Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 7 Don Quixote's Cadres Are Catching Up (For Collection)

"baby5, are you listening to me?"

Rozi looked back at baby5.

"Of course, I have always paid attention to what you said, husband..." baby5 said with a smile on his face.

"Ah, I called out my husband!"

Rozi: "..."

Seeing the self-absorbed appearance of baby5 covering her face, even knowing her character, Rozi couldn't help feeling ashamed.

"Well, get closer first." Rozi beckoned to baby5.

"Yes!" baby5 nodded and leaned directly next to Rozi.

"Well, baby5, although it's a bit wrong for me to say that...huh?!"

Rozi was about to say something when suddenly a shell broke into his Observation Haki perception.

"That is?!"

"baba5, shoot it down."

After hearing the order, baby5 immediately took action, and under the effect of the weapon fruit, his right hand turned into a cannon barrel, pointing at the high-altitude cannonball.

With a bang, the shells in the air were easily shot down by baby5.

[Ah this? ! Baby5's hand turned into a cannon barrel? Is she Demon fruit power? 】

[I now understand why baby5 is a black iron level powerhouse. 】

[Don't sigh, brother Qi and baby5 have been attacked! 】

"Husband, that is Don Quixote's ship, and the one standing at the bow is the cadre Mahabath."

"He is a person with the ability to press tons of fruits. He can freely control his weight, let himself float, and add weight to fall in the air."

Now, baby5's heart is completely on Rozi, and he revealed Mahabas's information to Rozi almost instantly.

Rozi nodded slightly, looking solemnly at the three-masted sailing ship heading here.

In terms of speed, there is absolutely no way for your own raft to be faster than a three-masted sailing ship.

It will be a matter of time before they are caught up.

"Unexpectedly, it was discovered." Rozi frowned, his brain began to run wildly, thinking of a solution.

He knew the man Mahabath.

An ability user who can make his body weight reach hundreds of tons after eating tons of fruit.

He is powerful both in defense and in attack.

It wasn't much in the eyes of the monsters of the New World, but it was enough for Rozi to drink a pot.

'I don't know if my current strength can deal with this guy. ’ Rozi saw that after a shell was fired in front of him, there were no ships that continued to attack.

If baby5 fights Mahabath with all their might, Rozi thinks they might be able to beat Mahabath with the addition of himself.

But if baby5 is allowed to face Mahabasi directly, maybe he will order baby5.

At that time, Rozi didn't have the confidence that baby5 would help him fight well.

Thinking of this, Rozi turned his head and said to baby5:

"Baby5, you and I will go to the deck of that ship first."

"After I yell "action", you immediately go to the bottom of the cabin to destroy the floor in the central area and let the sea water pour in."

"In the meantime, I'm holding on to Mahabath."

"If there are enemies at the bottom of the cabin, don't listen to them, just knock them down."

The baby nodded: "Husband, you are planning to sink their ship. Don't worry, I will finish the job perfectly."

Rozi patted baby5, and at this moment, he could only pray that things would develop in the direction he wanted.

As for firing directly from the raft to attack the opposite ship, Rozi just looked at the forts on the opposite ship and gave up.

If it's because of baby5's attack, ask the opponent to fire directly at you.

Rozi thought he might just have to think about whether swimming could save his life.

‘Fortunately, Mahabas is Demon fruit power. '

'Even if I can't stop him, I should be able to escape. '

[Damn, I'm too nervous, the enemy on the other side is coming. 】

[You must hold on, Brother Qi! 】

[Brother Qi has just been strengthened, so he will be able to stabilize it]


As the Don Quixote ship approached, the Chu audience in the real world became more and more nervous.

But Rozi, the closer the enemy ship got, he calmed down.

When the enemy ships were separated by several meters, Rozi took baby5 and jumped onto the deck.

'18 enemies and no one on the bottom of the boat. '

After landing, Rozi's Observation Haki turns to Ultimate, instantly pinpointing the position of the enemy on board.

"baby5, what do you mean, do you want to defect?"

Mahabath glanced at Rozi and continued, "With this man?"

"Yes, he is my fiancé."

"This time, I will definitely not let you kill my fiancé!"

The baby looked at Mahabas firmly.

"Again, she's such a troublesome woman." Mahabas shook his head, "Sometimes, being too obedient and being used by others makes me feel bad."

"baby5, come here..."

"Action, baby5." Rozi interrupted Mahabas directly.

The body rushed towards Mahabais like a sharp arrow.

Just kidding, how could the enemy order baby5 at this time.

Even if he doesn't know the strength of Mahabas, Rozi can only bite the bullet.

There is no one at the bottom of the cabin, and now that baby5 is there, Rozi doesn't have to worry about someone ordering her.

"Okay, husband!" baby5's hands turned into cannon barrels, knocking down the ordinary soldiers on the deck almost instantly.

Then, taking advantage of the gap created by Rozi, he rushed into the cabin.

Soon, a burst of gunfire sounded inside the cabin.


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