Gu: It’s broken. I’ve become an alchemy furnace.

Chapter 8 The good-for-nothing who likes to make poison (1/2)

Seeing the three Yuanshi in the other party's hand, Fang Yuan only took one, "I said, you only need to hand over one Yuanshi, and you can leave."

Hearing this, the student who handed over the Yuanshi obediently was delighted and stood up to run away.

Fang Yuan grabbed him.

"Uh, you said you only need one Yuanshi, Fang Yuan."

Fang Yuan looked at him coldly, "Do you think I have to bend down and collect Yuanshi one by one?"

"Oh, I'll help you, I'll help you." The student was not stupid, he understood Fang Yuan's meaning, and he was miserable and became Fang Yuan's temporary lackey.

"Chen Bo, I didn't expect you to be so timid, so do you want to give it a try, or just hand over the Yuanshi directly?" Fang Yuan looked at Chen Bo who was still standing.

Chen Bo was the only boy standing in the field at this moment. Behind him, there were some girls, each of them huddled like a frightened bird, expecting Chen Bo to help.

In the eyes of these girls, Chen Bo was their only support now.

In an instant, they only felt that Chen Bo was tall and majestic, a hero.

Some secretly despised Chen Bo for being timid and surviving to the end.

"Chen Bo, please defeat Fang Yuan."

"Chen Bo, please."

"Chen Bo, it's up to you."

Chen Bo has always upheld the idea of ​​protecting everyone, so he survived to the end with a group of girls.

The group of girls did not say that he was timid, but only complained silently in their hearts. On the surface, they encouraged Chen Bo and put him on a high pedestal.

Chen Bo looked back at them, but did not reply, nor did he look at them more, and did not want to take the opportunity to show off.

[I don't like this kind of thing, too young and too young, no feeling, I like young women! ]

[Haha, I don't have the ability to be a hero and save the beauty! ]

"Humph, how can you know if you don't try!" Chen Bo said to Fang Yuan, and then rushed towards Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan did not move, waiting for Chen Bo to make the first move.

Only by fighting with Fang Yuan can you understand your own shortcomings. If you don't even have the courage to fight with Fang Yuan, how can you talk about venturing into the Gu world.

Fang Yuan at this stage is the least fatal, and it is the best time to fight with him.

Chen Bo avoided the vital part of his neck very well, and was not knocked unconscious by Fang Yuan's knife.

But Fang Yuan just changed his move, the knife became a claw, grabbed his shoulder blade, grabbed it hard, and pressed down, Chen Bo felt pain, his whole body was weak, and he fell down.

"Ah, it hurts, Fang Yuan, you... are so powerful!" Chen Bo said with difficulty.

After a move, he also knelt.

"I thought you had learned something after watching for a long time." Fang Yuan laughed.

[After experiencing the setbacks of the Enlightenment Ceremony, Chen Bo is much more mature than others. ]

[He can't even resist one of my moves, it seems that he is not acting, probably no problem, but I still have to keep an eye on this person. ]

Fang Yuan evaluated in his heart.

If Chen Bo knew what Fang Yuan was thinking, he would definitely regret coming to the academy and exposing himself. He would even slap himself in the face. What a sin you have committed. You actually want to invest in Fang Yuan and be his protector. Are you crazy?

But Chen Bo didn't know. He was still in the feeling of an outsider when he first came here, and he didn't feel Fang Yuan's cruelty.

In other words, he was still a little naive. He thought he was reading a book and didn't think Fang Yuan was dangerous.

How could the Great Love Immortal Venerable be the Refining Heaven Demon Venerable? I, Feng Tianyu, am the first to support my Immortal Venerable.

Fang Yuan no longer cared about Chen Bo and stood at the gate of the academy, waiting for his lackeys to plunder Yuanshi for him.

Not long after, Fang Yuan left with more than fifty Yuanshi and was satisfied.

Chen Bo was not unconscious, but his shoulders were weak. He was lifted up by the guards who came out of the academy to clean up the situation. After being treated, he left first.

Others may need to wait for a while, both physically and mentally.

So many people were easily dealt with by Fang Yuan in a few seconds. They found it hard to accept it for a while, and they were hit hard.

Especially Fang Zheng, the confidence he had accumulated not long ago was instantly wiped out.

"What should I do with two Yuan stones?" Chen Bo was thinking about how to use these two Yuan stones. As for saving them, that's not necessary. Just use them when necessary.

But it's completely unnecessary to use them for cultivation. Huiyuan Pills are enough and more than enough.

"Take some to buy moon orchid petals to feed the moonlight Gu, and the rest..." Chen Bo sighed: "A jar of green bamboo wine costs two Yuan stones, I can't afford it."

He wanted to buy a jar of green bamboo wine to see if he could make a pill with the same effect as the wine worm after absorbing it.

Wine worm: purify the true essence, absorb the primary true essence, transform the middle true essence, and so on. The high level can also be purified to the peak, and the peak can no longer be purified.

In this way, the true essence is upgraded to a higher level, which is not only durable, but also helps cultivation.

In the original text, Fang Yuan was the first to break through the first-turn intermediate stage because the wineworm gave him a lot of help.

Chen Bo has the Yuanhui Pill, which can make his practice much faster. Overall, it is faster than Mo Bei, who has the second-class qualification.

If he adds another wineworm, it can be said that it is no problem to surpass Fang Zheng directly, and the practice speed can even be faster than the Ten Absolute Body.

It is easy to get the reputation of being the first to become the first-turn intermediate stage.

But at present, he does not have enough Yuanshi, and he does not even have the opportunity to try.

"How about asking Chen Wei for a piece?" Chen Bo thought: "No matter how hard it is, I can't make myself suffer. Let's do it."

When I got home, it was sunset.

I fed the Moonlight Gu first, and after practicing for a while, Chen Wei came back.

The lower the rotation of the Gu worm, the shorter the feeding interval. Moonlight Gu needs to be fed every two or three days.

The higher the rotation of the Gu worm, the longer the feeding interval. The fifth rotation Gu only needs to be fed once every six months or a year.

"Dad, you're back."

Gu Yue Chen Wei nodded: "Well, son, how are the lessons in the school? What have you learned?"

Chen Bo knew that it was inappropriate to ask for Yuanshi as soon as he arrived, so he had a conversation with him.

Finally, the real purpose was revealed. He sat down on the bamboo stool and sighed to himself: "Alas, I originally received three Yuanshi today, but Fang Yuan snatched one away. That's one Yuanshi."

"Ah, there is such a thing?" Chen Wei was shocked when he heard it, "Fang Yuan actually dared to do this in the school. Is there no one to care? Do you want me to take you to him tomorrow to get it back?"

Hearing his words, Chen Bo knew that Chen Wei had not reacted and his thoughts had not risen to the level of Gu Yue Master.

Fang Yuan's robbery and extortion were completely within the tolerance of the Gu Yue clan. It would be inappropriate for you, an adult, to step in.

"No, Dad, other people were also robbed, and their elders didn't step in. You'd better not go, unless other families have gone, then you can go."

After being reminded like this, Chen Wei realized that Master Gu Yue didn't care about everything that happened in the academy, and he had his considerations. It would be inappropriate for him to rush over and ask for an explanation, unless other elders had gone.

"My child was robbed of a Yuan Stone, Dad." Chen Bo brought the topic back to the Yuan Stone.

Chen Wei laughed, "It's okay, it's okay. Dad will give you two pieces. It's not easy for Dad to trouble Fang Yuan right now, otherwise it would be bullying."

"You can only get back at it yourself. You must practice hard and practice hard. Fang Yuan is a C-level talent. How are you worse than him?"

"Don't embarrass your father!"

Chen Wei can already imagine that he will be asked by the team members about his son being blackmailed by his classmates for Yuanshi when he goes on a mission tomorrow.

He will definitely be laughed at.

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[What's wrong? ] Chen Bo pouted, [It's much worse. You don't know anything. You are not even as old as me! ]

Chen Wei is now only half the age of Chen Bo in his previous life.

After practicing hard for most of the night and taking a nap, Chen Bo went to buy a jar of green bamboo wine the next morning before class time.

How to use green bamboo wine to make elixirs, his Yan Bing Danqing body has already given the answer.

Drink it.

Isn't it that the human body relies on the body to eat things to make elixirs?

That's why the esophagus is involved.

Of course, the effect of taking elixirs on oneself also involves the esophagus.

From this point of view, if Chen Bo wants to make elixirs related to the earth path in the future, he may have to eat earth...

This is nothing, who hasn't eaten "earth" when they were young.

If you just want to make elixirs with similar effects to the dog shit transporting insects, you have to eat shit, right?

Chen Bo drank the whole jar of green bamboo wine on the spot.

Fortunately, most of it was used to make elixirs, and only a little was digested by himself, so he was not very drunk, his eyes were still clear, and his mind was still clear.

"The objective is really a huge amount!" The waiter saw this scene and praised it.

As soon as the door opened early in the morning, someone came and drank a jar of green bamboo wine.

This is green bamboo wine, a specialty wine of Gu Yue Village in Qingmao Mountain.

What a ruthless person.

After drinking the wine, Chen Bo immediately realized: [No, I still need other Gu materials. Just absorbing green bamboo wine is not enough to refine the wine worm pill. ]

What is missing?

The Gu recipe of the wine worm can give the answer.

But the problem is that Chen Bo does not have the Gu recipe of the wine worm.

Even Gu Yue Village does not have it.

[What a sin, I should have thought of it earlier. ] Chen Bo wasted two more Yuanshi.

He wasted five before.

But this experiment is necessary, at least he has a clear understanding and determined the direction, refining the pill, that is, refining the remaining Gu recipe.

As long as he follows the guidance of the Gu recipe, he can refine pills with similar effects.

Of course, some pills cannot be refined.

After leaving the restaurant, Chen Bo walked towards the school.

Along the way, he kept thinking:

[I need to refine various kinds of elixirs, so I need various kinds of Gu materials. ]

[I need Yuanshi, but Yuanshi is secondary. I am afraid that someone will pay attention to me. ]

[I need to refine more elixirs, so I need to buy a lot of Gu materials. If there are too many, it will attract attention. ]

What do you buy so many Gu materials for?

Refining Gu?

Have you made it? Show it to me?

Failed? It doesn't matter.

Do you know how to refine Gu? Show it to me?

[To refine elixirs, you have to create an image of someone who likes to refine Gu but has average talent for refining Gu. ]

[I am a quasi-master of refining Taoism. As long as I know the Gu recipe and practice it once or twice, there is a possibility that the low-turn Gu worm will succeed. ]

[But my purpose is to refine elixirs, so my success rate of refining Gu cannot be too high. ]

Three sets of Gu refining materials, successful once, once the Gu worm is sold, it is a sure profit.

If Chen Bo wants to develop healthily, he has to refine Gu worms and sell them to buy Gu materials and continue to refine Gu. The surplus can be used to refine pills, and the failures are losses.

With his realm as a quasi-master of the Dao of Refining, as long as he is familiar with the Gu recipes and Gu refining techniques, the success rate of Gu worms below the third level can be 50%, and he will not lose money.

The difficulty lies in the early stage. He needs his father to support him in making Gu and give him money to buy Gu materials. In addition, in the early stage, the success rate of making Gu should be reduced to 10% or even 50%.

After all, he is a rookie who has just entered Gu cultivation.

Chen Bo has an idea. He will be a useless person who likes to make Gu in the future.

Later, he can show a little bit of his attainments in refining Tao.

After thinking about it, Chen Bo has already walked to the school, stepped in, and started a day of study.

Entering the classroom, Chen Bo immediately said to Master Gu Yue: "Fang Yuan is too hateful. I don't want to be a deskmate with such a person."

Master Gu Yue nodded and allowed Chen Bo to find a seat in the back row.

[Huh, finally not so much pressure. ]

Chen Bo sat next to Fang Yuan before. Even if Fang Yuan was sleeping, he felt very dangerous.

It was like a vicious tiger sleeping next to him.

On the stage, Master Gu Yue began to talk about the method of warming the empty cavity.

Chen Bo then probed into his mind.

He had not felt drunk since he drank the Green Bamboo Wine.

His body had begun to react, and with the beating of his heart, Chen Bo felt that a pill was slowly forming.

He waited until the end of today's class, and on the way home, his heart moved, and two pills condensed.

Wine Pill.

[Hmm...] Chen Bo felt something: [Feeding this pill to the wine worm can greatly extend the feeding time. ]

[It can also be drunk as wine...]

This is the function of the esophagus, feeding the Gu worm becomes efficient and low-cost.

[Oh, it can also be used as Gu material to continue refining pills, or refining Gu. ]

To refine the second-level four-flavor wine worm, four kinds of fine wine and many other Gu materials are needed. One wine pill can be equivalent to one portion of fine wine.

It saves Gu refining materials.

In summary, these two wine pills are of no use to Chen Bo at present.

Giving them to Fang Yuan is useful, which can save the cost of feeding the wine worm.

But Chen Bo obviously did not dare to expose it.

Especially did not dare to let Fang Yuan know.

If Fang Yuan knew about this thing, he would immediately make Chen Bo his target, and search his soul, a big search, and study and dissect Yan Bing's Danqing body.

Chen Bo and Fang Yuan are from the same clan, but Fang Yuan would not have any psychological burden to kill him. Instead, he would feel very lucky. This is the way of Dan!

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