Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 101 Nico Robin Calls For Debt Collection (Subscribe)

"How come, you are our important navigator.

"Without you, we might not even be able to find the exact direction."

Rozi patted Nami on the shoulder and comforted him.

Seeing Nami's appearance, Rozi also remembered.

Nami in the original book once consulted with his partner Usopp because of his lack of power, and asked him to help make a weather stick.

It is also by relying on this weather rod that she can participate in large and small battles in the subsequent voyages.

At this time, Rozi also began to consider whether he should also help Nami make such a weather stick.

Rozi believes that with Reiju, he should be able to restore the weather.

"Although you say so, both Nami and I want to be more useful." Nuo Qigao walked to Nami's side, "Captain Rozi, aren't you helping Luo and Peibo in their cultivation?

"Look at Four Nine Nami and I also have the potential to practice?"

Hearing Nuo Qigao's words, Luo Mi couldn't help raising her eyebrows: "You also want to practice?"

"It's not impossible."

Thinking of his own personal shopping mall, Rozi thought he had a way to make his companions stronger.

Not to mention, he is now a rich man with 4560 points.

You can buy props to strengthen your companions.

However, Rozi prefers to wait until the fleet reaches level 3 before strengthening his companions.

After all, at that time, the points required to purchase props for strengthening companions would be much reduced.

"By the way, Nami, Nuoqigao, are you interested in becoming a Demon fruit power?"

Thinking that he could obtain the Devil Fruit's authority after killing Devil Fruit, Rozi couldn't help but make a suggestion.

Although this way, less Devil Fruit will be handed over to the country.

But Rozi feels that properly strengthening his partners will also play a positive role in his exploration in this world.

Rozi believes that if Nami and Nuoqigao have two powerful Devil Fruits, it will definitely be much easier for him to fight with Ke Lockedar.

"Devil Fruit?" Nuo Qigao's eyes lit up, "Rozi, are you going to get Devil Fruit for us?"

"Of course!" Rozi extended his thumbs to the two. "I am confident that I can get you devil fruit of excellent quality."

"How about getting two of Logia's Devil Fruits for you two?"

Speaking of this, Romy couldn't help but think of the Thunder Fruit capable user far away on Sky Island.

It's kind of a shame that super-class Devil Fruit fell on a super-class dork.

Rozi felt that he could use this fruit to strengthen his partners.

Maybe with the power of Thunder, Nami and Nuo Qigao can even directly gain the power beyond Peibo.

"Then I can look forward to it first."

Nuo Qigao laughed.

Although he didn't say it, Nuo Qigao actually desires power more than Nami, hoping that he can have enough power to help Rozi.

Rozi nodded, and then continued to eat while chatting with everyone.

【Is Rozi planning to use the Devil Fruit on his companions in the future? In this way, won’t the fruits you get from Chu be reduced? Don’t you people from Chu plan to stop him?

【Hehe, there's nothing to stop this! Brother Qi got the Devil Fruit in the first place, so it's nothing if he leaves a few for his companions to use. Besides, he has brought enough rewards to our Chu State. 】

[That's right! To be honest, although I also hope that Chu State can get more and more Devil Fruits, I also hope that Brother Qi can develop the strength of the team first. If both Nuo Qigao and Nami had Demon fruit power, the previous battle would definitely not have been so hard. 】

The audience in Chu State very much agreed with Rozi's idea, not only them, even the official extremely old man also agreed with Rozi's idea.

In order for Rozi to strengthen his partner without pressure, they even planned to tell Rozi that Chu State supported him when they called Rozi again later.

"Huh... I'm full." Rozi patted his stomach, "Nuo Qigao, your cooking skills are getting better and better."

"It's all taught by you, Mr. Rozi." Nuo Qigao raised the corner of his mouth, "The Chinese food you mentioned is more delicious than any other food I have eaten before, and it is very interesting for me to learn

"Hehe, I don't think it will be long before you can surpass me." Rozi stood up from his seat. "I just ate something, I went out to get some fresh air and digest it by the way.


"Captain Rozi, how about I show you around here." Vivi stood up.

"No need, let's have a good chat between you girls..." Rozi waved his hand, "After fighting with Ke Locke, I feel that I have improved again."

"So I'm going to go out and do some activities."

"baby5, Reiju and Luo are not here, you should stay here with Nami and the others."

Seeing baby5 getting up and wanting to go out with him [Luo Lai patted her on the shoulder.

"But, Rozi, your injury?" The baby hesitated.

"Don't worry, it's not like you don't know Luo's medical skills." Rozi patted his chest, "It's almost healed."

Seeing Rozi say this, and Rozi's face is indeed a lot ruddy now.

So the baby didn't continue to stop Rozi, and watched Rozi leave the room.

Because Rozi helped save Alabasta, both guards and maids in the castle know Romy.

Seeing Rozi walking in the corridor, people saluted Rozi one after another, expressing their gratitude.

After following the guidance of a maid to the empty garden, Rozi is planning to test his strength.

This is, a burst of noise suddenly came from not far away.

Faintly, there was a familiar voice.

Rozi frowned slightly, and immediately rushed over following the sound.

"Nico Robin, why are you here?" Looking at the familiar woman in front of him, Rozi was taken aback.

Then he looked at Bell, the adjutant of the Kingdom Guard who was controlled by Nico Robin's 0.9 fruit ability not far from Nico Robin.

"So, what are you guys doing?"

Seeing Rozi appear, Bell breathed a sigh of relief: "Great, Mr. Rozi, this woman sneaked into the palace secretly and said she was looking for you!"

"Of course I won't let such a dangerous woman approach you, so I plan to arrest her!"

Hearing this, Rozi raised his eyebrows and looked at Nico Robin.

"So, in the middle of the night, what are you looking for me for?"

"Ah, Your Excellency Rozi is really a noble man who forgets things." Nico Robin rested his chin on one hand and looked at Rozi with a smile on his face. "Could it be that you forgot to promise me something?"

"Promise you?" Rozi frowned, and then showed an expression of enlightenment. "Remember, you came here for it."

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