Guoyun Adventure, Abduct Baby5 At The Beginning

Chapter 842 With Zoan, You Can Also Do Sit-Ups

"Forget it, now if you use the gravity fruit to pull down the meteorite.

"It may be monitored by people from the ubiquitous cp agency."

"Now I plan to hide for a while."

"It would be bad if they found out."

Rozi shook his head, put his arm on Sadi Chan's shoulder casually, and continued:

"Speaking of borrowing Devil Fruit, I do have access to each partner's Devil Fruit calendar.

"Any questions, Sadi chan?"

Hearing this, Sadi Chan couldn't help showing an envious expression.

"I'm just very envious of your strength, Captain Rozi."

"It's fun just to think about being able to use various Devil Fruits.

"Hey, Captain Rozi, do you have any way for me to borrow the power of my friends' Devil Fruit?"

Sadi Chan licked his lips and asked a little excitedly.

During the hours of Impel down work.

Sadi chan has seen a lot of interesting Demon fruit power.

Rozi is now known to be able to cast various Devil Fruit powers.

Naturally, she also wants to experience those interesting Devil Fruits.

If possible, she even wants to take Rozi to Impel down to get those interesting Demon fruit power out.

Of course, she also understands that since Rozi wants to temporarily hide (cjab) himself.

That probably wouldn't be blatantly attacking Impel down.

【Hahaha, sure enough, Brother Qi's strength is envied even by his partners. 】

【Having said that, if every crew member can borrow the power of other people's Devil Fruit, it will be invincible. 】

[When you face different opponents in the future, you can choose the ability that can best target the enemy to face the enemy. 】

【In other words, if Brother Qi's fleet is further upgraded, will there be such an opportunity for the crew of the Explorer to use other people's abilities?】

【You Chu people think too beautifully, how can such ability be realized. 】

【How can it be impossible to achieve? If your challengers from the country of Sakura can’t do it, it doesn’t mean that Rozi from our country can’t do it. 】

[That is, the forbidden space has never said that it will not provide such a capability. 】

[Even if there is no such ability, the dungeon space might provide Brother Qi with the power to allow one partner to eat two Devil Fruits. 】

【That's right! Isn't that fellow Blackbeard able to use the power of two different Devil Fruits? There's no reason why the forbidden space doesn't provide such power. 】

[Tsk tsk, if baby5, Reiju, Yamato, Kuzan, Zephyr, etc., who really want to fight, can use two Devil Fruits, just think about the scene that is enough to explode. 】

With the opening of the topic, the audience in the state of Chu couldn't help fantasizing about Rozi getting the power-up props that allow the partners to awaken the double power of Devil Fruit.

They even started discussing that it would be more appropriate for Rozi's partners to eat another Devil Fruit when they already have one.

If Rozi knew this, he might highly recommend the ability users who have already eaten Paramecia or Logia to eat another Zoan Devil Fruit.

After all, once Zoan's Devil Fruit is awakened, it can provide super defense and vitality to the Host.

Even if it is not as good as the Phantom Beast series, it can still make the ability users do sit-ups.

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