
Gotenx traveled very fast in the air, increasing his speed to the extreme, and even made several laps in the air.

Suddenly, a golden halo appeared in the sky.

These halos are left over from Gotenx.


Gotens grew complacent.

Because he was too proud, he simply circled the earth several times.


Gotenks fell from the sky, kicking the ground with both feet, leaving a long mark on the ground.

A full 10 minutes have passed.

Bizuji tracked it from a distance and landed next to Gotenx.

"You're so slow, I've circled the globe several times and took a nap. Gotenks looked at him and smiled.

Ete: "..."


Not lighter than a baby's.

"You're flying around, making it difficult for me to find it." Bi stared.

"Humph, do you know how fast I am now?" Gotenks laughed slyly, "And my great strength... There is absolutely no problem. The exam should be here. That's it, I don't have time to play with you here, I'm going to clean up that Majin Buu! 5

And after saying this, Gotenkes rushed into the sky and flew away with the speed of Fang Lufei, where Majin Buu was.

"Hey, wait a minute! You idiot!" Be shouted.

This idiot!

The time for questioning is almost over.

You now go to challenge Majin Buu.

Aren't you going to die?

Piccolo wanted to chase after him, but Jian really couldn't catch up.

Now I can only pray that the goods return safely this time.

"Majin Buu! You wait for me, this time I won't be defeated by you like last time! Goten Lies laughed, 06 "I must beat you to the ground, I will make you regret meeting me .


Gotenkes stopped on a high mountain near Majin Buu.

"Hey, Majin Buu, here I come, get out of here!" Gotenks shouted loudly.


Just after shouting, the two split into two, becoming Son Goten and Trans.

Son Goten and Trans, look at me, I'm going to look at you, eyes wide open.

The next moment, the two hurried away.

Not long after Son Goten and Trance left.

Majin Buu also came from the room, looking around for the person who had just called.

Mr.Satan was behind him.

"Hahaha, you are too suspicious, how could anyone dare to shout in your domain?" Satan laughed dryly.


What you said seems to make sense.

Let's go", let's continue the story. Satan dragged Buu into the house again, picked up the storybook he had just wrapped, and told him the story.

Buu listened with relish.

This story is quite interesting.

"Just like that, when he died, the whole city said with regret after knowing this tragic incident: What a cruel thing we have done..." Satan said, tears falling down Well.

What a tragic story.

"Hahaha, it's fun, it's so interesting." Buu clapped his hands happily.


This bastard.

Does he have no feelings at all?

"Okay, I'm going to kill." Buu said, leaving the room and reaching the ground.

Satan was stunned, and immediately sent each other behind him.

"Are you going with me too?" Buu suggested.


Am I going to kill with you?

Do I still want to be a hero?

I can't go around.

"No, I'll stay and cook for you, waiting for you to eat something delicious. Satan hurriedly said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to cook for me." Buu thought it was fine.

"No problem, just try my craft." Satan said quickly.

"I'm leaving." Majin Buu flew into the sky, waving a warning to Mr.Satan.

Satan watched Majin Buu leave.

Until the Majin Buu hook is far away.

"This nasty bastard, a guy who has an inch, I will not spare you. Satan is shaking with anger.

The next moment, Satan immediately took out a tube of explosives from his bag.

"Hey hey hey, this is a blockbuster bomb, these explosives will definitely blow Majin Buu into pieces!" Satan grinned, "These explosives have the destructive power of blowing up chariots, as long as you press the remote control, the entire world will be destroyed. It will be quiet, and I will save the world.

Satan immediately put the explosives in the toilet.

Wow cack cack!

Majin Buu, the toilet blows up when you go to the toilet.

Prepare to die.

A small town near Majin Buu.

Many people are fleeing the town.

As most people are well aware, Majin Buu seems to be picking some towns for destruction.

If he is single, the chances of being discovered by Majin Buu may be reduced.

On the country road.

An elderly couple is running for their lives with their luggage.

"Wife, hurry up." The old man said, "We have to leave this village quickly and hide in the mountains, or we will be eaten by Majin Buu.

The old lady followed closely behind, already out of breath.


Just then, only a gunshot was heard.

The old lady fell to the ground and died.

"Wife! What's the matter with you? The old man looked at his dead wife in surprise.

in the mountains in the distance.

A young master with a big back was holding a sniper rifle and laughed excitedly.

So much fun.

"Very good, a headshot! 3) Young master is so happy.

"Master, this is not good." The attendants around the young master wiped their sweat.

"You idiot! It doesn't matter. People all over the world are being killed by Majin Buu. Sooner or later, they will die. You should treat them as being killed by Majin Buu." The young master smiled and said, "I have long thought Using living people as targets, now my wish has finally come true.33


"You come and beat that old man." The young master ordered, "This is an order, and you must not disobey.

"Hey? Well..." The entourage had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, the entourage picked up the sniper rifle and aimed it at the old man.


The gun went off.

The old man fell to the ground and died.

"Good job! Interesting, right?" The young master said with a smile.

"Hahaha, yes..." The attendant nodded excitedly.

"Okay, let's go to the town to see, there are still many people for us to choose from." The young master and his entourage immediately got into a flying car.

The two rushed towards the town.

In Majin Buu's arms, Satan is cooking.

At this moment, Satan turned his head and found Majin Buu who was hooked in the sky.

Why is this thing coming so soon?

My meal is not ready yet.

Satan hurriedly got up and greeted Jimen.

"Please forgive me, my meal is not ready yet." Satan hurriedly bowed and saluted.

Majin Buu did not speak.

Satan looked up and found a puppy in Majin Buu's hands.

The puppy appears to be injured.

Majin Buu also looked unhappy.

"This dog...what's going on?" Satan asked.

"It's not afraid of me, it doesn't run away, and it doesn't seem to understand what I'm saying." Buu said with a cold face, "Can you understand what it said?"

"I don't understand it either..." Satan replied, "but it looks like it's leg was injured, so it didn't run away. 11

"Huh?" Buu was stunned, and immediately looked at Xiao Puppy's limbs.

Sure enough, the little guy's front leg was injured.

"Okay, I'll heal you, this time it's time to be afraid. If you're afraid, run away. The healing flames in Buu's hands cover the puppy's body.

Immediately, the puppy's injuries recovered.

The puppy was smart and looked at Majin Buu gratefully.

Satan was also a little surprised.

Does this thing actually heal?

Majin Buu put the puppy down, showing a look of anticipation: "Hurry up and escape, I will kill you with my own hands. 99

It's just that the puppy didn't mean to run away, but rubbed and rubbed his head on Majin Buu's leg.

Majin Buu:

How many meanings?

"What's wrong with this guy?" Buu asked in confusion, "Your injury has been healed, hurry up and escape. 9

"Hahaha, it's because I'm happy and grateful that you saved it!" Satan said quickly, "It likes you very much."

Buu was silent.

Think about it.

Majin Buu ran forward.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The puppy chased after him happily, his tail wagging fast.

Buu slowly stopped.

The puppy fluttered on Buu's lap, barking and wagging its tail faster.

Buu: "..."

"Hey, does it like me? 9 Buu looked up at Satan.

"Yes, it's wagging its tail, which means it likes you very much." Satan nodded.

"Well, like you, you also like me very much." Buu nodded in satisfaction.


"Cough, you are right. Satan hurriedly responded.

"Hey, I'm very happy." Buu felt that he was not so lonely anymore, and immediately took out a piece of chocolate and handed it to the puppy, "Come on, I'll give you a chocolate. 59

"It doesn't eat chocolate, it wants dog food." Satan replied.

"What is that? I don't understand." Buu shook his head.

"Then I'll go buy some dog food and come back." Satan said.

"Go." Buu didn't object.

Satan threw a motorcycle and said to Buu: "Please wait a moment, I will be back soon.

"Okay." Buu nodded.

Satan was ecstatic.

Great, here's my chance.

After driving the motorcycle to a certain distance, Satan slowly stopped the car.

As soon as I press a button on this remote...

Majin Buu, you'll be blown away by me.

Then I will save the world.

Satan danced with excitement, took a telescope and looked in the direction of Majin Buu.

I saw Majin Buu was licking the dog with his tongue.

The puppy saluted back.

Two things that aren't human...happy there...


He's really happy when he smiles...

Don't wait any longer.

The police attacked the puppy.

I'll go buy the dog food first.

Take the puppy away and blow him up.


That's it.….

Satan suddenly felt that he was a little reluctant to blow up Buu just like that.

scare scare!

What was I thinking? This guy is a devil.

I must kill him,

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