Gu: It’s broken. I’ve become an alchemy furnace.

Chapter 52 Gu Yue Fang Yuan attends the meeting?

How Fang Yuan captured Bai Ningbing was talked about by everyone.

When the family leaders asked, Fang Yuan told them the truth. The other party had a fight with Chen Bo and his true essence was greatly depleted.

Chen Bo was defeated, and he ran into him. He knew that he had attacked his allies, so he decided to teach him a lesson...

The family leaders didn't believe him. Bai Ningbing was so easy to capture?

Fang Yuan must have something fishy, ​​but there was nothing he could do. Fang Yuan pushed all the doubts on the caravan. Anyway, the caravan would not come to Qingmao Mountain this year. How could such a big wolf tide come?

Fang Yuan did not violate the family rules, so how could he be punished?

Moreover, he helped Chen Bo and the elders of the Guyue clan.

He was the hot topic among everyone at the moment.

The wolf tide was getting worse and worse. The family was distracted by most of its energy. It was impossible to punish Fang Yuan at this time. It could only record the matter and wait for the reckoning later.

Chen Bo frowned secretly when he heard this. He didn't want to let Fang Yuan get away with it.

Fang Yuan made a lot of money by doing this.

It seemed that he had done a lot of work for him.

It was a familiar scene...

Ever since he found out that Fang Yuan was secretly following him, he felt that Fang Yuan was not easy to mess with.

Although Fang Yuan had the Hidden Scale Gu, he had Danfeng Eyes.

When he first came here, his thoughts were really naive and a little... inexplicable.

A demon like Fang Yuan had no bottom line in doing things. He could only talk to the other party for the sake of profit. If you are not sure, it is best not to get close to him or provoke him.

But Chen Bo went to provoke him and helped him.

Chen Bo sighed secretly, forget it, so be it, stay away from this Fang Yuan in the future.

This time, Fang Yuan got a big bargain.

[Is it God's will? ] Chen Bo suddenly had this suspicion.

God's will can hardly affect me, a demon from outside the sky, but it can affect Bai Ningbing.

Moreover, in this way, Gu Yue Qingshu did not die.

Originally, he would have died in the battle with Bai Ningbing.

[No, I am so weak, God's will is not infiltrated into my thoughts. ]

Chen Bo thought of many things in an instant.

This spring, Bai Ningbing was sent back home early.

Fang Yuan had many things he needed in advance.

The treasure of Hua Jiu Xingzhe that he was attacking at the moment was almost exhausted. It was estimated that with these 200,000 Yuanshi, he would be able to refine the Tianyuan Baolian as soon as he saw it.

Summer is coming, and the wolf tide has no trend of getting smaller.

The caravan was unable to enter Qingmao Mountain because of the wolf tide.

More and more people realized that the scale of this wolf tide was unprecedented.

Qingmao Mountain was filled with iron-smelling blood.

The battle became more and more intense, and more and more sacrifices were made.

The matter of Fang Yuan capturing Bai Ningbing was soon overshadowed by the wolf tide.

Everyone was caught in the fierce wolf tide, and it became increasingly difficult to go out. The mountain village would summon Gu masters for defense from time to time.

The third-level elders were also sent out to strangle the wolves.

The living space of humans was gradually compressed.

The settlement of the Gu Yue clan gradually shrank, and the surrounding villages had been destroyed by the wolf tide.

In the hot air, two giant banners fluttered in the wind, making a rustling sound.

On one side was the battle merit list, and Fang Yuan's name was ranked in the top ten.

There was no Chen Bo's name. The elders did not participate in the ranking of the battle merit list. As elders, they basically contributed for free.

However, it did not prevent Chen Bo from coming to watch the battle merit list, because this place was under his jurisdiction.

"Fang Yuan has not handed over the vitality grass yet." Chen Bo heard the discussion of others in his ears.

He turned his head and saw a decree requiring the surrender of the vitality grass in the hands of the Gu Master in order to better provide treatment for the injured Gu Masters in the family.

Chen Bo did not have the vitality leaf in his hand, but Fang Yuan had it.

This move was exactly what Gu Yue Yao Ji did against Fang Yuan.

Purely using public power for personal gain. After the war, this vitality leaf will never come back.

Fang Yuan captured Bai Ningbing and gained huge benefits. Although the wolf tide was stressful, some elders still came up with clever ways to snatch the benefits from Fang Yuan, such as Gu Yue Yao Ji's move.

The clan leader naturally acquiesced, and even wanted to get a piece of the pie, but as the clan leader, he couldn't do that.

The 200,000 yuan stone that Fang Yuan extorted, five third-level Gu worms, and ten second-level Gu worms, for the fourth-level clan leader, it was not a small amount.

Although Fang Yuan promised that he would hand over part of the benefits, there has been no movement so far.

Fang Yuan used the reason that the wolf tide was too serious and he had no time to sort out the Gu worms he needed.

The hero a few days ago, the object of everyone's praise, has become the person to be suppressed today.

[Soon, Fang Yuan will also be promoted to the third level. ] Chen Bo recalled the original text and thought, [The little bear biscuits are coming. ]

By then, Fang Yuan, who has reached the third level, will be able to absorb the resources obtained by capturing Bai Ningbing.

Chen Bo reached the third level a few months ago. Although he has been practicing diligently, it may take another four or five months to reach the middle level of the third level.

After reaching the third level, his cultivation speed has slowed down a bit.

Moreover, there are many things to do, so he has little time to practice.

Generally speaking, it usually takes a year for a Gu Master of Grade A Qualification to reach a small realm during the third level.

[The required true essence for cultivation after the third level has greatly increased. Even if I am a top-level Grade A Qualification at the moment, with the recovery speed of Yan Bing Danqing Body and the assistance of various elixirs, it still takes a lot of time. ]

Chen Bo thought of this and sighed secretly. In the past, he had sneered at the relic Gu.

Now, he was thirsty for the relic Gu. If he had to practice slowly on his own, it would take at least two and a half years to reach the fourth level.

From the fourth level to the fifth level, the time would at least double.

To reach the peak of the fifth level, it would take at least more than ten years.

After so much time, Fang Yuan would have become an immortal long ago.

The gap between him and him was too big.

And although he knew the information about ascending to immortality, practice and theory were two different things. He would not dare to try to ascend to immortality in a short period of time.

Unless... he used the Pillow Pill to enter Fang Yuan's dream and happened to experience his process of ascending to immortality.

With experience, he would be sure.

Chen Bo's Yan Bing Dan Qingti ascended to immortality, and the disaster must be very strong, which required strong combat power to counter.

And the balance of the three qi was the biggest difficulty.

[But the output of the Pillow Pill was only one pill a month. After so long, I only dared to enter my own dream to explore and look for dream Gu materials. ]

[Moreover, after absorbing the Dream Dao Gu material, no useful pills have been condensed so far...]

[Should I expose my qualifications to Gu Yuebo?]

Chen Bo thought of this and sighed secretly.

"Huh?" Chen Bo received news from the family's top leaders, [Another urgent meeting of the family elders?]

[The wolf tide is getting worse and worse, and the number of meetings held by the family is getting more and more frequent.]

[Hehe, it's really like the previous life. When there is something, there will be a meeting. They are all long speeches, but in fact, there is nothing useful.]

[If there is time for that meeting, it is better to organize the family elders to go out once, so that it will be the most practical to solve the wolf tide.]

Despite complaining, Chen Bo still went to the family meeting hall.

As soon as he entered the door, most of the family elders had already arrived.

The clan leader had not arrived yet.

Chen Bo found his seat and sat down, greeted the family elders on both sides, and talked with a smile.

On the surface, they were polite, but they cursed behind their backs. This is the world of adults.

After a while, all the elders arrived. The atmosphere seemed harmonious. Everyone was talking about the wolf tide, but there was no tense or serious atmosphere.

Although the wolf tide was big and the pressure was great, these elders were not worried about their lives and seemed calm.

And the surging wolf tide also brought them rich resources.

The clan leader came in from outside at this moment, his face solemn.

Behind him, there was a person following.

Everyone looked past the clan leader Gu Yuebo and looked at the young Gu Master behind him.

"Gu Yue Fang Yuan?"

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