May is the transition between spring and summer.

Qingmao Mountain welcomed a caravan.

The leader was a bronze treasure toad, which was two and a half meters tall, quite large, and had a lot of goods on its back.

This was a Gu worm.

On the bronze treasure toad sat a middle-aged man, who was as steady as a mountain while the bronze treasure toad jumped forward. This man was the leader of the caravan, Jia Fu, who had a fourth-level cultivation.

The chief of Qingmao Mountain, Gu Yuebo, personally led the Gu masters of the tribe to welcome the arrival of the caravan.

After the treasure toad, there was a leather beetle, which was fat and still a Gu worm for pulling goods.

After that, there was a camel chicken, which was an ordinary wild beast that was tamed by Gu worms, not a Gu worm.

After that, there was a mountain spider, which was also a Gu worm, used for movement. In this caravan, it was used to carry goods.

In addition to these, there were many Gu masters accompanying them.

There were also many strong mortals, who were the workers of this caravan.

It is impossible to let Gu Masters do such work as loading and unloading.

Caravans gradually settled in Guyue Mountain Village, and gradually established markets around the village. Some of them were for mortals to buy and sell goods, or to exchange goods.

Some were only for Gu Masters to enter.

An endless stream of people poured into the market, which was a rare trade market in this world.

This world is cruel in the wild.

The mountains in the southern border are continuous, and the transportation is backward, resulting in underdeveloped trade. The other four regions are similar, and Zhongzhou should be the best.

"Come, come, take a look, selling brute force longhorn beetle Gu, which can increase the strength of a bull."

"Intimate grass, the best intimate grass, one pound and two Yuan stones..."

Chen Bo followed the flow of people and strolled in the market. It has been more than 20 days since the last Moonlight Gu assessment.

In his empty cavity, the light film has gradually transformed into a water film, and he will soon be able to break through the intermediate level. The role of Huiyuan Dan has played a great role in this.

Fang Yuan stopped in front of a gray tent and walked in decisively.

This is a stone-cutting shop, which is filled with a wide variety of stones.

Some Gu worms lack food, and out of their survival instinct, they will fall into a deep sleep. After a period of time, they will not move, and sand and stones will gradually condense on their surface, wrapping them and forming stones.

The Gu Master can get the Gu worm inside by uncutting the stone, and the Gu worm is particularly weak at this moment, so it is particularly easy for the Gu Master to refine it.

Cutting stones is a hobby of many gamblers and Gu Masters.

Chen Bo was not far away, and when he saw this scene, [Fang Yuan is going to steal someone else's opportunity again, and he also wants to blame the existence of the wine worm on the stone cutting. ]

Fang Yuan's wine worm came from the hidden treasure of the Flower Wine Walker on the back mountain of Qingmao Mountain. Fang Yuan could not use it openly, so he thought of covering up the origin of the wine worm by cutting the stone.

[Maybe I can blackmail him and ask him to hand over the Gu recipe for the wine worm? 】

Fang Yuan knew the recipe for the second-turn four-flavor wine worm, so he must have known the recipe for the first-turn wine worm.

It was just that he had limited funds before, and was so poor that he couldn't make it himself, so he could only get it for free from the wine walker.

Fang Yuan is also very poor now, and it is not enough to support him to buy Gu materials to make Gu.

To make Gu, at least prepare ten Gu materials, one-turn Gu worms, each Gu material is about fifty to one hundred Yuan stones, and some Gu materials are expensive and cost more.

The price of a first-turn Gu worm is only two or three hundred, and a rare first-turn Gu worm can be sold for four or five hundred Yuan stones.

It's just that the success rate of ordinary people's Gu refining is low, and they often spend more than they earn. Maybe even if all ten Gu materials are used up, they may not be able to refine a Gu worm.

It's a huge loss.

For Chen Bo, he has the realm of a quasi-master, and the success rate can be greatly improved. He will not lose money when refining Gu worms below the third turn.

After thinking about it, Chen Bo slowly turned around and wandered somewhere else.

He had 20 Yuanshi in his pocket, all of which he had asked his father for, and was going to buy something at the market.

His father had suddenly become enlightened during his sleep at night, and the family wanted to investigate the cause, so he also managed the relationship so that the investigation could be completed earlier and he could enter the school earlier. Therefore, he wasted a lot of Yuanshi, which led to a crazy acceptance of family tasks last month.

Now, the family, which was not rich to begin with, has finally recovered some financial reserves.

Chen Bo was poor, and it was impossible for him to buy Gu worms. He could only buy some Gu materials, but he couldn't buy much Gu materials.

He really wanted to sell the Moonlight Gu and buy a channel Gu worm, but he didn't dare. The Moonlight Gu was the secret of Guyue Village, and he would never let him sell it.

On the road to the channel, he was stuck at the level of money.

The beginning was the most difficult.

[No, I have to strengthen my own strength as soon as possible. There are many wild forests around Qingmao Mountain, and there are many wild beasts, even beast kings, which are all my sources of earning Yuanshi. 】

【Only with Yuanshi can I buy the Gu worms I want, and even hunt them in the wild, and find the Gu materials I need. 】

For quick combat power, the first choice is the blood path, but the blood path is recognized as the magic path, so this is not recommended.

The second is the power path, which has quick results and low costs during the low-level cultivation period.

Chen Bo walked around and didn't buy anything, so he went home.

His father was just about to go out to the market.

"Dad, you're back?"

His father, Chen Wei, went out early and came back late, and just went home to rest.

"Just came back, and was going to buy some things at the market. Come on, I'll take you to broaden your horizons." Chen Wei said.

"Dad, I just came back from the market."

"Oh?" Chen Wei said, "Do you like anything? Didn't I give you twenty Yuanshi?"

"I don't know what to buy," Chen Bo shook his head, "I want to buy some Gu materials to refine Gu!"

"Uh..." Chen Wei laughed, "Son, I've heard you say this more than once or twice. I thought you were just thinking about it, so I ignored you. Since you've been thinking this way for a while, I'll talk to you about it."

After Chen Bo had this idea, he had laid the groundwork and expressed his desire to learn to make Gu more than once.

But his father didn't respond much. Are you kidding? My family is so poor. If you want to make Gu, it's okay if you succeed, but if you fail, you'll lose a lot. Making Gu is a bottomless pit.

Even Chen Wei himself wouldn't make Gu. His attainments in the Dao of Refining were zero. If he went to make Gu, it would be a waste of money.

In the entire Guyue Village, only the clan leader Gu Yuebo, the elders of the Refining Hall, a few third-level elders, and Fang Yuan had the confidence and confidence to make Gu.

Others had to buy them.

"Son, refining a Gu worm is not as simple as it sounds. To refine a Gu, you first need to know the Gu recipe and have Gu materials. You can't just prepare one Gu material. You are a novice, maybe..."

Chen Wei said a lot, aiming to dispel Chen Bo's idea of ​​refining a Gu.

Chen Bo would not give up, "Dad, I want to try."

Seeing his determined eyes, Chen Wei closed his eyes, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and said, "Okay, refining a Gu also depends on luck."

"I will buy you three Gu materials, just three. If you can succeed, it means you have this luck. I will help you continue to refine Gu in the future."

"However, before refining a Gu, you must read the Gu recipe carefully and think about the key steps."

"You have just entered the path of cultivation, and there is still a long way to go..."

Chen Wei said a lot again.

After he finished speaking, Chen Bo said, "Dad, do you have a Gu recipe?"

"Haha, of course I do. For us, the second-level Gu Masters, we can consume family contribution points to learn one or two Gu recipes collected by the family after completing certain tasks."

"Dad, what Gu recipe do you know?"

"Your dad has Gu recipes for two Gu insects, the first-level black pig Gu recipe, and the second-level iron skin Gu recipe."

"Oh, I see. Dad, you have these two Gu insects, so you looked at the Gu recipes of these two Gu insects?" Chen Bo pretended to discover the pattern.

"Yes, but I sold the black pig Gu a long time ago. The black pig Gu is a first-level rare Gu insect. I can't keep it for a long time. The family asked me to sell it to other people, otherwise I can give it to you." Chen Wei smiled.

"Then I will refine the black pig Gu. Maybe I can refine a lot of black pig Gu to make money." Chen Bo smiled.

"Hehe," Chen Wei did not comment.

Young man, you think too much. A Gu cultivator like you who has just started will have to refine Gu for at least 20 to 30 times before he succeeds once.

A portion of black pig Gu material costs a total of 130 Yuanshi, which is higher than the average.

Chen Wei brought Chen Bo and bought three portions. He bargained until his lips were almost drooping, but the price didn't come down much.

All of a sudden, 390 Yuanshi were spent!

It can buy a relatively rare first-level Gu worm.

Chen Wei looked at the three portions of black pig Gu material in his hand, and his heart was bleeding. This was a complete waste. He didn't think Chen Bo could refine it successfully.

[Alas, if I knew other less rare Gu worm recipes, I would definitely save a lot of Yuanshi at this time. ]

He originally planned to buy a Gu worm, but now he didn't have enough money. He spent it all on his son. The remaining Yuanshi can only buy some food for the Gu worm.

[Tomorrow, if my teammates knew that I did this stupid thing, they would laugh to death! 】

Chen Wei sighed inwardly, there was nothing he could do, his son had lost his mother since childhood, as a father, he had to pamper him well.

[When this brat graduates from school, I will be relieved, and then I can have money to marry another wife. 】

Chen Wei thought in his heart.

The father and son returned home, and Chen Wei took out the black pig Gu Gu recipe, "If you leak the Gu Gu recipe to outsiders, I will definitely peel your skin!"

"Especially outsiders!"

"Got it, Dad."

"Don't take the Gu Gu recipe out of this house!" Chen Wei reminded again.

It was not easy for him to memorize the Gu Gu recipe and secretly copied it down when he returned home.

The family's Gu Gu recipe can be shown to you, but it will not be taken out or copied for you. You can only memorize it yourself and secretly copy it when you return home.

If someone asks about it tomorrow, he will say to the outside world that the Gu Gu recipe was dictated to his son, which is within the scope allowed by the family.

If your son is making a Gu, you must let others know. Otherwise, if he succeeds and can't sell it, wouldn't it be a big loss?

"Stinky boy, if outsiders know that your father secretly copied the family Gu recipe, I will be punished according to the clan rules. Do you know the seriousness of this?"

"I know, I know, Dad, I will definitely not show it to outsiders." Chen Bo repeatedly assured, and Chen Wei carefully handed the Gu recipe to Chen Bo.

"Okay, next I will explain it to you, you listen carefully to me how to make it, you must be familiar with it again and again, and then I will allow you to make it!"

Although Chen Wei knew that his son had zero chance of making a black pig Gu, he still tried his best to teach him. He hoped that his son would be lucky and succeed, so that he would not lose money.

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