GT Angel, Cultivate God of Destruction At The Start

Chapter 159 That world was wiped out

Supreme Kai world.

"Huh? Me in 18 years?" Son Goku pointed to his nose, and looked at the GT Son Goku opposite him without blinking.

"Not bad? GT Son Goku smiled.


Immediately after, GT Son Goku became the fourth Super Saiyan again.

Son Goku: "..."

"What kind of transformation are you...?" Son Goku asked in confusion.

"My name is Super Saiyan 4th..." explained GT Son Goku.

"Super Saiyan Part 4?" Son Goku was stunned, "Is it a more powerful transformation than Super Saiyan Part 3?"

"You're right, that's the truth." GT Son Goku nodded.

"Can you teach me?" Son Goku asked expectantly.

"I came here to find you to teach you and make you stronger," GT Son Goku replied.

"Really? Hahaha, great!" Son Goku was excited.

"However, the fourth Super Saiyan, I'm afraid you're not in the right place to ask...because the conditions required to become the fourth Super Saiyan are more stringent." GT Son Goku scratched his head and said to himself in this era.

"Ah? What should I do then?" Son Goku was a little disappointed.

Supreme Kai:


Old Supreme Kai:

Son Gohan:..."

Several people present were even more surprised than the other.

The fourth of Super Saiyan?

Is this just kidding?

Is there such a transformation?

Is he... really from 18 years later?

"I can teach to become you Super Saiyan God.» GT Son Goku smiled.

"What? Super Saiyan God? You too?" Son Goku's eyes widened.

"Yes, I will." GT Son Goku nodded.

"Great! Can I also become Super Saiyan God?" Anticipation was written on Son Goku's face.

"Of course there is no problem." GT Son Goku replied, "Actually, this is not difficult, as long as you understand the basic skills. The first thing to do is to not think about anything and let your mind empty... This is also very comfortable. The primary stage... well, the most primary stage. 99

"Freedom?" Son Goku was startled, "Do you know Luo Tian?

"So you have already met Lord Luo Tian." GT Son Goku suddenly realized.

"Yeah, who the hell is he?" Son Goku asked.

"He is the greatest god in our world." GT Son Goku smiled.

"The greatest god? He's so powerful, I feel like he's very unusual." Son Goku nodded.

"The greatest god? Is Luo Tian also Supreme Kai?" Supreme Kai couldn't help but interject.

"What? GT Son Goku glanced at Supreme Kai and replied, "Of course not, Lord Luo Tian is a more powerful and greater god than Supreme Kai.

"What? Are you kidding me? Is there a greater god than Supreme Kai?" Supreme Kai's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"Of course, above Supreme Kai is Angel, and in addition to Angel there is Grand Priest, and above Grand Priest is Zeno." GT Son Goku dragged his chin in thought.

Supreme Kai starts to get lost again.

What a mess.

I can't understand anything.

Jabbit was equally stunned.

Never heard of it.


Grand Priest?


The old Supreme Kai trembled slightly.

Immediately afterward, the old Supreme Kai had some weird looking Supreme Kai.

This guy doesn't know about Angel and Grand Priest?

Haven't even heard of Zeno-sama?

How stupid you are.

The old Supreme Kai was a little speechless.

"What the hell is going on? Can you make it more clear?" Supreme Kai asked hastily.

"How do you say it?" GT Son Goku didn't know how to describe it in words, he thought about it, and replied, "Simply put, Angel should be the god in charge of this universe... We Supreme Kai are responsible for creating planets and creating life, The God of Destruction is responsible for destroying...don't worry about him. And the Grand Priest is the master of all gods, and Zeno is even more powerful. With a wave of his hand, the entire universe disappears without a trace. Puff...I see it with my own eyes. See Lord Zeno wave and erase all universes from another world. 9)

"What?" Supreme Kai was stunned again.

Erase a Universe with a wave of your hand?

Just kidding.

Is there such a thing?

"What did you say? Did you see with your own eyes that Lord Zeno wiped out the entire universe?" Old Supreme Kai was startled, and he didn't care about boosting Son Gohan's energy, so he hurried over to ask.

Son Gohan also felt the seriousness of the situation and did not answer.

How come Universe has also been erased?

What does it mean?

"Yeah, that world has been wiped out." GT Son Goku nodded and added, "Uh, Lord Luo Tian proposed to keep the solar system, and in the end only one solar system was left in the whole world, and the others all gone. 99

"What the hell is going on?" Old Supreme Kai paled with fright.

"This matter is a long story... But don't worry, I heard what Mr. Luo Tian said, if this world works well, things like that shouldn't happen. GT Son Goku comforted. one sentence.

Supreme Kai is already freaking out.

Jabeet also looked stunned, and he couldn't figure out what was going on for a long time.

"I didn't come here to say'll understand later. GT Son Goku replied, "I'm here to teach the world me to become stronger! 22

"Although I don't understand it very well, I also want to become stronger!" Son Goku nodded, "Before this, can I challenge you to try.

"Hahaha, of course." GT Son Goku did not object, "You can only become the third Super Saiyan in this period."

"That's right." Son Goku nodded.

"You have to figure it out, the person you are going to challenge is me 18 years later. GT Son Goku smiled.

"Understood! I just want to find out how powerful I will be in 18 years. Son Goku didn't hesitate at all, and his body exploded with extremely powerful energy.


Golden flames spread out around Son Goku.

The endless energy is hooked by the emergence of Son Goku.

When I looked again, I saw Son Goku's long hair fluttering and golden glow blooming all over his body.

The third of Super Saiyan!

After seeing Son Goku's transformation, in addition to GT Son Goku, several people present were also stunned.

This guy... so powerful.

Looking at GT Son Goku again, he just looked at another one's own rhythm performance with such a calm expression.

"Hahaha, seeing this scene reminds me a lot of the past." GT Son Goku sighed.

"I'm going to attack! Me in 18 years." Son Goku was ready to fight immediately.

"Come on! GT Son Goku nodded.


Son Goku's convenience towards the GT Son Goku is where he hooks quickly.

One punch!

Shake the earth!


Looking at the attacking fist, GT Son Goku just stretched out a finger and easily resisted it.

", "What?" Son Goku was startled.

The difference is a bit big.

"Hey hey hey!

Son Goku picked up the pace of his attack, punching and kicking at another era himself.

GT Son Goku blocked all attacks with just one finger.

"Bang! 99

Immediately after, GT Son Goku flicked his finger on another self.

Son Goku flew upside down and fell heavily to the ground.


Son Goku spat out a mouthful of blood, and the golden flames dissipated from his body, returning to normal.

"Hey, are you alright?" GT Son Goku asked with concern, "I'm sorry, I'm a bit heavy.

Supreme Kai was dumbfounded.

Jabbit was stunned.

Son Gohan's eyes widened.

The old Supreme Kai is not surprised.

This is Son Goku 18 years later.

Isn't it easy to hang up Goku in this period?

"It's amazing!" Son Goku exclaimed, "It's exactly what I expected!

"Really?" GT Son Goku grinned.

"I've decided, you teach me! I'm going to become as strong as you!" Son Goku wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said excitedly.

"Hey, wait... with your strength... compared to Majin Buu?" Supreme Kai asked excitedly.

"Majin Buu..." GT Sun Wu (knowing well) was stunned.

"What? Are you already so powerful, are you still not Majin Buu's opponent?" Supreme Kai was dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, what are you talking about? Supreme Kai, you are really joking." GT Son Goku laughed and patted Supreme Kai's back.


Then I saw Supreme Kai fly out like a shooting star.


Supreme Kai plunged headlong into a mountain in the distance.

The mountain collapsed, and the rocks pushed Supreme Kai under his knees.


Supreme Kai spewed blood from his mouth, and his life was dying.

"Oops... I accidentally pushed too hard..." GT Son Goku's face changed color, and he hurriedly said to Jabbit, "Jebet, aren't you good at healing? Hurry up and treat Supreme Kai-sama! On my body No fairy beans!"

Jabbit was still there in a daze.

After all, GT Son Goku's strength has surpassed his cognitive handsomeness.

After hearing GT Son Goku's words, Jabbit's tank suddenly reacted.


Jabbit quickly hooked up to Supreme Kai's side, and treated Supreme Kai through Healing.

Supreme Kai's life was saved with this can.

"Supreme Kai, I'm really sorry for just sewing, I really didn't mean it, don't blame me." GT Son Goku said apologetically,

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