is sad, you still have Goten." Son Goku comforted.

"But... in case he also..." Chichi was a little worried.

"Don't worry, learn the trick I just made, and I will definitely not lose to Majin Buu." Son Goku said, "I meet Gohan in another world, and I will definitely say hello to him. 93

"Hmm. Chichi wipes her tears.

"But, I think Gohan is still alive," Videl said suddenly.

"Why?" Son Goku asked, turning his head.

"I can't tell, I just think he's still alive," Videl said.

"Your mood is understandable..." Lin sighed, "but this is impossible, we can sense the hook with our breath."

"Yes, he must be alive." Son Goku smiled at Videl.

"Yes!" Videl also smiled happily.

"Goku, we should go." Granny Crystal said.


"Ah...ah..." Son Goten was hesitant to say anything.

"What's wrong with you? Goten?" Son Goku was startled.

Son Goten: "..."

Son Goten didn't know what to say.

"I see Goten, you want Dad to be high, right?" Chichi asked.

Son Goten was so aggrieved that he almost cried.

"Oops, why didn't you say it earlier? Son Goku stepped forward and hugged Son Goku, raised him high, held him in his arms again, and touched her hair.

Son Goten cried even harder.

"Goten, Mom will leave it to you to take care of Akatsuki," Son Goku said.


. ' Son Goten nodded vigorously.

Son Goku slowly put down his son Goten and flew into the evening sky.

"Goodbye everyone, see you when you die." Son Goku waved a warning.


The next moment, Son Goku and Granny Crystal disappeared without a trace.

"This guy... It's all this time, and he still said such unlucky things. Lin burst into tears.

In just an instant, Son Goku crystal and her mother-in-law returned to the underworld.

"Okay Goku, can you go back by yourself next?" Granny Crystal asked.

"Okay, thank you, Granny Crystal." Son Goku nodded.

Immediately after, the mother-in-law Son Goku waved her hand to warn her, and she fell from the sky and fell into the great hall of King Yama.

"Lord Yama, I want to ask you something." Son Goku said.

"It's Son Goku, you came back so fast." King Yama looked down at Son Goku, "What happened on Earth? Why did so many people die? I'm too busy.

"Something really terrible happened on Earth, maybe all the people on Earth will come here," Son Goku replied.

"What did you say?" King Yama's face changed color.

"Did Gohan come here before these earthlings came here?" Son Goku asked. "He's my son, uh, his full name is Son Gohan."

"Sun... Gohan?" King Yama opened the book of life and death and took a closer look, "No, he hasn't come yet, if it is really your son, I can recognize it at a glance. 99


"He's not dead, is he?" Son Goku breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes." King Yama nodded, and said with some surprise, "Just now a terrible person has come here, he is the king of the devil Dapra, he is very willing to go to hell, but I let him go to heaven ."

"Really? Thank you, Lord Yama, goodbye." Son Goku waved his hand.

Immediately after, Son Goku flew into the sky.

It's great that Gohan is still alive.

Exactly as Videl said.

Just what can't feel Gohan's breath?

How is this going?

Just thinking about it, Son Goku suddenly sensed a strong aura.

This breath...

Isn't this the breath of Gohan?

where is this?

what place is that?

Very strange!

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Son Goku immediately cast Instant Transmission.

Supreme Kai world.

Son Gohan is practicing hard.

Son Gohan swung the sword in his hand faster and faster.

And it's still normal.

"I can't believe that in such a short amount of time... Gohan was able to use the Excalibur well. 99 Supreme Kai was amazed and delighted.

Jabbit was also stunned.

Jabeet clearly knew how heavy that divine sword was!

I didn't expect Gohan to be able to use it in such a short period of time.

"Speaking of which, Lord Supreme Kai... Who is that person named Luo Tian? 93 Jiebeit asked, "After a face-to-face with us, he disappeared. 93

"I don't know...he said he was Angel." Supreme Kai laughed dryly.

"Angel? I've heard... it seems to belong to the messenger of the gods on some planets?" Jabeet guessed.

"It seems so. For example, the Earth has the legend of Angel." Supreme Kai nodded.

"It's just... the messenger of the planet god... how did he come to the Supreme Kai world?" Jabeet had a feeling.

"I don't know about this..." Supreme Kai shook his head, "Actually, it's nothing special... Isn't there an old lady named Crystal Granny on Earth who can also go to the underworld?

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