Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 82 Maliciousness That Never Sets

"I believe in Princess Vivi."

Under Vivi's delighted gaze, Rozi answered Smoker's question.

"And, is it true, will you go and see soon enough?"

"If you are willing to act with me, you will naturally be able to see the true face of Ke Locke.

"With you as a Marine to witness, it also saves me the stage of obtaining evidence."

"After all, it is the Seven Warlords of the Sea recognized by your Marine and World government, and you have repeatedly killed him for no reason.

"Maybe we, the bounty hunters, have come to an end."

"Now the whole area of ​​Alabasta is in a state of drought, but the "rainland" where Ke Locke is located is not in a state of drought. Don't you think it's too coincidental?"

Smoker's brow furrowed tightly together.

He had already known about Alabasta's situation through newspapers.

Understand the situation of 29 confusion there.

Although he felt a little strange that someone like Ke Locke would become a hero of the kingdom, he didn't think much about it.

However, after Vivi revealed his plan about Quedar, Smoker suddenly felt that it was not impossible.

Because of his heroic image in Alabasta, Locke Dahl has considerable popularity in that country.

If Alabasta's rebellion continues, and he finally takes the initiative to suppress the rebellion, maybe he can really become the new king of Alabasta.

Just like the Doflamingo of De Reiss Rosa who once suppressed the "tyrannical" king and finally got the throne.

"Rozi, you have to understand that if it's just a guess, the Marine and World government will not send people to help Alabasta."

After thinking for a long time, Smoker said to Rozi and Vivi.

"Don't worry, I didn't expect Marine to send people to suppress Klockedar." Rozi waved his hand, "Even if they send people, it might not be in time.

"As I said just now, I need you to be a witness."

"Klockedar, I'll figure it out myself."

Originally, Vivi was a little disappointed when Smoker said that Marine would not send manpower.

But after hearing Rozi's words, Vivi calmed down.

Yeah, and Captain Rozi and everyone will help me.

Thinking of this, Vivi couldn't help showing a big smile to Rozi.

It's just that as soon as these words came out, Voss on the side felt very uncomfortable.

Rozi is not a Marine, but he is actively helping Vivi solve the kingdom's problems.

On the contrary, on the Marine side, because of the evidence, they can't act at will.

How can Tashigi agree with this, especially the object of the disturbance is the Seven Warlords of the Sea recognized by Marine.

If the cause of Alabasta's chaos is really what Vivi said.

It can be said that Marine is also the culprit that led to the current situation of Alabasta.

"Colonel Smoker, now that we know about this, we can't just sit idly by."

Tashigi said to Smoker.

Smoker took a look at Tashigi: "Of course I won't just sit idly by."

"Alabasta is a member country of the World Government, and the princess of a country should not casually tell such lies."

"Since Rozi needs a witness, Staff Sergeant Tashigi, I will leave this task to you."

"Huh, let me go?!" Tashigi's eyes widened.

"I still have a mission to search for the pirate Ace, so I can't go with this guy." Smoker turned to look at Rozi, "Rozi, I'll lend you Tashigi. But, you have to promise me to keep her safe."

"You can do this."

Rozi glanced at Tashigi, then turned to Smoker and said, "I'm sure I read you right, Smoker."

"Although you look vicious, you are actually a good person.

"Don't worry, since you put Tashigi in my hands, I will take care of Tashigi. You can go about your business with peace of mind."

Smoker waved his hand and jumped back to the warship.

Because Smoker's warship was faster than Rozi's Explorer, it didn't take long for the distance between them and the Explorer to be opened.

"Although you are a temporary crew member, you are still welcome, Tashigi." Rozi smiled at Tashigi, "Anyway, please help me with this matter."

"Don't worry, Captain Rozi, I will never drag you down." Tashigi patted his chest, "By the way, Captain Rozi, I've been wanting to ask since just now that this is the new crew member of the Expedition ?"

As he spoke, Tashigi turned his head to look at the miss Valentine Mikita who was on the side.

"This one." The corners of Rozi's mouth curled up, and then he spoke under Mikita's nervous gaze. "Like you, a temporary crew member here.

"When we get to Alabasta, maybe it's time to say goodbye."

Hearing Rozi's words, Mikita breathed a sigh of relief, and gave Rozi a grateful look.

Although they, 053 from the Bay Locke Work Agency, did not receive a bounty, it was because their previous identities were kept secret and they were not caught by Marine.

Now Rozi has told Smoker, who is Marine, and others about the secrets of Kedal and Barlocke's work agency.

If Rozi reveals Mikita's identity as a member of the Bar Locke Work Club at this time, even if Rozi abides by the agreement and lets her go.

She will also be hunted by Marine.

Fortunately, Rozi did not reveal her identity.

Tashigi nodded and smiled politely at Mita.

Then he went to Vivi and Icarem and continued to ask about Ke Lockedar.

About this sand crocodile, she wanted to know as much detail as possible.

Meanwhile, the real world.

In the office of the leader of the country where the sun never sets.

......Okay, I see, I'll let our challenger do it.

"Don't worry, your country and our country are in an alliance."

"We also don't want to see the state of Chu continue to develop like this."

"Since the challenger from Chu State wants to go to Alabasta to kill Ke Locke Dar."

"Then we'll use Klockedar to kill Rozi!"

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