It was not until the next day that Chen Bo felt better.

He could get up and move around, but his brain was still a little groggy, and he felt that he could fall asleep as soon as he lay down.

But he knew that he could not wait any longer.

Move, must move.

It must be because of this family that Chen Wei and Gu Yuepeng appeared in the dream to ask for his life.

This home is not clean.

Chen Bo immediately made a decision.

There was not much time left before leaving Qingmao Mountain, so he sold it directly to change it into money, and sold all the things under his father's name that he didn't need.

Chen Bo thought of this and nodded secretly, and did it. After selling it, he went to borrow money!

In this dream, he obtained a Gu material, although it was precious, but it also had a price.

Every dream exploration requires the support of the soul.

He did not have the courage Gu, so he could only rely on self-recovery.

The way to recover is to sleep, rest, and nourish the spirit.

[Can you produce pills for strengthening the soul, refining the soul, and calming the soul? In this case, there is no need for the courage Gu. 】

Chen Bo wanted to rob Fang Yuan's Danghun Mountain. Danghun Mountain was full of courage and insight Gu, but he also knew that he couldn't get it by himself.

He knew how to get Danghun Mountain, but... God's will was hard to defy, and the Shadow Sect was playing chess behind the scenes.

Fang Yuan's growth process was all under the eyes of the venerables.

He couldn't snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

So he could only hope for himself.

Chen Bo moved around and went out to sell his property.

From then on, he was a homeless man, and a man in debt.

But it didn't matter. If the creditor died, he didn't have to pay it back, right?

When Chen Bo was selling his property, he heard a piece of news.

Fang Yuan captured Bai Ningbing, which caused a sensation in the mountain village and even in the Baijia Village.

Chen Bo's pupils shrank and he felt something was wrong.

[Bai Ningbing was actually captured by Fang Yuan, it's impossible! ] Chen Bo couldn't believe it. Even if Bai Ningbing was consumed too much by him, she wouldn't be captured by Fang Yuan.

At most, he couldn't beat Fang Yuan and was chased by Fang Yuan.

It was because Chen Bo guessed this that he went to Fang Yuan's house to get the pillow.

But something unexpected happened. Fang Yuan actually captured Bai Ningbing in one fell swoop.

[This is over. Fang Yuan will definitely take this opportunity to soar to the sky! ]

Fang Yuan did a big thing just as Chen Bo thought.

He packed Bai Ningbing and took her back directly, asking Baijiazhai to redeem her.

He knew that Bai Ningbing was special. If he was killed, her Beiming Ice Soul Body would be immediately triggered, causing Qingmao Mountain to be frozen for thousands of miles.

If he was handed over to the family, the family would probably imprison her, or kill her. If he was killed, Qingmao Mountain would also be frozen...

Moreover, even if Bai Ningbing was killed, the Beiming Ice Soul Body was not triggered, and he would definitely be the one to take the blame!

When the family killed Bai Ningbing, they would use him to take the blame, saying that Fang Yuan captured Bai Ningbing and killed her too hard, causing her to die directly, so as to calm the anger of Baijiazhai.

By doing so, Baijiazhai lost its future, and Guyue clan only lost Fang Yuan, who was of Grade C. It was a huge profit.

What did Fang Yuan get?

All he got was death, and before his death, Guyue Qingshu and others recognized his strength?

Moreover, Fang Yuan had a feeling that it would be good to release Bai Ningbing back to Baijiazhai.

He was also planning to do so.

So he just followed his feeling.

So, he acted quickly, and before he returned to the mountain village, he had already sent the blackmail letter to Baijiazhai.

Fang Yuan stayed outside the family, waiting for people from Baijiazhai to come, and the ransom.

Fang Yuan then sent the information about Bai Ningbing being captured by him back to the family.

He couldn't go there, and he didn't have a Gu worm to deliver the message, so how could he deliver the blackmail letter and information?

It was very simple, just find someone to deliver the letter. It was not difficult to meet people from the two mountain villages on Qingmao Mountain.

It doesn't matter if he can't find her for a while. He has a signal Gu on him. This Gu is a one-turn consumption Gu. Once used, it will fly up into the sky and explode directly, attracting people around.

The purpose of informing the Gu Yue clan is to let them support him and use their tiger skin to prevent the Bai Family Village from forcing him to eat him.

And it also means to urge the other party to make a decision. Bai Family Village must be anxious when they see the Gu Yue clan coming. What if Bai Ningbing is snatched back by the Gu Yue clan?

The process of their negotiation with Fang Yuan will be accelerated, and the efficiency of the negotiation will be greatly improved.

Compared with negotiating with the Gu Yue clan, Bai Family Village is definitely more willing to negotiate with Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan asked Bai Family Village for ransom in his personal name, not in the name of Gu Yue Mountain Village.

Bai Ningbing is the target of the Gu Yue clan's secret assassination. If the family knows about it, they will definitely mobilize troops.

Sure enough, when the top leaders of Guyue heard the news, they were shocked and immediately took action to let Fang Yuan hand over Bai Ningbing to the family for handling. They initially decided to give Fang Yuan the title of hero and a reward of 1,000 Yuan stones.

However, when they arrived, they saw Fang Yuan confronting the people of Baijiazhai.

Baijiazhai must redeem Bai Ningbing, but when they learned that Fang Yuan did not return to the family, they thought of forcing Fang Yuan to return her by force.

Fang Yuan used Bai Ningbing as a threat and directly strangled her neck. Baijiazhai did not dare to take action for a while.

Bai Ningbing has been in a coma and seriously injured. He has ice skin, does not lose much blood, and has strong vitality. He will not die in this situation.

Baijiazhai could not use force, so they brought up the three villages' alliance and asked Fang Yuan to release her on the grounds that they should not attack each other.

Several third-rank elders came to Baijiazhai, aggressively trying to bully the weak.

Fang Yuan laughed and ignored the threat. He pointed out the truth that Bai Ningbing had attacked the ally in private. Baijiazhai was speechless for a moment.

Seeing that the high-level people of Guyue clan also came, they were far away.

If the Guyue clan came and took Bai Ningbing back, their Baijiazhai would lose their future.

Fang Yuan took this opportunity to say that if you don’t make a decision quickly, my clan members are here, I can’t make the decision. Bai Ningbing, don’t even think about redeeming her.

Make a decision quickly, I’m very sincere.

So Baijiazhai gritted his teeth and decided to fight quickly. He put five third-rank Gu worms, ten second-rank Gu worms, 200,000 yuan stones and a large amount of Gu worm ingredients into the storage Gu worms, handed them to Fang Yuan, and asked the other party to return the hostages.

Fang Yuan became rich in an instant and was very satisfied. However, for Baijiazhai, it was a huge profit to exchange Bai Ningbing for such a small amount of money. If it was not Fang Yuan who redeemed her, but Gu Yue clan, the ransom would probably be doubled.

Fang Yuan laughed and quickly retreated.

Then he threw Bai Ningbing forward.

Baijiazhai immediately went to catch Bai Ningbing.

Gu Yue clan leaders happened to arrive at this moment and questioned Fang Yuan why he made such a big decision privately.

Everyone in Baijiazhai ran away like flying, fearing that Gu Yue clan would tear their faces and come to force them to stay.

Gu Yue clan could only watch the other party flee, unwilling to snatch people for this reason, so as not to directly lead to a war between the two sides.

Don't forget, there is also a Xiongjiazhai on Qingmao Mountain.

Fang Yuan had already put away the Yuanshi and Gu worms, put them into the empty cavity, and that was it.

He was not panicked in the face of many clan elders, he had a countermeasure.

One word - drag!

Four words - empty talk!

If he does not give up some benefits, of course these elders will take the opportunity to sanction him.

Fang Yuan let a big man go.

For the Gu Yue clan, Bai Ningbing is the next generation of Baijiazhai clan leader, and this move is tantamount to letting a tiger go back to the mountain.

But they also know that if they catch him back, Baijiazhai will come to ask for him, and in the end, they still have to release him, but Baijiazhai will definitely bleed a lot.

Baijiazhai probably also knows that if it falls into the hands of the Gu Yue clan's high-level officials, it will be a big loss, and Bai Ningbing will not be redeemed, so they can only grit their teeth and make a quick change.

Fang Yuan does not want to give up the benefits, nor does he want to be sanctioned.

He has a countermeasure, and has spread the matter to the whole family through others.

For a while, he became the shining star of the Gu Yue clan, and everyone praised him for being awesome, a second-level captive and a third-level captive.

Many Gu Masters who had been persecuted by Bai Ningbing had a completely different view of Fang Yuan. They all praised him for his good work. Bai Ningbing had done many evil things, and it was the case that evil would be punished. Fang Yuan was a hero.

Fang Yuan didn't need the family to give him the title of hero. He just promoted it.

Fang Yuan was eloquent and said that he would definitely share the harvest with the elders, but now he needed some time to sort out the path he wanted to take. Later, he would hand over the unwanted Gu worms and some Yuanshi.

After the elders got the promise, they naturally didn't push so hard and took Fang Yuan back to the village.

When Fang Yuan was brought back to the village by the family leaders, everyone cheered for his return and lined the streets to welcome him.

In this case, people's hearts had already belonged to Fang Yuan, and the family leaders could only praise Fang Yuan for his outstanding contribution to the three-family alliance and the elimination of termites.

Gu Yuebo could only come forward and praise Fang Yuan for cleaning up the pests for the Three Alliances, which was worthy of praise. Fang Yuan was rewarded with 500 Yuan stones.

He claimed that Bai Ningbing had openly violated the covenant and attacked the ally.

Fang Yuan then taught Bai Ningbing a lesson, stood up for everyone, and cleaned up the rat shit for the Three Alliances, which was a heroic act.

The family leaders would definitely not let Fang Yuan off, and they had to force him to hand over his interests.

However, the wolf tide was also serious, which prevented them from squeezing Fang Yuan. They had to settle the score later, hoping that Fang Yuan would sort out the poisonous insects he needed as soon as possible so that he could give them the rest.

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