Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning


845 Chapters Ongoing Status


Traveling to the parallel blue star, being selected as the challenger of the Dragon Kingdom by the forbidden area, and entering the forbidden area to explore.

To Rozi's surprise, the space to be explored turned out to be the world of the previous anime One Piece.

Here, as long as you recruit powerful people to join your team and complete the exploration goals, challengers can get rewards.

The stronger the invited partner, the higher the challenger's income.

While other challengers are busy inviting ordinary people, Rozi has already set his sights on the baby5 he met by chance.

Congratulations, Rozi, you have successfully invited the black iron-level partner baby5, and you have received rewards...

What? Has the Dragon Country player invited a black iron level powerhouse?

How is it possible, other countries are only inviting the most ordinary people to join now!

Rozi: We still need doctors and navigators, so we have to act now.



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